“Teacher Sasakawa, most of the classmates are fine, but the three classmates, Taro, Ryuichi, and Shinta, disappeared when they were chased by Dewgong and Walrein.”

One with dark skin, The little girl with two small ponytails on her head said that if Liang Ren was here, she would definitely recognize that this was the kind girl named Xiao An who took him to the hospital that day.


“Teacher, don’t move, your leg was hurt by Walrein’s Ice Ball.”

Seeing the injured Teacher is hearing There were three classmates who were chased by Wild Pokémon just now. After being dispelled by the news, they wanted to stand up. The little girl hurriedly supported each other and said.

“Xiao’an, did the help text message go out?”

Although Sasakawa, whose leg bone was smashed, was in pain and sweating, he looked at the forty around him A student, he still gritted his teeth and didn’t scream. First, he didn’t want to worry the students, and second, he was afraid to alarm the offensive group of Wild Pokémon.

“Teacher, the phone ran out of power at the last moment. I don’t know if it was sent. What should we do now?”

She is just the fourth of Pokémon Primary Rank school. In the face of this situation, even Xiao An, who has been dependent on his mother since childhood and has a strong and independent personality, is full of fear in his heart.


When I heard this little girl, the few cowardly girls who had only been soothed behind them covered their mouths with their hands for fear that they would make a loud noise Wild Pokémon, sniffing and sobbing at the same time, under the urging of fear in his heart, tears flowed out uncontrollably.

“Don’t be afraid, classmates, I feel that the help message has been sent, trust Teacher.” Sasakawa squeezed a smile on his face, confidently facing the students around him comforted.

The sweat on his face was mixed with mud that was accidentally stained, and the face was a little distorted because of the pain, but this smile did not serve the purpose of reassuring everyone.

The mobile phone signal became very weak after entering the Cerulean cave, let alone the cave below the cave. At 9:30 in the morning, the students entered the Cerulean cave. Ground collapsed at around ten o’clock. The students fell into a cavern together.

He was chased by a group of crazy ice attribute Pokémon, and finally found a corner to avoid the chase of the group of Pokémon. After that, he always tried to use his mobile phone to call the Jenny police station for help, and it was three o’clock in the afternoon. too much.

The phone has been forcibly shut down after the battery is exhausted. Is the distress message really sent? Sasakawa knew in his heart that there was no signal in this underground cave, how could it be sent.

The calf bone was broken after being hit by a Walrein Ice Ball. This time I came out with three Pokémons, two of them have lost their combat capability, and the last Kingler was just covering him and the students evacuate Also suffered a lot of injuries when

Now there are three other students who have been dispersed. Can they get out alive this time? As the teacher who led this spring outing, Sasakawa felt more despair and fear than the students.

But it is precisely because he is their teacher, Sasakawa knows that he can’t give up, otherwise his students really have no hope of living.

“Hmm…” Looking at Teacher’s firm eyes, the fear and despair in everyone’s heart faded slightly.

“Teacher, I’m going to get Taro, Ryuichi, and Shinta back.” The dark-skinned little girl stood up, turned and walked out directly.

“Xiao’an, don’t go out, it’s too dangerous outside.” Sasakawa, who was sitting on the ground leaning against the cave wall, said in panic when he saw the little girl walking outside.

Although he also wanted to go out and find the three lost students, when he heard the news just now, he got up with Struggle just to do so, but now he has a leg injury and is completely powerless .

Xiao An is just a little girl. She doesn’t have Pokémon yet. There are so many offensive Wild Pokémon outside. It would be too dangerous for her to go out.

Three students have already separated. In this situation, he can only protect the safety of the group of students around him to the greatest extent so that they can hold on and wait for Jenny’s rescue.

As a famous scenic spot in Cerulean City, there was a large-scale collapse in it. The staff will soon know that he took the students into the Cerulean cave and registered them. Persevere, there must be hope for life.

“This kid, Kingler, you follow to protect her.”

Looking at the little girl who had run out, Sasakawa’s expression changed, without too much hesitation. Only Pokémon let out and shouted.


“Footprints are here, keep up.”

Jenny with a miner’s lamp on his head shouted to the policemen behind him Then, a Growlithe wu wu at his feet sniffed and rushed out with Jenny.

“This is…”

Liang Ren holding Slowpoke couldn’t help but shudder with an air-conditioning, raising the miner’s lamp in his hand and shining all around. The cave landscape outside just now is very similar, but the Decorate without repairs and lighting, dark yellow, milky white…, the mixed color looks a bit messy.

The searchlight miner’s lamp shone forward, Liang Ren was surprised to find that all around the rock wall and the stalactite stone pillar were covered by ice, and the cave turned into an ice cave.

Liang Ren, who followed Jenny charge ahead with Slowpoke in his arms, secretly marveled at the same time and was more cautious. After all, something abnormal must be a monster, and it is very likely that it will be very dangerous behind. You must know that they will be tracked along the way. Many messy footprints of Pokémon were found.

“Step on Step on Step…”

“Turn off the light in your hand, there are a lot of Pokémon blocking the road.”

Jenny who rushed in front got an expression The partner Growlithe’s prompt, while speaking to the policemen behind him, quickly turned off the miner’s lamp on his head.

“The second team owns Pokémon, who has mastered the sleep fan Unique Ability, and it is released immediately.”

Jenny reacted very quickly. It is not the first time she has performed rescue missions. , Knowing that this is not the time when there is a head-on conflict with Wild Pokémon blocking the road. There are many Pokémon blocking the road. They can’t spend time here. The most important thing is to find the trapped people as soon as possible.

“Vileplume, Venomoth, Victreebel, Butterfree… use sleep powder.”

The police, like Bounty Hunter, have the Pokémon battle strength second, and they are more concerned about Pokémon. Feature.

Receiving Jenny’s instructions, a group of police officers quickly turned off the miner’s lamp on their heads, and at the same time released their Pokémon very decisively.

“roar roar…”

In the dark underground caves, Pokémon is more sensitive to light than imagined. Although everyone shuts down quickly, the front is swayed. A crowd of Wild Pokémon suddenly became agitated, and then moved towards Liang Ren and they rushed over.

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