“Oh, Officer Jenny, where is she now?” Liang Ren frowned asked curiously.

“Officer Jenny is in the back guest room.” The staff answered truthfully.

“Well, then I’m in the past, you guys can help clean up the battlefield.”

Although I don’t know why Jenny is looking for him, Liang Ren puts it here After explaining the matter, he also walked directly to the visitor’s room.

“Yes, Mr. Liang Ren.” Although Liang Ren is only a temporary Gym Leader, everyone still respects him very much.

The visitor room is on the other side of the Gym, and you don’t need to enter from the main gate of the Gym.


Liang Ren pushed the door in, and a woman sitting upright looked at him, with a blue head tied short. Hair, a heroic police uniform.

Although the temperament is slightly different from Jenny of Celadon City, he can’t tell the specifics.

“Officer Jenny, are you looking for me?” Looking at this heroic Jenny, Liang Ren asked him seriously.

“Are you Mr. Liang Ren?”

Before Jenny came here, she knew that the three Cerulean sisters were out on tour, and then she found a temporary Gym Leader to help represent Gym matters, but she didn’t I thought that this temporary Gym Leader turned out to be such a young teenager.

“Yes, I am temporarily replacing Mu Mu Liang Ren as a gym trainer. Is there anything I can do for you?” Liang Ren expression asked Jenny indifferently, looking at each other.

“Liang Ren Gym Leader, the situation is like this. Today, the teacher of Cerulean City Primary Rank Magic Class School organized a spring outing to explore the Cerulean cave. As a result, the ground in the cave collapsed in a large area, which caused the teacher I was trapped in the underground river with the students.

Just now our police station was ready to organize rescue activities after receiving the call for help. I have sent several teams of police officers there, and now I want to invite you together Help with the rescue.”

Although Liang Ren’s age surprised Jenny, since she came this time, she still said her intentions, stood up and gave Liang Ren a salute.

“As a gym trainer, I am naturally obligated. Are we going to set off now?”

Liang Ren agreed without hesitation, trusted and loyal It’s a matter, since he is now the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym, he naturally has to perform the duties of this position, although at first he did not know that these troubles would happen.

“The matter is urgent, we will set off now.”


Since he agreed, Liang Ren did not delay. After complied, he directly Follow Jenny to the outside.

Jenny’s police car was parked at the side entrance of Gym. Things were very critical at this time. As soon as Liang Ren’s seat belt was fastened in the co-pilot, Jenny stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out.

“Hululu…” The police car was speeding all the way, looking at the road ahead, neither of them spoke.

Cerulean City is a city surrounded by mountains and the sea. It is leaning against the stretch of Tsukimi Mountains to the northwest. The famous attraction of Cerulean City: Cerulean Caves, is also a canal located in the northwest of Cerulean City. Passed place.


Jenny drove very fast. In addition to driving on a dedicated lane, the road was not at all occupied and traffic jams occurred. More than ten Minutes later, Jenny’s police car steadily stopped outside the Cerulean cave attraction.

“Report to Sheriff Jenny that the rescue team is on standby.” Jenny had just stopped the police car on this side, and a male police officer on the other side ran over and said in a salute.

“Enter the cave and prepare for rescue.” Jenny gave instructions to the other party in a full voice.


Curiously glanced at the young man who got out of the police car with Jenny. Upon receiving Jenny’s instruction, the officer returned to complied and ran away again.

“Mr. Liang Ren, follow me closely.”

Jenny thought for a while and said to Liang Ren, she was still a little worried about Liang Ren because of her age. When someone came over, she naturally had to let the other party participate in the rescue work.

“Um, good.”

After Liang Ren complied, Slowpoke was also released. With the magic skill of Little Brat Teleport, Liang Ren’s safety can also be maximized protection of.


It is about three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun outside is very hot, and then after Jenny and a group of police officers enter the Cerulean cave, he suddenly feels The chill came.

Cerulean Cave is a karst cave, and the artificially paved path inside is not only crooked but also wet.

The stalactites hanging upside down above the head are arranged in a staggered manner, and water droplets drip down along the stone pillar. At first glance, these stone pillars seem like hanging swords that may fall down at any time. Yes, people involuntarily want to hold their heads dodge.

Ground also has many stalagmites of different shapes, which are very beautiful under the colorful lights in the cave. Liang Ren didn’t know there was such a beautiful spot in Cerulean City, but at the moment he But there is no time to appreciate it carefully.

Following Jenny and a group of police officers to the place where the collapse occurred, the winding trail was suddenly interrupted in front. The nearly ten-meter-long trail all collapsed. I don’t know how dark it is below. deep.

“One group is ready to respond, and the second group will follow me.”

I used a large cave searchlight to illuminate the downwards. The bottom is not deep, only three meters to four. Mi’s appearance, except for the collapsed and falling stones below, everyone not at all found traces of the trapped Teacher and students.


The police officer fixed the rope and Jenny, who wore a miner’s lamp on his head, took the lead to grab the rope and slid down. Jenny, who was already fully working, even Forgot Liang Ren aside.

“Slowpoke, Teleport.”

I took a miner’s lamp from above and held the Slowpoke’s Liang Ren. The air around him twisted like water waves, and then They disappeared directly in place, leaving behind a group of police officers looking at each other in blank dismay.

When the policemen looked again, the teenager holding Slowpoke had appeared behind Jenny below.

“There is a cave under the cave.” Liang Ren used the miner’s lamp in his hand to shine around, muttered in surprise.

“Sergeant Jenny, there are footprints here, but there are a lot of Pokémon footprints.” The police officer quickly searched, and soon found a clue.

“The trapped persons are the teachers and students of the Primary Rank school. The impossible possession of so many Pokémon, obviously these are the footprints of Wild Pokémon, everyone is ready to fight at any time.”

“Mr. Liang Ren, follow me.”

After Jenny turned his head and said to Liang Ren, he courageously followed the direction of the footprints and ran deep into the dark underground karst cave.

Looking at Jenny’s heroic fearless figure, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel very admired.

In the police profession where men are the majority, a female Jenny can stand out from many male police officers and become the benchmark and pronoun of the police in Pokémon world. It is not the family power behind them. His sense of justice, bravery and courage are the most fundamental reason.

“Xiao’an, how is the situation with other students?”

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