
His system backpack has the hidden function of material identification, and the items that are collected reveal their names, such as physical strength Attribute coins, dried barracuda…

However, when Liang Ren put the stone into the system backpack, the name displayed in it turned out to be just the three words’Stalactite’, which made Liang Ren extremely depressed.

The transparent stalactites on the rock wall are still glowing, but the ones that were cut off by Pidgey have become like ordinary stalactites, as if these stones have life, or are part of a huge organism. He died quickly after that. Although this somewhat subverted his values, it seems that only this makes sense.


Suddenly at this moment, the Shellder held by Slowpoke screamed frantically towards the stalactite stone pillar in the center of the stone chamber.

Liang Ren turned his head and saw that the tip of the stalactite above had a swaying drop of water that was about to fall.

“Will it deteriorate like the transparent glowing stalactite just after it drops? Slowpoke, use Confusion to help me catch it.” Liang Ren thought for a while and said to Slowpoke in his arms.


Liang Ren tone barely fell, the stalactite tip in the center of the stone chamber, the drop of water dripped instantly, Slowpoke did not disappoint him, Confusion showed an instant Hold the drop of shining water drop.

Hovering in midair, I floated over and took a closer look. The drop of water was white, and the surface of the drop was still covered with cold mist. The Shellder Struggle held by Slowpoke became stronger and looked at it with extremely longing eyes. With this drop of water.

“Shellder, calm down.” After Liang Ren reminded him, he put the drop of water directly into the system backpack, and then he clicked to check the name of the drop of cold water.

“Cold Marrow”

“Why is there a countdown, does it mean that it will disappear in sixty seconds or that it has deteriorated like a transparent luminous stalactite?”

Liang Ren looked at the panel panel of the backpack, the panel representing the water droplets showed a countdown of 60 seconds, frowned said.

“Shellder, do you want this drop of chill?” Liang Ren asked Shellder after thinking about it.


When he heard Liang Ren’s words, Shellder nodded quickly. I have never seen Little Brat, who has a cold personality, and has been so passionate about anything, except Slowpoke of course.

“Well, are you sure there is no harm?” Liang Ren confirmed it again with some worry, of course he still got Shellder’s affirmative reply.

“In this case, I will give it to you.”

Let Slowpoke use Confusion to hold Levitate in front of Shellder. Under Liang Ren’s attention, Shellder’s tongue Roll, swallow this drop of liquid called cold marrow directly into his stomach.

“ka ka ——”


The Shellder who swallowed this drop of cold marrow just closed the shell, and the temperature in the bright stone chamber was instant After dropping more than ten degrees, the eruption of cold air instantly froze Shellder’s body into an ice lump in the sound of ka ka.

Slowpoke with an extremely long reflection arc. At this moment, a pair of meat claws are like the reaction of ordinary people’s hands when they are electrocuted. They shake violently and directly loosen the frozen Shellder, causing it to fall with a bang. On the ground.

However, even with such a quick reaction, a layer of frost formed on Slowpoke’s fleshy claws, which gave Liang Ren a deeper understanding of the power of the drop of water. Picking it up by hand, he guessed it was frozen into powder.

“It’s not attractive to other Attribute Pokémon, but it has a fatal Captivate to ice attribute Pokémon. Those ice attribute Pokémon I encountered before are probably attracted by this drop of chill. Inside, tusk—Shellder has a great opportunity this time!!!”

Looking at the frozen Shellder, Liang Ren couldn’t help but click one’s tongue in wonder, Shellder I awakened Ice Type in advance. It is estimated that this heavenly materials earthly treasures called the cold marrow can make Shellder’s ice attribute ability stronger.

Liang Ren cautiously took the Shellder back into the ice lump and took back the baby ball, then looked around the peculiar stone chamber, and then left with Xiao An and a group of Pokémon.

“Growlithe, show me the way.”

Liang Ren didn’t know what this skinny little girl had experienced before he came, but he knew he had to take her out as soon as possible to let She went to the hospital for treatment.

“Sergeant Jenny, shall we send someone down to meet Liang Ren Gym Leader?”

The police officers who have rescued the injured Teacher and students are standing on the cave ‘S exit stared anxiously at the dark underground cave below.

“The first team sent the students and the teacher to the hospital. The second team stayed here to meet. I will take Arcanine down.” After Jenny gave instructions, he took the nylon lifeline fixed on one side of the rock and prepared to go Jump down.

Suddenly at this moment–

In the dark cave below “woof~”, there was a Growlithe bark.

“It is Liang Ren Gym Leader, he found the student, and they came out safely.”

While waiting outside anxiously, all the police officers also knew The identity of Liang Ren turned out to be the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym, although his age is a bit weird.

“Growlithe, thanks for your hard work, come back first.”

“woof~” takes Growlithe back into the baby ball, looks up at the top of the collapsed mouth, and looks serious at this moment. Also cast him a smile like spring flowers and warm sun.

“Slowpoke, Teleport.”

“Ya Duo——”

The air around the body was distorted, as if a space-time Tunnel Normal was about to open, Liang Ren slightly Close your eyes to reduce the discomfort caused by the spinning around the world.

When I opened my eyes again, Liang Ren, who was holding Xiaoan and Slowpoke, appeared beside Jenny above.

“She has been fainted from the cold, let’s take her to the hospital soon.”

“Okay” took the baby ball that Liang Ren handed back, and Jenny returned complied.

Although Teacher and the students have been rescued, they have not been out of danger. They waited fearfully for more than seven hours in the dark ice cave, even if they are strong adults, they can’t stand it. even more how is a group of children.

After coming out of the Cerulean cave, it was dark outside. Liang Ren and Jenny and a group of police officers drove the injured Teacher and a group of students to the hospital quickly, waiting for most of them in the outer corridor After an hour, the students and teachers were finally out of danger.

This rescue is the end of Perfection.

“Don’t worry, Xiao An is fine.”

After contacting the school and the parents of the students, a group of police officers left, and of course Liang Ren stayed in the hospital. Help watching.

“Thank you, Mr. Liang Ren, if Xiaoan really misses something this time, I won’t be able to live anymore, wu wu…”

He was caught on the beach that day. The catfish stabbed the sole of his foot. After checking the foot, the woman ably greeted him and sent him to the hospital.

Although she is just an ordinary woman, she has forged an extraordinary tenacious will under the Laser Focus of her life. However, such a capable woman is sitting on the hospital promenade beside him, shrinking at the moment. Crying on his chair.

Women are weak in nature, but mothers are strong. In fact, the role of mother can not only make a woman stronger, but also make them more vulnerable.

Power and weakness are two very contradictory things. Sometimes there is really no clear boundary between the two.

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