Entering the waiting hall, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke immediately attracted the attention of many trainers. It is already a very good record to win three consecutive victories, even more how is his Rookie.

In Celadon City Stadium, Liang Ren is now well-known, wearing a white linolein shirt and holding a Slowpoke in his arms, this is already Liang Ren鈥檚 most popular feature Up.

“This kid is really good enough. He has won three consecutive victories. I came to participate in the competition today. I wonder if I can continue to improve my winning streak!!”

“Who knows Well, the first game was Taguchi Shiro, who had a three-game winning streak, and Pidgey played against Fearow. No one was optimistic about him at the beginning, but in the end he won. As for this time, I still see him more.”

“Yes, that’s right, the Pidgey in this kid’s hand is too flexible, and the attack is also very sharp.”

I don鈥檛 know if I thought of the previous battle between Pidgey and the Aber blame. The man not far from Liang Ren sighed and said, “And the Slowpoke he has is also very powerful.”

Powerhouse is always respected. Liang Ren’s young age makes his senses feel The impact became stronger.

Seeing Liang Ren fiercely fighting with opponent on the field, and finally leaping to beat opponent, I don’t know how many trainers secretly sighed: to be a trainer, sometimes you also need to look at the innate talent.

“By the way, do you say that this guy has a chance to hit a one-star record?” A boring waiting trainer asked the people around him for no reason, but let other people be asked. Must be stunned for a moment.

“Impossible, after winning three games in a row, the difficulty behind is almost doubled. We at Celadon City Stadium have not been promoted to one star for more than half a year.”

< p>“Yes, it is not difficult to win, as long as you have good luck and you don鈥檛 meet the previous ones. But if you want to win a winning streak, it鈥檚 not that easy. After all, the opponent encountered later will only be stronger. Impossible is matching opponents with ordinary strength.”

“That is, as long as the three-game winning streak is crossed, all the opponents behind are specially selected by Stadium instead of random matching as before.”


Holding Slowpoke and sitting in the front row where the line of sight is better, Liang Ren naturally heard the comments from the trainers waiting for the battle around him, but he did not at all taking seriously.

He knows his own strength. Pidegeotto, Slowpoke, Shellder, the three pets are all trained by him with painstaking effort. Whether he wins or loses, he only needs to do his best.

However, Liang Ren has some ideas about the one-star record of the trainers in the back row. Pok茅mon Stadium is a magical stage. Except for some large-scale events, all professional trainers They are all eager to make their mark at Stadium.

The stronger the trainer, the more respected it is. The Pok茅mon trainer with a star rating is basically regarded as a Celebrity in Stadium.

Each battle will be arranged in the main venue with tens of thousands of viewers. After the trainers with higher star ratings are queued for battle, Stadium will even help publicity, like Mega singers holding personal concerts Similarly, the tickets for the day were sold out in advance.

The appearance fees of star trainers are also very high. Even if they lose, they will have a large income. Stadium officials will divide the income from the spectator ticket to these Celebrity trainers.

In the face of fame and fortune, Captivate has led to a large number of professional trainers fighting in the Stadium. Even trainers who are not keen to earn fame and fortune are eager to fight against the powerful opponent. , Have participated in the Stadium competition.

He doesn’t care about fame, but Liang Ren is more keen on money and challenging opponent.

There are still many trainers in the back row discussing him, but at this time Liang Ren has already focused all his attention on the live TV on the wall. The battle on the field is fierce, and one of the trainers Liang Ren still knows him.

“Mitsumi, use Jump Kick.”

“Rhydon, use Rock seal on yourself.”

Dodrio of female trainer Dansha started with Agility , This ugly sprinter sprinted down, playing the heavy Rhydon around.

Scales of Victory is seriously leaning toward Dansha, but her opponent not at all just gives up. Dodrio is fast and aggressive, but the weakness of low defensive power cannot be ignored.

Once Rhydon catches the opportunity, it is very likely that one move will equalize the disadvantage.

“Cock sing~”

Dodrio walks like flying, the brown pompons has a dark red Miriam spin on the body, Liang Ren knows this is Dodrio’s body performance after using Sword Dance State of excitement.


“boom~ boom~ boom鈥斺€?#8221;

Looking at Dodrio bursting towards him, Rhydon was also unambiguous and received himself After the trainer’s instructions, he raised his head and screamed, and the four huge rocks protected themselves like a stone prison.


As soon as Rock closed and used, the Jump Kick from Dodrio also kicked the Rock in front of Rhydon.

Fighting Type Ability has extremely strong rock-breaking ability, coupled with the advance Sword Dance’s attack power, the huge Rock, which is one head taller than Dodrio, was directly kicked to pieces by Dodrio.


Dodrio of the breakthrough rock barrier, the powerful Jump Kick continued to kick Rhydon, and the battle on the field when Liang Ren entered the waiting hall It has been going on for a while, and both sides have suffered serious injuries.

The battlefield is fragmented. It is estimated that Rhydon has used Magnitude or Earthquake attacks before.

“Mitsumi, double kick it to get rid of it.”

Seeing Rhydon’s huge body leaning back and crashing to the ground, Dansha, who knows his Pok茅mon attack very well, doesn’t at all think Very surprised, I seized the opportunity to place an Attack Order to Dodrio again.


Rhydon鈥檚 trainer was shocked. He didn鈥檛 expect Dodrio Breakthrough Rock鈥檚 kick after the seal to have such amazing lethality. See Rhydon fell to the ground, and the middle-aged man immediately yelled “No” in his heart.


Dodrio’s pursuit came much faster than the middle-aged man expected. Turning over to the ground, he stepped on a piece of broken rock on the field and slammed his claws and toes with sharp nails, kicking the yellow dust out of a hole.

“peng peng…”


Grasp the final timeliness of Sword Dance, Dodrio did not live up to Dansha’s expectations, lightning-fast After kicking, Rhydon directly lost the combat capability.

“Rhydon lost the combat capability, and Dodrio won the game.” After confirming that Rhydon had lost the combat capability, the referee also announced the result of the game loudly.

“Huh…, this Dodrio is really strong. If the opponent does not advance to one star before me, I will continue to win streak and I must meet her.” Liang Ren said deeply. After a sigh of relief, I thought to myself.

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