“Shellder, can you still fight?”

The reason why he let Shellder play in the First Stage, instead of sending more powerful Pidgey and Slowpoke, the main thing is to take this opportunity to exercise Shellder.

After all, Shellder is also the Pokémon he has subdued. Shellder with super high ice attribute innate talent, if well trained, battle strength will be very scary. You must know that the ice attribute is not weaker than the electrical department. Fire Element’s attack class Attribute.

“Crack~” Shellder responded to Liang Ren.

Although he does not understand the Viridian Force of Pokémon, he has been subduing Shellder for some time. Through its eyes, expressions and other body movements, it is not difficult to understand what they want to express.

“In this case, let’s continue fighting!”

Seeing that Shellder still wants to continue fighting, Liang Ren gave no reason to refuse. Usually Shellder stays in the baby ball There is a lot of time, but you can still feel what is happening outside in the baby ball.

Every time Liang Ren takes Pidgey and Slowpoke to the Stadium to participate in the competition, the strength of the two pets Shellder is in the eyes, and they are still too weak compared to themselves.

However, I have awakened the Ice Type ability in advance. Shellder, whose innate talent is higher than that of his clan, has its own pride. It does not want to be weaker than Pidgey and Slowpoke all the time. Shellder, who feels the sense of urgency, also wants to catch up with his own efforts. On them.

“In the second game, it is up to you, Magnemite.”

The boy on the other side really came prepared. In the second game, the Pokémon from Attribute restrained Water Type. .

“creak creak ~”

This is a Pokémon similar to a machine. The iron-gray ball has only one eye on its body and a horseshoe with opposite magnetic poles on both sides of the body. Magnet, and the large screws on the head like a hat, also rotate with the Magnet creak creak on both sides of the body.


“Although it is very likely that I temporarily subdued to challenge Cerulean Gym, it seems that I have done a run-in, but I am a careful trainer. “

He calmly checked the Magnemite level opposite, but it was one level higher than Weepinbell in the previous game.

“The game begins.” The referee Tiani from the sidelines issued the game start instruction loudly.

“Magnemite, use Sonic Boom.”

“Shellder, jump into the pool.”

Slowpoke currently has very little Ability, and Liang Ren prepares tricks Repeatedly, but this time he failed to achieve his wish.


Sonic Boom Ability does not hurt much, but it wins because of its extremely fast speed. It is precisely because of this feature that Sonic Boom Ability has another name: Spark.

Shellder will jump into the pool with a shot, but the Magnemite side Sonic Boom hit its shell first.

The extremely small Sonic Boom not at all caused damage to Shellder, but the shock force successfully prevented Shellder from jumping into the pool.

“Magnemite, Thunder Wave.”

With the lessons of the first round competition, the opposite boy looked a lot more serious in the second game. Sonic Boom just interrupted Shellder’s actions. His 2nd order has already been issued.

“Shellder, attack Thunder Wave with a water gun.”

The opposing team’s timing was very good. Shellder was back shocked by Sonic Boom and fell back to the floating board. Magnemite’s Thunder Wave Has been lasing over.

It’s too late to jump into the pool to evade. Liang Ren can only fight with a water gun.

The energy of Thunder Wave will slowly decay after entering the liquid medium. What Liang Ren wants is to use this feature to reduce the energy of Thunder Wave.


The battle has not yet entered a fierce battle, but the trainers on both sides have begun a battle of wits. After Thunder Wave enters the water column, the energy decays a lot, but it is still smooth With this liquid medium, Shellder was paralyzed.

“Shellder, jump into the pool now.”

The attenuated Thunder Wave stimulates the muscles to be much less, and the probability of getting into stiffness and paralysis will be much lower, which is enough Let Shellder jump into the pool and attacked.

Stopping the Unique Ability of the water gun, Shellder shook his body and tried to jump into the pool again.

Knowledge shapes life, science creates the future.

Unexpectedly, Liang Ren had such a deep understanding of the nature of Ability. He would think of using a water gun to weaken Thunder Wave. He saw Shellder jumping into the pool. The boy on the opposite side had no time to stop him.


Suddenly, Shellder flashed a flash of electricity, and he stiffened and fell back to the floating board again.

Obviously, the probability of being paralyzed has been reduced to a minimum by Liang Ren. He didn’t expect his luck.

“Now, Magnemite, use Thunderbolt.”

Brows tightly knit, the gloomy challenger, after seeing the electric Ember sprang from Shellder, his expression suddenly turned worried For joy, a big hand waved an imposing manner and issued an Attack Order to Magnemite like a rainbow.


Different from Weepinbell’s restrictions on the battlefield by water, Magnemite, which can move in the air with the help of magnetic force, is very flexible.

The Magnet screw creak creak on Magnemite who received the trainer’s Attack Order turned, and the golden electric current slammed towards Shellder.


The Shellder, who was stiff and paralyzed, was unable to dodge at all. It was struck by Magnemite’s Thunderbolt. The Shellder, who had already consumed most of his energy in the previous game, was connected. Without a scream, Thunderbolt gave him a second kill.


The shell unconsciously opened and closed, Shellder exhaled a puff of black smoke, and had lost the combat capability.

“Shellder loses the combat capability, and the second challenger wins. Please gym trainer to send a second Pokémon.”

“Come back, Shellder, you have done well “With the baby ball to take Shellder back, Liang Ren comforted.

Shellder does not have much Ability, and his proficiency is still relatively low. If the opponent is an ordinary Wild Pokémon, it’s okay. In the face of a formal Pokémon battle, Shellder really can’t deal with a few rounds.

Being able to fight off a Weepinbell from the opposite challenger, Liang Ren is already very satisfied with it, and the real Gym battle is next.

“Slowpoke, it’s up to you.”

Take out a projectile-sized baby ball from your pocket, press the magnifying switch in the middle. Throw it out in an imposing manner.

When I stayed with Liang Ren in private, this Little Brat was full of vitality and naughty all day long, but as soon as the group came out to fight, Slowpoke began to pretend to be dumb and lazily. Confused opponent.


Looking at Slowpoke, whose eyes were dull and motionless, lying on the floating board, and the young man on the opposite side was frowned, he felt faintly as if he was underestimated.

“The game begins.”

The referee Tiani knows the horror of Liang Ren’s Slowpoke, which is a violent Pokémon that uses Psychic to pick up a Gyarados.

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