
This is the first time Liang Ren has commanded Shellder to fight, and he is still being challenged by a trainer as the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym.

For a Rookie who has been in possession of his initial Pokémon for less than a month, substituting such an identity and being in such a scene, he has a very strange and indescribable feeling in his heart.

“Sure enough, it is the Water Type, so I have it here, come out, Weepinbell.”

Seeing the Pokémon released by Liang Ren, the opposite boy showed a relaxed smile on his face I mean, it seems that this Gym battle is pretty sure.


“The Level is not high, is it to challenge Cerulean Water Type Gym and temporarily conquered?” I checked the opponent’s Weepinbell with the battle bracelet Level, Liang Ren thought to himself.

“The game begins.” Tian Jing, who served as the referee on the sidelines, raised his hand and shouted, announcing the official start of the Gym battle.

“Weepinbell, Razor Leaf.”

“Shellder, dive into the water.”

Weepinbell Level is not high, but it is only relative to Liang Ren For Slowpoke, for Shellders with Level 7 only, it is estimated that only the Weepinbell will be killed in a head-on match. You must know that Grass Type restrains Water Type.

“peng peng…”

Weepinbell, who was on the floating board, showed that Yellow was upside down on the fat and tough leaves on both sides of the body. As the body twisted, shua shua two Dao Ye Zi flew a knife at Shellder.

Shellder reacted very quickly. After receiving Liang Ren’s command, he immediately sank into the pool. Although the Gym Leader must use Pokémon with a single Attribute, each battle even has to release Pokémon first. .

But the Gym battle is not without any advantage to the Gym Leader. Just like the battlefield of the water, it is very beneficial to the Pokémon on Liang Ren’s side.

“Shellder, use ultrasound on Weepinbell in the pool.”

The sharp leaves were cut on the water surface, splashing a large amount of water, but as long as it didn’t hit the Shellder, the opposite No matter how fierce Weepinbell’s offensive is, it’s just a waste of effort.


Liang Ren expression as usual, did not pay attention to the splashing water, after Shellder dived into the pool, Liang Ren did not hesitate for a moment, and the instruction was immediately conveyed to Shellder.

Ultrasonic waves that cannot be heard by human ears are emitted from Shellder’s mouth under the pool.

The attenuation of ultrasonic waves in solids and liquids is much smaller than that of Thunder Wave. The ultrasonic beams, whose energy is easier to concentrate, blast toward the Weepinbell on the floating plate of the pool in a straight line.

“Kou 呔~”

Feikong, Dig, and Dive are regarded as the three big gangsters Ability in the trainer circle.

Seeing Shellder diving into the pool and losing the target, when Weepinbell was not knowing what to do, an invisible ultrasonic beam under the pool hit it directly.

“Shellder, come out of the pool.”

The ultrasonic effect is very powerful. As long as it can hit, it will inevitably cause opponent chaos. As for when the chaos effect will erupt and how long can it last, This mainly depends on how opponent Willpower is.

“Weepinbell, use Poison Powder dust on the venue.”

Seeing Weepinbell’s face suddenly showing feelings, the boy on the opposite side was also frowned. Although I don’t know the level of the opposite Shellder, but Judging from the imposing manner, the strength is obviously not as strong as his Weepinbell.

However, it was only two rounds of the fight. He already felt the difficulty of the temporary Gym Leader on the opposite side. Before Weepinbell was in chaos, the teenager ruthlessly directed Weepinbell to spray poison into the pool.

I have to say that this challenger has some brains. Poison Powder Levitate is on the water. If Shellder comes out of the pool, Poison Powder will inevitably stick to it.

Unfortunately, what opponent can think of, Liang Ren can naturally also think of.

“Shellder, Water Spout boosts, close the shell and rush out.”

The rustling purple Poison Powder dust makes the clear pool water surface stained with a purple halo, look It looks like a dream, but it is actually a poison that makes the body painful.

“oh la la ……”

Shellder is no better than other Pokémon, the hard calcium shell Water Spout is boosted and tightly closed, and the tightly seamed shell armor covers the surface of the pool Poison Powder is as helpless as facing Steel Type Pokémon.

“Good opportunity, Shellder, use Aurora Beam for Weepinbell.”

Weepinbell Willpower not at all Liang Ren imagined it was as strong as Shellder rushed out of the pool and landed on the floating board When it came up, Weepinbell on the opposite side had already shaken his head and fell into chaos.

Without the Attack Order of the trainer, Weepinbell neither attacked Shellder nor attacked himself indiscriminately.

“Weepinbell, use Synthesis.”

Seeing that Liang Ren’s Shellder started Stockpile Aurora Beam, the challenger’s face changed suddenly. He didn’t expect such an ordinary Shellder to master it. Aurora Beam is such a Top Rank Unique Ability.

The Grass Type restrains the Water Type, but the ice attribute restrains the Grass Type. Itagawa did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly issued the Synthesis command to Weepinbell.

“There is no defensive ability, so I want to rely on the recovery of Synthesis to withstand Shellder’s Aurora Beam attack?”

Liang Ren laughed can’t deny this command from the opposite boy. But after falling into chaos, can Weepinbell correctly understand the meaning of his trainer’s instructions?


The powder of gray and green spits up from the inverted trumpet-shaped body of Weepinbell. This is one of the “three powders” of the control field.


The floating board is only that big, and the Weepinbell standing on the floating board is completely Shellder’s living target at this moment. The Aurora Beam completed by Stockpile looks like a piece of The compressed brilliant aurora blasted directly on Weepinbell’s body.

“Mouth~” Weepinbell called out pitifully, and he flew out directly.

The visual effect of Aurora Beam is very good. However, behind its Contest is as cold and ruthless as the polar regions of Norman ice-covered and ten thousand li snow drifting. The Weepinbell that was blown out is directly covered with a Layers of white frost.

“gu lu gu lu…”

“Come back, Weepinbell.”

Seeing Weepinbell, who is stiff and has lost the combat capability, sinks into the pool, opposite The challenger did not wait for the sideline referee to announce the result, and directly took Weepinbell back.

“Weepinbell loses the combat capability, and the Gym trainer wins the first game.”

The referee on the sidelines announced the results of the game arrived slowly, but at this time, neither side was in the mood to pay attention to it. , At first clearly felt that the advantage was great, didn’t expect finally lost.

Is Aurora Beam hurting Weepinbell too much? Weepinbell’s special defense ability is relatively weak, and the Aurora Beam resistance to ice attribute is very low, which is indeed an important reason.

However, in Liang Ren’s opinion, the Shellder of this game is Level 7 only. The reason why it was able to defeat Weepinbell is because of the Ultrasound Ability which only cost Liang Ren 400 yuan.

In the eyes of many trainers, attacking Ability is the most precious, but really high-level trainers know it.

Like Sword Dance, Thunder Wave, Yawn… this kind of auxiliary abilities with no offensive power are the most precious, because they are used well, they can have the ability to change something rotten into something magical.

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