The noisy roar sound is especially permeating in the dark cave. Liang Ren, who participated in this rescue mission for the first time, although the fear in his heart is not too strong, his body reaction is very intense.

The skin all over his body suddenly tightened, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the ends of his hair. Liang Ren, who had erected hair on his arms and had goose bumps, hugged Slowpoke in his arms for a few minutes. He didn’t know if he was afraid, or wanted to protect Slowpoke’s safety.


Different from Liang Ren’s Rookie, Jenny standing in front of him, and the police officers beside him, seemed calmer, command Under Pokémon, the sleeping powder shook off stubbornly, and under the airflow that Butterfree and Venomoth’s wings flapped, he took the sleeping powder and blew it forward.

“roar roar… roar… the mouth…”

The sleeping powder blows over, and the original noisy roar sound becomes smaller and smaller, until finally, apart from breathing, it has There is no other noise.

“Slowpoke, Confusion perception.” Liang Ren, standing behind Jenny, gave instructions to his Slowpoke at the right time.

“Ah Duo——”

Slowpoke’s silly head just looks dull, in fact Little Brat is very smart, Liang Ren commanded it, it suddenly understood, in his eyes With dim-blue fluorescence, Confusion radiated, and the entire scene of darkness shrouded in front suddenly appeared in Little Brat’s mind.

“Ya Duo——” Slowpoke called to Liang Ren after the investigation.

“Officer Jenny, the previous Pokémon was hypnotized.” After hearing Slowpoke’s reply, Liang Ren also relayed the message to Jenny.

“In this case, turn on your headlights and move on. Be careful not to wake these Pokémon.” After giving instructions to the police, Jenny led Growlithe and rushed forward again.


A police officer turned on his headlights, and the scene in front of them suddenly appeared clearly in front of everyone. The ice cave Ground, a large group of Pokémon Fell asleep.

Seel, Cloyster, Dewgong, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein…, all ice attribute Pokémon, this made Liang Ren more and more confused.

These ice attribute Pokémon are not at all the long-term caveman characteristics, and it is obvious that they came into it through underground rivers.

Why is there a collapse of more than ten meters in the front of the stalactite cave Ground? Why is there such an ice cave deep in the underground karst cave? Why is there so much ice living in the sea outside? Attribute Pokémon is here?

Liang Ren who followed Jenny on his way, he felt something unusual.

“wu wu ~”

Growlithe, who opened the road in front, suddenly stopped for some reason, and sniffed the sound of wu wu forward.

“Found it, they are right in front.” There was no warning in Growlithe’s voice. Jenny, who had paid attention to the meaning of Growlithe, said to Liang Ren and the police behind him.


“Sasakawa Teacher, there is light over there, is the one to rescue us here.”

“There is really light. , Teacher Teacher, we are saved.”


Kingler was sent to protect Xiaoan. There were no Pokémon people around him, and he was afraid to shrink into the dark. There was no sound in the corner of the wall.

When everyone saw the light of a flashlight on a side road outside, hope was rekindled in their gloomy eyes, and excitedly said to the Teacher who was behind them, but not at all. Response.

“Teacher……Teacher……, are you okay!!”

The leg bones were smashed and broken. From ten o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon, it has been six hours Even if Willpower’s strong Sasakawa fainted in pain, if I don’t get timely treatment, I’m afraid this leg…

“The trapped student and Teacher are right in front, let’s go quickly.”< /p>

Hearing the voices of a crowd of students, Jenny rushed out with Growlithe.

“Ah, it’s Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny is here to save us, wu wu…”

“Officer Jenny, look at our Teacher.”

< p>“Children, don’t be afraid, I’ll bring someone to rescue you.”

“You get a little bit away, let me take a look at your teacher.”

Headlight Under the irradiation, the Teacher, who was sitting on the ground and tightly guarding his student behind him, his face was a little pale, and his lips became purple because of the cold temperature all around.

“Teacher’s leg was broken by Walrein’s Ice Ball, wu wu…”

“Officer Jenny, Sasakawa Teacher, is he all right~”


The temperature in the ice cave is very low, and the students squeezed in a pile of cold make their teeth knock, but the small faces are full of worries about their Teacher.

Children’s minds are as pure as Pokémon, and they have a keen sense of kindness and sincerity. A Teacher who treats his students sincerely will certainly be respected by his students.

“You Teacher just fainted. Now we will take you out.”

“Come and lift this Teacher. He needs to be treated as soon as possible.” Jenny comforted After a brief meeting with the students, he turned his head and shouted at the police officer behind him.

“Officer Jenny, we have three other classmates separated. Xiao An took the Teacher’s Kingler and went out to find them. You guys go and save them.”

“Don’t worry, I They will be taken out safely, and now you go out with the police Uncles first.” Hearing that there are still missing students, Jenny’s heart just relaxed, suddenly raised it again.


Hearing what these students said, Liang Ren was taken aback, and then his expression was shocked. A few days ago, his foot was stabbed by a sea catfish’s back. It was Xiao An who sent him to the hospital, and Liang Ren was naturally impossible to forget the other party’s name so easily.

He remembers that Xiao An is also a student at Cerulean City Primary Rank Pokémon School. Looking at the size of these children, Xiao An is as old as them. Although it may be the same name, Liang Ren did not dare to take this risk. He has to save the child.

“Please, you must rescue them.”

The students who were hugged by the police officers and rushed out said to Jenny with a worried face.

“Don’t worry, I will bring them out.” Jenny promised everyone again.

“You send the students out first, and Growlithe and I will find the four separated children.” After that, Jenny rushed out again.

“I’ll go too.”

Looking at Jenny who was alone with Growlithe charge ahead, Liang Ren yelled and rushed out with Slowpoke in his arms.

“Katie, search for the smell of those children.”

See Liang Ren who came over. Jenny thought about it but didn’t refuse. The other party was Cerulean Gym’s temporary Gym. Leader, when she went out on patrol recently, she saw many trainers come to challenge Gym, but in the end most of them failed to challenge the expression and came out in frustration, thinking that the opponent’s strength should not be weak.

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