“Magnemite, use…”

“Petrochemical work!!”

Liang Ren was concise, and received instructions from Liang Ren. The opposite Magnemite has not acted yet. Slowpoke is a Leer Staring, Magnemite’s body was directly imprisoned in the air stiffly.


No more instructions from Liang Ren, Slowpoke’s thoughts moved, Magnemite, who was imprisoned in the air, was thrown out, there’s no resistance. Knocked out a string of sparks on the wall of the pool.


I was still questioning the strength of Slowpoke at the moment before, the next moment the opponent directly abused his Magnemite with a petrochemical technique.

“Resolve it, use Confusion.” Liang Ren yelled to Slowpoke.


Struggle wore Magnemite, who wanted to float up. Suddenly, she was pulled up by an invisible force and threw away with a bang.

Steel Type Pokémon Physical is very defensive, but the iron lump body is doomed to mental weakness. Magnemite is not Metagross. After being attacked by Confusion, Magnemite, who was thrown on the floor outside the field, was directly lost. combat capability.

“Magnemite loses the combat capability. This game is won by the Gym trainer.” After a few silent counts, the referee also announced the result of the game.

Ding, experience +76

Ding, found the anti-attribute value of +1

ding, found the innate talent value of +1

“Cerulean Gym’s Gym challenge is three-on-three, with a three-game two-win system. You have already lost. Of course, if you are still willing to fight, you can send a third Pokémon.”

See this one Magnemite unexpectedly exploded an innate talent red coin. Liang Ren was secretly delighted, and at the same time, he calmly glanced at the teenager who was taking Magnemite back.

“No need.”

The boy put the baby ball back on the trainer’s belt, replied depressedly, and left with his shoulder bag.

The three Cerulean sisters have the powerful Pokémon left behind by Gym Leader Misty, and it is very difficult to challenge them at ordinary times.

After learning that the three sisters were going out for a week, Cerulean Gym’s temporary Gym Leader was just a 13-year-old Rookie, he happily came over to challenge him early in the morning, and didn’t expect unexpectedly lost.

As for Liang Ren’s proposal for the third game, he refused without even thinking about it. This time the Gym game has already failed the challenge, and the third Pokémon will not be exposed. There will be more challenges next time. Some advantages.

I have to say that he is very sensible, but that’s the way Liang Ren wants to send it out. This time Sakura and the others told him that, as long as they behave in battle Very good, even if the challenger loses, he can still send out Badge depending on the situation, which does not affect his bonus.

After all, the Gym trainer is an examiner, and his obligation is to help the Alliance to select outstanding trainers, not to let the trainers fail to pass, to dampen their confidence and enthusiasm.

Looking at the boy with a shoulder bag who had walked out of Gym’s door, Liang Ren shrugged didn’t say anything.

This young man is not weak. In the previous battle, whether it was asking Weepinbell to spray Poison Powder into the pool, or commanding Magnemite first hand Sonic Boom in the second round and then connecting to Thunder Wave, the opponent performed very well.

If there are no major mistakes in the third game, even if the final defeat is lost, Liang Ren intends to give the opponent a Badge, but the challenger’s idea is somewhat utilitarian, then he can’t help it.

“Mr. Tian Jing, please help to drain the water in the field, and then refill it with clean water.” Liang Ren said to the staff before turning to leave.

Weepinbell sprayed a lot of Poison Powder into the pool during the game, but this needs to be dealt with. After all, the original words of the Sakura Sisters are that of the funds allocated to Gym by the Alliance every year, 13 of them are used to repair the battlefield.

Back to the private area behind, Liang Ren continued to train his Pokémon.

In the previous match between Stadium and Quagsire, Liang Ren and Slowpoke resonated for some unknown reason. After the battle, Slowpoke’s strength greatly increased.

Not only did the Level two consecutive upgrades reach 1Level 8, but the control of Confusion Ability also broke through to the Top Rank, and the Implicit Characteristic regeneration power was directly activated.

