“In the next game, Mumu Liang Ren will play against Tongnan, please prepare for the two trainers.”

After waiting for a while in the waiting room, Liang Ren finally listened After the staff called his name and crossed the three-game winning streak, in order to ensure the quality of the game and increase the difficulty for the players to improve the record, the opponent was screened.

“I don’t know how strong the opponent is in this game, I hope it will be a battle without regrets.”

I looked around the waiting hall, a well-proportioned figure, A man with stabbed short hair stood up like him.

Seeing that the few trainers who like to talk just closed their mouths, Liang Ren, who did not detect any effective information, took Slowpoke back the baby ball, and walked directly into the entrance passage without stopping.

It has been a while since he got his Pokémon, and his life can be described as Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

In the past, it was just a student with a better single thought book, living a life of three points and one line at school, home, and city library every day. Teacher’s eyes are good students and neighbors call them’children of other people’ , The son who is the most worry-free in his parents’ minds, and of course his black-belly Old Brother’s “two bookworm otaku younger brother”.

Get your own Pokémon, work hard to improve your strength while working part-time in the library, and then find a suitable opportunity to resign, register as a Bounty Hunter in the guild, and exercise through various tasks Yourself.

Pokémon is improving, and the trainer Liang Ren is also improving.

In the face of hundreds of Spearow chasing down, he was able to deal with them calmly and calmly. brought trouble to others, used their own lives to make big bets, and reaped the profit in the fight of the Beedrill clan in Spearow.

break through, he served as the temporary Gym Leader of Cerulean Gym in the fierce competition. He was originally Rookie, but his identity suddenly changed to a Gym Leader who tested others.

More and more experiences, the wonderful life after breaking free from the three-point line, although his physical fitness is still not outstanding, his psychological quality has been enhanced a lot.

After a pause at the entrance of the entrance, Liang Ren carried a confident smile on his face. He was not frightened by the enthusiastic cheers of the audience outside the stadium, and walked straight forward with a steady and confident step. Stand on the battlefield.

“Ton South…Ton South…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

This game is his The opponent’s reputation is not small, and the voice of supporting the opponent outside the field is much higher than that of supporting him. Liang Ren couldn’t help but become looking forward to this game.

“The trainers from both sides, please send the first Pokémon to play.” His opponent, the man with short stabbing hair, stood on the other end of the court, and the referee announced loudly.

“Pidegeotto, let the other party see your evolved strength!!”

“Mianmian, there is a battle.”

The referee signal, Liang Ren met the gaze from the other side, and the two sides threw the baby ball in their hands tacitly. The audience outside the field also saw their Pokémon at this moment.



“Ton South…Ton South…” Two Pokémon appeared on the battlefield, There was a burst of mountain cry out and sea howl support from the appearance of the battle.

This time, the audience supporting the opposing trainer has become more. Many at first support Liang Ren audiences, after seeing the Pokémon of both sides, did not have the confidence of at first.


“Is the electrical department very soft? The level is not low, I just don’t know how well I was trained.” The sheep Pokémon, Liang Ren murmured.

Mianmian is an evolutionary type of Mareep, a degenerate type of Ampharos, from four-hooves walking to bipedal erection, the liberated two stubby arms can display some Ability.

Compared with the whole body coat in Mareep period, Mianmian now has only a circle of electricity storage hair on his head and neck, but this does not mean that Mianmian has less electricity.

On the contrary, this sheep that looks harmless to human and animals, the hair on the head and neck can accumulate a lot of electricity. If it is not for the pink skin, it has the rubber-like insulation effect. Will be paralyzed by the electricity accumulated in the fluff.

“The game begins.” The referee called out the start signal.

“Retreat, pull the distance.”

“Menmian, use Thunder Wave.”

In the game at first, both sides immediately face their own Pokémon issued an order. For Pidgey to evolve into Pidegeotto, many viewers who supported Liang Ren were quite surprised.

However, Flying Type’s Pidegeotto has no chance of winning the battle against the electric system. Seeing the battle on the field quickly open, the audience also held their breath and watched the game quietly.


Thunder Wave Ability is very skillfully held by the Soft Palm, the golden electric current moved towards Pidegeotto ejected away, and only one wave passing by in the air golden light, