“Well—how can there be light, is it my illusion?”

I don’t know how long I walked, the little girl suddenly saw a light in her eyes.

The light of the flashlight in her hand has dimmed to a faint, but it can still bring her a lot of courage in this dark world.

The body has been weakened to the extreme. When the little girl saw the light at the end of her sight, she thought to herself.

“There is really light.”

She raised her cold and stiff hand and wiped her aching eyes. She realized that she didn’t look at her eyes, but the front There is really light.

Darkness is a very tormenting thing, especially when boundless and endless darkness covers oneself, it brings not only depression and panic, but also a kind of despair.

At this moment, the little girl no longer thinks about how to get out of here, how to find her three lost classmates, she just wants to see the light.

The little girl who has been exhausted has a strong desire in her heart. She wants to rush to the bright light at the end of her sight, but when she steps out, her head is dizzy and she falls directly On the ground.

Tremble Struggle supported the icy rock wall to climb up, little girl step by step walked forward with difficulty, one minute, five minutes, ten minutes…, finally she came to the light Where it came from.

That is a corner of the passage. From the corner, what appeared in front of you was——-

“There is light!!”

Liang Ren was a little surprised Looked towards the white light at the end of the line of sight, is it the light of a flashlight or another exit?

“woof~ ”

Growlithe brought Liang Ren to sniff, turned and barked at him.

“Have you found Xiao An?”

Hearing Growlithe’s Growl, Liang Ren suddenly expressed joy. When he found the three lost children before, Growlithe was also Growl in this tone. .


Liang Ren was about to move on. Suddenly, a treasure ball in his pocket opened automatically and Shellder appeared at Liang Ren’s feet.


Liang Ren hasn’t spoken yet, this Little Brat is crazy, and his body Bounce moves towards the distant light, as if there is something in the light Things attract it the same.

I awakened the Shellder of Ice Type ahead of time. Normally, he has a calmer personality. It is difficult for Liang Ren to imagine what is in front of him that attracts Shellder and makes it so self-control.

“Shellder, calm down.”


Shellder has no feet, and leans on the scallop’s body, Bounce, moving forward, so slow Comparable to Catterpie wriggling.

After Liang Ren made his voice, Slowpoke in his arms made a false grab and used Confusion to bring the Shellder back. Just like when Liang Ren took them out for a stroll, Slowpoke held the Shellder with two fleshy claws.

It’s just that Shellder is not as quiet as usual. The Shellder held by Slowpoke looks very anxious, which makes Liang Ren more curious, but he has not forgotten his business.

It has been nearly seven hours. In this cold ice cave, Xiao An’s body is probably close to collapse. Liang Ren didn’t dare to delay a little bit, and followed Growlithe to the light ahead.

Although it is not clear what is attracting Shellder in the light, but according to Growlithe’s hint, he knows that Xiao Ann is in front.

“Step on…”

“This is—”

The passage turned a corner, and he saw the scene in front of him. Liang Ren couldn’t help but eyes shrank. It is a mega cave stone chamber.

Stone Chamber Ground is like a depression. In the center of the huge cave stone chamber, there is a huge stalactite in the dome, and there is also a huge stalagmite rising from the ground on the depression.

However, it is a bit inappropriate to describe stalactites and stalagmites. Although they look the same as the stalactites outside, they are very clear and transparent, just like normal ice.

But it is not accurate to describe it with ice, because they are as round as stalactites. From the perspective of the stalactites above and the stalagmites facing below, it is completely formed with normal stalactites. The principle is the same, it is formed by slowly accumulating and depositing the lime after dissolving in water.

So clear and transparent, how can there be impurities, but how can they precipitate and accumulate to form a stalactite without impurities? This is somewhat contradictory.

I looked at the stone chamber in amazement, this stone chamber is completely covered by transparent stalactite. Liang Ren suddenly reacted to the light he saw just now. It turned out to be the transparent stalactite. .

“Transparent stalactites that glow?” Liang Ren couldn’t help but wonder.

“I found someone.” But Liang Ren not at all has been immersed in surprise, he knows he is here to do and so on.

Seeing Xiao An who fell into the sink of the stone chamber and passed out into a coma, Liang Ren jumped down without hesitation.

“Fortunately, I just passed out, but my body is so cold, I have to take her out quickly.”

Although the scenery here is very strange, Liang Ren not at all stayed. After letting Slowpoke use Confusion to help reduce some of the weight, Liang Ren picked up Xiao An and planned to leave.


At this moment, the Shellder held by Slowpoke struggle up again violently, as if he wanted to pounce on the stalactite stone pillar in the center of the stone chamber.

“Is this stalactite stone pillar attracting you?” Liang Ren held the girl in his arms tightly, so that he still had Slowpoke’s body temperature to pass on to her.

Seeing Shellder’s unusual reaction, Liang Ren said with some uncertainty.

In his mind, he remembered the question when he entered the ice cave.

Why did the above stalactite cave Ground suddenly collapsed more than ten meters? Why did the ice attribute Pokémon living outside enter here in large numbers, and why is there such an ice labyrinth in the depths of this underground karst cave?

“Is the root of everything because of this stone chamber?” Seeing Shellder expression looking frantically at the transparent luminous stalactite in the middle of the stone chamber, Liang Ren finally calmed down and looked at the stone chamber carefully.

Except for the luminous transparent stalactite, there seems to be nothing special in the entire stone chamber.

“What is this transparent luminous stalactite?” Liang Ren frowned was curious.

“Pidgey, come out.”

Liang Ren, who is holding Slowpoke and Xiao An, couldn’t move his hand, and shouted directly at Pidgey in the baby ball in his pocket. He was in the baby ball You can also feel the movement outside.


After getting out of the baby ball, Pidgey patted wings on Liang Ren’s shoulders, looking at this peculiar with its own light source equally curiously stone chamber.

“Pidgey, knock me down with Steel Wings.” Liang Ren said to Pidgey on his shoulder.



Little Brat moves very swiftly. After flapping the wings and charge ahead, the petite wings are instantly metalized and transformed into Kamisori cut fiercely towards the rock wall.

The quality of this transparent luminous stalactite is not hard, and Pidgey easily cut a large piece off.

“What’s the matter, it will change color.”

In Liang Ren’s surprised gaze, the transparent luminous stalactite cut off by Pidgey with steel wings was blinking. It became turbid and white, and then it became no different from the stalactites outside.

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