
After being blasted five or six times, Seadra finally lost its combat capability.

“Seadra loses combat capability. Slowpoke won the game.”

“Congratulations, Iwatake and Mumu Liang Ren, two trainers who have advanced to the final selection, please two Take a rest for a while, and the final selection battle will take place 20 minutes later. The winner is Cerulean Gym’s temporary Gym Leader.”

Sakura said full of smiles to the crowd, but looked around. Later, his gaze finally stopped on Liang Ren and the middle-aged robust man on the other side. After all, the next task of helping them take care of Gym would fall on one of them.

“Thank you.”

After leaving the field, the Gym staff immediately came over to help Slowpoke treat the injury, and then gave Little Brat a glass of refreshing spirit soda, of course considerate The staff did not forget to get a straw for Slowpoke.

“By the way, who do you think will have a bigger win in the next two?”

See Liang Ren and Iwatake sitting farther away because they have to take care of Pokémon. A teenager huddled together standing in the sun drying clothes, whispered.

“Need to say? Of course it is Iwatake. I don’t think a Slowpoke can defeat his Gyarados. Have you forgotten the Dragon Rage that Gyarados used?”

The boy flicked his fingers too much to wet his clothes, so the meaning of the words was self-evident.

“It is true that Slowpoke has a powerful Psychic, but its actions are too slow. Didn’t you notice that Slowpoke stayed on that floating board for several games without moving?”


“Of course I saw it. I was just flying a kite by Seadra’s unique ability with a water gun. Slowpoke was beaten and exhausted.”

“Seadra’s water gun did little harm to Slowpoke, but Gyarados’ Everyone has seen Dragon Rage. The slow-moving Slowpoke is a target. It is estimated that Gyarados will be able to give it a second with a single move of Dragon Rage.”

“Iwatake has won!!!” Everyone Said confidently.

While everyone here is ticking Hoothoot discussing which Liang Ren and Iwatake will have a better chance of winning the next match, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke is also thinking about something.

Confusion Ability has all the characteristics of Psychic, attacking, imprisoning, manipulating…, but it is because the ability is too broad, the effectiveness of all aspects is not outstanding.

Like the situation just now, if Slowpoke has a stronger attack Ability, it would be much easier to defeat Seadra.

“When this trial is over, it is time for Slowpoke to learn the new Ability.” Liang Ren secretly made up his mind.

Twenty minutes is not long, it will pass in a while.

As the last two trainers competing for the temporary Gym Leader, Liang Ren and Iwatake are already standing on both sides of the battlefield.

It’s all because of age. Iwatake, a middle-aged robust man, is considered by the trainers on site as a trainer who is very promising to compete for the temporary Gym Leader.

And Liang Ren from the very beginning is the least favored by people, especially after knowing that the Pokémon he uses is a Slowpoke, everyone is more and more disinterested in him.

Then it is such a trainer who is not optimistic, but he really relies on the next Slowpoke to beat the opponent, and then advance to the final round of the trial. Thinking about it, it feels really incredible.

“Please send each Pokémon to play.”

For the last time, the three sisters all came to the field to watch the battle. From the perspective of a beautiful girl’s sensibility, They undoubtedly hoped that the young and handsome Mumu Liang Ren would win, but rationality told them this was impossible. After all, the strength of the Gyarados facing Iwatake was obvious to all.

“Gyarados, come out.”

“Slowpoke, the last battle is over, spare no effort.”

Hear the signal, Liang Ren and Iwatake on the opposite side also released Pokémon.


Gyarados fell into the pool with a loud sound, and the grumpy Pokémon, moved towards Slowpoke on the floating board, let out a deafening sound Roar.


Liang Ren had already thought about tactics before going on the field. As soon as he got out of the baby ball, Slowpoke closed his eyes directly and blocked it with Confusion He cut his ears and effectively reduced the influence of Gyarados’s threatening characteristics on him at the beginning.

“The game begins.” The three sisters on the sidelines issued the start signal in unison.

“Gyarados, Frozen Teeth.”

The tactics were exactly the same as the previous battle with Wartortle. Iwatake took the lead and directed Gyarados to use Frozen Teeth.

Iwatake has a lot of experience in fighting, but this is the last selection competition. I saw the boy with a calm expression on the other side.

Even if he knew that Slowpoke was slow and completely a living target, Iwatake still chose to fight steadily and play the game at his usual rhythm. The professional trainer’s combat qualities were undoubtedly revealed.

“Petrochemical Skills.”

Liang Ren said concisely, Slowpoke who received the instruction stared blankly at Gyarados who was rushing towards it.

Suddenly, Gyarados’ body rushed into a stiff stiff, as if he was locked by chains. It is hard to imagine a Slowpoke using petrification to confine Gyarados.

“ka ka-bang.”

Sure enough, facing an opponent like Gyarados, petrochemical skills are still too reluctant, the imprisonment effect lasted for a few seconds, and the ears were vaguely There was a sound of overwhelmed glass.


Gyarados, who was stiff, broke free from the imprisonment with a crisp bang, raised his head and roared angrily, and then turned to Slowpoke again The floating board rushed over.

Slowpoke is not protected by a tortoise shell like Wartortle. If it is bitten by Gyarados’ frozen teeth, Liang Ren has no doubt that Slowpoke will fall into it even if it is not spiked. Seriously injured.

“Four seconds.” Liang Ren said inwardly.

“Teleport, Yawn.”

Liang Ren didn’t only pay attention to how long the petrochemical function imprisoned Gyarados, seeing Gyarados rushing towards Slowpoke again, Liang Ren finally no longer had any reservations. , Let Slowpoke use the Teleport hole card.

Hearing Liang Ren’s instructions, whether it was the trainers outside the field, the three Cerulean Gym sisters, or the robust man Iwatake on the opposite side, their expressions were also stunned.

Slowpoke is Psychic Type Pokémon, but it will Teleport. The first reaction of everyone is that this is a bit nonsense.

Then the air around Slowpoke swayed and twisted like a water wave. When Gyarados bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl was about to bite it, Slowpoke powder Doduo’s body disappeared directly in place.


Looking at Slowpoke who opened his mouth wide and suddenly appeared on a floating board only two meters away from him, the steady Iwatake also had a speechless feeling.

The reason why Psychic Type Pokémon is so difficult is that in addition to the invisible and strange Psychic attack, Teleport Ability also accounts for a large part of the reason.

Many pure Psychic Type Pokémon may not be able to comprehend Teleport, a Slowpoke can be mastered, is there anything more nonsense than this?

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