“Shellder, you first do target training for water gun, Icicle Spear, and Ice Shard. Pidegeotto and Slowpoke, you two will do pursuit training first. This time Pidegeotto is not allowed to use any Ability. Slowpoke can use Teleport and water gun. “

Liang Ren, who got up early, has taken his three pets to go out. After a night of rest, Pidegeotto has regained his energy.

Last night’s rain washed the mountains and forests fresher, every leaf in Morning Sun was green and shiny, and the moss on the stumps and rock walls also bloomed in the air saturated with water. White flowers the size of rice grains.

In the col where Liang Ren used to train for Pokémon, the sound of peng peng has already sounded.

Shellder does target training with water guns, Icicle Spear and Ice Shard on the rock wall.

It was originally a Shellder of pure Water Type. Because of the early awakening of Ice Type’s power and the use of cold marrow, it has now become the main attribute of ice, and the water type is the secondary attribute. .

So far, the Water Type attack that Shellder has learned is the water gun, so Liang Ren is not ready to give up. He also added the water gun Ability to Shellder’s daily target training missions.

Fighting, fire, Rock, and steel can restrain ice attributes, and Water Type Ability can effectively deal with fire and Rock Type Pokémon.

Of course, Shellder’s secondary Attribute Water Type is also suppressed by the electrical system and Grass Type, but the main Attribute ice attribute can resist Grass Type.

In general, only the opponents of Fighting, Steel, and Electrical are the only ones that can really suppress Shellder on Attribute.


Unlike Slowpoke with the assistance of Psychic, the water gun of Shellder Spit Up is more conventional, not at all, it seems very solid or has a spiral force force.

But with a little training, it is still very practical in combat.


“Pidegeotto, pay attention to dodge.” Liang Ren, who was guarding Pidegeotto and Slowpoke training here, saw Pidegeotto accidentally being used by Slowpoke with a water gun During the attack, he not at all blamed, but just reminded him aloud.


Pidegeotto Grudge tilted his head all over and saw Slowpoke hidden beneath the trunk. This stupid but black-faced guy has already been in a sneak attack. It has been many times.



I turned my head and haven’t seen Slowpoke yet, a water gun has already shot from another direction. Pidegeotto’s gaze was sharp, and he twisted and dodged Slowpoke’s attack dangerously.


At this time, Pidegeotto has no energy to stare at Slowpoke. Slowpoke with Teleport ability appears and disappears unpredictably launching an attack in the forest with shelter. You can’t guard against it, Pidegeotto can only respond with twelve points of spirit at this moment.


Looking at Pidegeotto and Slowpoke who are chasing me in the woods, Liang Ren nodded secretly. After evolving into Pidegeotto, whether it is carrying capacity or continuous flying ability , Speed… have been greatly improved.

Big size brings a series of benefits, but to a certain extent it also sacrifices a lot of flexibility.

When the strength is not strong enough, nature gives the small Pokémon flexible evasion ability, so as to ensure that they can survive in nature’s law of survival of the fittest.

But when Pokémon evolves to a higher stage, it has a stronger strength, and its flexible dodge ability is taken back by nature, or it is instinctively abandoned by Pokémon.

Strong body, even Tackle, Peck, grasping this kind of Basic Abilities, Pidegeotto can also exert amazing power.

even more how Pidegeotto now still masters: Steel Wings, Air Slash, Wing Slash, Scythe, Scythe, Dragon Claw and so many attack methods, it seems that there is no need to dodge in the battle.

This conclusion is right or wrong. It depends on the training direction of the trainer.

Speed ​​is the core of Pidegeotto’s strength, and dodge is also a very important part of the speed ability. In a regular Pokémon event, there are few doubles matches and group battles are even more niche.

This requires each Pokémon to have a unique ability. It is not advisable to use joint defense and rely on companions to cover to create attack output opportunities. Individual combat is the mainstream.

“Pidegeotto, although your body has become larger, but the reaction is not at all weakened. With today’s speed, without using Spark, you can still use the Ability of dodge Slowpoke.”


The two pets did chase training for more than an hour. After taking a break, Slowpoke went to one side to temper Psychic with Calm Mind, and Pidegeotto also started Steel Wings , Air Slash and Dragon Claw Ability training.

Pidegeotto no longer needs Liang Ren Coaching in the training of Wings of Steel and Air Slash. After getting on the right track, you only need continuous training, and you can realize it by yourself in the boring cast time after time.

Pidgey’s training for dragon claws is also very smooth. The cyan-green Dragon Type power wraps Pidegeotto’s pair of thick claws, and then forms a pair of huge claws on the outside. Light claws.

“Bang…” The boulder roared.

Previously, the boulder with claw marks can only be left one after another when attacking with a scratch. Under the attack of the dragon’s claw, it was directly broken into a large piece. The formidable power can be said to be as different as heaven and earth.

Watching Pidegeotto side guard, after seeing that there is no problem, Liang Ren took Shellder to do the Ability training of Hail and Aurora Veil.

If the’three-speed’ is the core of the Pidegeotto Ability architecture, then Hail and Aurora Veil are the core of the Shellder Ability framework, and the degree of importance is self-evident.

Pidegeotto’s Agility, Spark, and Double Team proficiency have reached the Top Rank, while Shellder’s Hail has mastered the intermediate rank, and Aurora Veil is even the Primary Rank.

Two abilities, one recovery and one damage reduction, even if the attacking abilities are not well mastered temporarily, as long as the proficiency of Hail and Aurora Veil increases, Shellder’s strength can still show the opponent scalp numb.

When you concentrate on doing something, time always flies faster, unconsciously it has been late in the morning, and the temperature of the sun has evaporated Damp in the woods.

Today’s weather is good, but the rain last night still brought the temperature down a lot. Liang Ren didn’t feel sleepy after lunch. Seeing that the three pets are also in great spirits, Liang Ren took them out directly. .

Before helping Dawn conquer the initial Pokémon and earning 2w, he did a few more tasks a few days ago and paid back the 1w he borrowed from Daisuke. Now he still has nearly 3w on his account.

It is not enough to simply do training every day. The three pets need to fight to improve their strength, especially the newly evolved Pidegeotto.

I took a taxi and went directly to the City Arena. After registering at the service desk, Liang Ren was arranged to the eighth battlefield.

“Cross the three-game winning streak character threshold, if you win the game later, the prize money should be much higher.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

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