“Wow, Liang Ren, you already have three Pokémons!!” The teenager behind Liang Ren saw Piddey and Slowpoke, his expressions were indescribable admiration and envy.

“haha, don’t be envious, you will have your own Pokémon soon.”

Go ahead with two Pokémons, Slowpoke in Liang Ren’s arms uses Confusion The leaves of the reeds that are easily brushed on the face are pushed aside, allowing the two to pass smoothly.

“By the way, Dawn, since you graduated in the same class as me, how come to accept the initial Pokémon now? It stands to reason that you should come out to accept the first Pokémon 2nd day after the graduation ceremony.”< /p>

The two came to the lake through the weedy, knee-high road. The weather is good today, but the lake is not at all fishing people. Maybe they are squatting in a corner just not seen by him.

“According to the date of birth on my ID card, I am only 13 years old today.” The thin boy’s answer made Liang Ren who walked in front of him silent.

Alliance stipulates that citizens are only allowed to hold their own Pokémon when they reach the age of 13. However, it is customary and default that children will have their own Pokémon after graduating from Pokémon Primary Rank school.

After all, children enter school at the age of seven. Even if they have not officially reached the age of 13 when they graduate, it will be within a few months.

Pay off the initial Pokémon tax. After the child graduates from the initial Pokémon school, he can receive the initial Pokémon smoothly when he takes his ID card to the Pokémon Center, even if it is only a few months before he officially reaches 13 years old. Bian will not say to investigate violations.

However, as soon as he heard the words of the young man behind him, Liang Ren, who was a little silent, didn’t know whether he should say that the other party’s thinking was pedantic, or he was too flexible.

“Sometimes what the Alliance law does not protect is often those civilians who obediently and honestly abide by the Alliance law.” Liang Ren felt a little bit in his heart, “It’s good to be honest or flexible. It’s fine if you feel comfortable in your heart.”

Liang Ren didn’t admonish anything, and he didn’t intend to change the other person’s concept. He just gave himself a reason for peace of mind. Although he knew how to work, he didn’t break the law.

“We have a lot of Water Type Pokémon in Kanto, and many inhabit freshwater rivers and lakes. However, only Poliwag can evolve twice like Squirtle, one of the three imperial families.”< /p>

“Suo Suo…”

The reed blade above the head was pushed aside, and the two of them walked along the edge of the lake. Pidgey, who was squatting on Liang Ren’s shoulders, watched alertly All around, Pidgey with Keen Eye features is very suitable for this kind of reconnaissance mission.

“However, most Water Type Pokémon live in Underwater. Poliwag is amphibious. We will look for it along the bay. If not, we will use Fishing Rod to fish.”

Liang Ren bent over and walked through the reeds, looking at the water with wide-eyed eyes, and said to the young man behind him.

Because he wants to subdue Water Type Pokémon, he just rented an ordinary Fishing Rod on the shared shelf in the Pokémon Center.

“Okay.” The boy had no objection, and followed Liang Ren closely.

In the mudflat next to knee-length grass, the screaming sound of Wild Pokémon’s sway made the young man very scared. I don’t know if there are a few Rattatas inside, or one with deadly fangs. Bo snake or Arbo monster.

This sense of unknown in the wild environment makes people feel frightened and thrilling, but the hidden danger behind this stimulus is hard to ignore.

“oh la la ……”

On the surface of the lake gurgling like a mirror, a Magikarp broke the water and jumped up, and then oh la la fell into the lake again .

This season is when Magikarp is producing seeds. For Magikarp, which is full of bones, it is not at all to nourish fat. However, after a winter recuperation, Magikarps have indeed become full of vitality.

After searching along the bay of the lake, he not at all found a playful Water Type Pokémon by the water. It seemed that he had to fish with a fishing rod.

“Let’s go over there Reed to squat and fish.” Liang Ren said.

“Okay.” The boy agreed.

When they searched just now, they found a lot of Rattata, Catterpie, and Oddish among the grass on the other side.

Dawn, who is eager to own the first Pokémon as soon as possible, really wants Liang Ren to help him conquer it, but he still endures his love for Water Type Pokémon.


Reed squatted here and was stepped on by many wild fishing hobbyists. Liang Ren took out the fishing rod that was shrunk into the length of chopsticks from his pocket.

Extend the fishing rod, flick the rod, and the sweet bait at the end of the line crosses a parabola in the air and then drops into the lake with a thud, leaving only a rainbow buoy floating on the water.


Fishing Water Type Pokémon is a test of patience. Liang Ren, who has a relatively stable temperament, naturally has no problem, but the thin boy on the side scratches his head and sits. An uneasy appearance.

“It’s coming—”

He looked at the buoy on the lake with a calm expression. After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, the buoy finally moved, watching the buoy lightly float up and down , Liang Ren patiently waited for the best time to raise the pole.

“xiu ~”

Seeing that the floating range of the buoy becomes more and more intense, Liang Ren holding a fishing rod suddenly mentions it.

“I’m on the bait–”

This Water Type Pokémon is very powerful. It is swimming with the Struggle of the fishing line. The fishing line crosses the lake and makes a wu wu sound.

Liang Ren is not in a hurry. As a veteran fisherman, he knows that he must not be hard at this time. The Water Type Pokémon is relatively strong in the water, and it is easy for Pokémon to break free from the bait.

“wu wu ……”

The tight fishing line made ripples on the lake surface. Liang Ren moved very skillfully and took the line up and put it up. The whole process was deadlocked for two minutes Later, Liang Ren jerked the fishing rod in his hand.

“oh la la”

A Water Type Pokémon in the form of a fish was pulled out of the water. This is a body mostly white with some halos scattered on the back Pokémon of orange.

Sexy pink lips, peak-little horns, and veil-like tails, the splashes brought out by breaking the lake, reflecting brilliant colors in the sun.


“Goldeen?” Liang Ren laughed, raising his hand and measuring the level of this Goldeen with the battle bracelet, “Level 10, this level For Rookie, it is a bit taller.”

Liang Ren gave a knowing Slowpoke wave and used Confusion to take out the bait from Goldeen’s mouth.

Seeing that Liang Ren didn’t plan to fight with it, Goldeen, with a droopy eyelid and a world-weary face, rolled the eyes towards Liang Ren, oh la la went into the lake again.

“Let’s change a place.”

When we first competed with Goldeen, it was estimated that the Water Type Pokémon in this area had already been shocked. Liang Ren took the fishing rod again. Changed a place.


After washing the goldeen’s saliva on the fake bait, Liang Ren threw the hook bait into the lake.

“There is again—” This time the Water Type Pokémon took the bait faster than he thought. He thought he would have to wait for more than a long time.

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