Now Slowpoke can be said to be Liang Ren’s number one General, and as his initial Pokémon Pidgey, now Level is only 1 Level 2. In the control of Ability, Peck, Grab, Double Team, Steel Wings , Air Slash, need to strengthen training.

Shellder needs to devote more energy to training, otherwise it will really waste Little Brat’s innate talent.

Learning that the three sisters of Sakura have left, Gym is currently guarded by a novice trainer. In the morning, Liang Ren faced two challengers.

Every time Liang Ren sent a Shellder to fight, and then Pidgey and Slowpoke were the finalists. Liang Ren successfully repelled the challenger in both battles. When he went to the Pokémon Center to help the three pets to recover at noon, Shellder Level has been upgraded from Level 7 to Level 8.

Out of Pokémon Center, Liang Ren went to the beach yesterday afternoon and thanked the mother and daughter who sold snacks and water. Yesterday he accidentally stepped on the sea catfish and was stabbed. The enthusiastic mother and daughter helped him.


As the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym, at first Liang Ren I feel quite excited, but when the freshness passed, his life in the next few days , Slowly became a bit monotonous, and accompany his Pokémon to do training every day, and then accept the challenge of the trainer.

Of course, this kind of life is boring, but Pokémon’s progress is also very big, especially Shellder, Little Brat.

It can be said that I awakened Ice Type ahead of time. With daily conscious intensive training and gym war exercises, Shellder’s control of Aurora Beam in three days has broken through to the intermediate rank, and Level is even more determined by Level 8 has been upgraded to level 10.

“Ivysaur, use Vine Whip.” The girl shouted.

Two Pokémon have already been defeated by each other. Even if they can win the last game, it will not change the fact that they failed to challenge Gym, but she is still unwilling to admit defeat.

“Pidgey, get rid of it, use Air Slash.” Liang Ren shouted at Pidgey.

Looking at the sturdy expression of the girl opposite, Liang Ren nodded secretly. Compared with most male trainers who had come to challenge Gym, he appreciated the tenacious qualities of the girl in front of him.

“Hoothoot ~”

Pidgey, a flexible sideways, easily dodged Ivysaur’s Vine Whip, and at the same time, a clear blue crescent slashed towards Ivysaur.


Ivysaur, who was exhausted by Pidgey, who was so agile and fast, had already bottomed out his physical strength. After taking the Air Slash from the front, he decisively lost combat capability.

Ding, experience +117

Ding, picked up physical Attribute value +2

Ding, picked up special defense Attribute value +1

Ding, I found a special attack innate talent worth +1

“Is there a special attack innate talent red coin? Good luck.” Liang Ren couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

“The three Pokémon challengers lose their combat capability. This Gym challenge is considered a failure.” The referee dutifully announced the result of the game.

“Come back, Ivysaur, you have performed very well.”

“Hey~ I lost.”

Ivysaur will lose the combat capability. After returning to praise, the girl sighed with frustration.

“Slowpoke, Confusion.”

Looking at the girl on the opposite side’s depressed expression, Liang Ren laughed and then released Slowpoke, gave a drop-shaped Badge in his hand to Little Brat and ordered it to .

“This is?”

Looking at the Slowpoke from the Gym Leader opposite, using Confusion to control the Cascade Badge that was sent over and hovering in front of her, the girl froze for a moment and didn’t know the other party. What means.

“Congratulations, you have passed the assessment. Now I officially awarded you the Cascade Badge on behalf of Cerulean Gym.” Liang Ren said.

“But I’m not all three Pokémons. Have you defeated the Gym Leader?”

“Who said that if you pass the assessment, you must defeat the Gym Leader.” Looking at the expression, I was puzzled. Girl, Liang Ren laughed.

“Is that so? Then I got the Cascade Badge.”

The girl reached out and took the Gym Badge. The girl happily compared the word’V’ and took the Badge with her. After he was in the small bag, he walked out of Gym’s door contentedly.

“Mr. Liang Ren, Officer Jenny is looking for you.” As he was about to go back to continue training for Pokémon, a staff member walked up to Liang Ren and said.

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