Just throwing the sweet fake bait into the lake, a Water Type Pokémon was immediately hooked.

It was still a few minutes of entanglement, Liang Ren suddenly lifted the fishing rod, a big orange yellow crab was pulled out of the water, two big tongs arrogantly waved towards Liang Ren’s side.


“Level 6, this Level is quite suitable.” Liang Ren thought to himself, “Look at Dawn, do you like this Krabby? “

“I like it, as long as it is Water Type Pokémon I like it.” Seeing Liang Ren’s question here, the boy nodded and answered.

When Liang Ren caught Goldeen just now, he wanted Liang Ren to help him conquer it, but because the level was too high to suit his novice, Liang Ren finally chose to release it.

Since the Krabby Level in front of him was suitable, he naturally didn’t want to let it go. After learning that he would have his own Pokémon today, he was excited all night last night.

“Since you like it, then it’s up to you.” Krabby, who had just fallen into the lake, was dragged by Liang Ren and directly raised the shallows on the shore.

“Dawn, although I can help you subdue it, I am afraid that it will take a long time for you to let Krabby recognize you as a trainer.”

“So I suggest You personally subdue it through battle, and I can ask Pidgey to help you. You only need to give it instructions to attack and dodge. What do you think.” Liang Ren suggested.

Since he has accepted this task, Liang Ren will also make an all-out effort to complete it, and think about it as best as possible.

“Thank you Liang Ren, class leader, I want to fight Krabby myself.” As a graduate of the top class of Celadon City Primary Rank school, Dawn naturally understands that Liang Ren is for his good, so without the slightest hesitation Agreed.

“Pidgey, please.”

“Hoothoot ~” got a signal from Liang Ren, Pidgey did not resist, Hoothoot called to the thin boy, as if saying : I shot, don’t worry.


Krabby, who saw the young man about to fight it, landed on the shoal and waved two pliers, showing a powerful fighting intent.

“gu lu lu ——” Krabby launched the attack first, one after another bubble, like a shotgun, moved towards Pidgey in the air and shot it.

There is no need for the thin boy to give instructions. The smart Pidgey shuttles between one after another bubble, without being hit by any bubble.

“Pidgey, attack.” The young expression excitedly shouted instructions to Pidgey.

He has to fight with Krabby for dozens of rounds, relying on the knowledge he has learned over the years, making Krabby convinced to be his Pokémon.


Pidgey pulled a little away when he heard the lean boy’s offensive command, bowed and waved his wings, a huge moon arc wind blade, Moved towards Krabby straight.



The bubble that Krabby played just now did not cause any obstacle to Air Slash, just touch it When it arrived, it ruptured and turned into water droplets and splashed away.

Zhanqing’s moon arc wind blade slashed on Krabby’s body. The skinny boy wanted to give instructions, but when he fixed his eyes, the Krabby on the shallows had lost the combat capability.

“Uh-” Thousands of words, after Pidgey killed Krabby with a single move, they all got stuck in the boy’s mouth and couldn’t speak.

“Ticket…” Krabby spit out a sticky white Bubble and passed out.

“This Krabby has very good physical development. The reason why he was defeated so easily is because Pidgey is too strong. You must know that Pidgey is my first partner.”

Seeing that the young man stood still and did not speak, Liang Ren also hurriedly explained to him, “Dawn, if you want to subdue this Krabby, you can lose the ball now.”

“Oh oh… good.” When Liang Ren reminded him, the boy came back to his senses, “Go, Pokémon ball.”

The baby ball naturally doesn’t need Liang Ren to play it. I took out my pocket and threw a red and white classic baby ball straight to Krabby on the mudflat, who had lost the combat capability.


As a young man who aspires to become a trainer, losing the ball is an Ability he has practiced since he was a child. The baby ball hits Krabby to transform this Pokémon Make a red light and collect it into the baby ball.


Probably the young man personally directed Pidgey to complete the subjugation battle. The whole process went smoothly. Krabby instinctively in the baby ball After a few struggle strokes, the baby ball uttered a clear cry, and then stopped shaking.

“Ahhh ~, I have subdued Krabby.”

Quickly walked over and picked up the baby ball on the mudflat, the thin boy excitedly shouted with a victory V sign .

“Congratulations, Dawn, you finally have your own Pokémon. You must treat it well in the future.”

Looking at the thin boy with excitement, Liang Ren There was also a smile on his face. When he accepted Pidgey, he was not calmer than the other party.

“Thank you Liang Ren, squad leader!!” The boy solemnly bowed to Liang Ren and thanked him.

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do.” Liang Ren lifted the boy up and said, “Let’s go back to the Pokémon center now. Krabby’s injury is a bit serious. The Pokémon who was conquered for the first time also needs Do a full-body health check.”


Liang Ren called a beep ride on his mobile phone and returned to the outer highway from the lake bay. Did not wait two minutes, the car called arrived.

The two rushed to the Pokémon Center first to restore Krabby. Pidgey was his initial Pokémon, but Liang Ren put a lot of energy into it.

Pidgey’s starting point is not high. Compared with Slowpoke and Shellder’s extraordinary natural talents, Pidgey is much mediocre, but with the efforts of one person, one pet, his strength is still rapidly enhanced.

The red coins to enhance the innate talent are rare. The time when I was chased by the Spearow group before, brought trouble to others and reaped the profit. That time I picked up more than ten innate talent red coins at once. After doing good luck tasks, you can also explode innate talent red coins.

But compared to the enchanting Shellder and Slowpoke, Pidgey is still very ordinary, but even so, walking step by step, Pidgey’s true battle strength is still very strong.

Air Slash is a skill Pidgey often uses. Although the proficiency displayed on the Attribute panel has stayed in the intermediate rank for a long time, he can still clearly feel Pidgey’s progress every time he uses Air Slash. .

A Level 6 Krabby was killed by Pidgey with an Air Slash. Liang Ren was not surprised. Pokémon of other trainers might not be able to do it at Pidgey, but his Pidgey could.

“Next, I will rely on you, Dawn! Come on.”

Accompany the thin boy to the Pokémon Center, and after Krabby’s recovery and a general physical examination, he This time the mission is complete.

“Yes.” At the entrance of the Pokémon Center, the teenager solemnly replied to Liang Ren, “Thank you Liang Ren, monitor.”


< p>———Two days later, the city library———

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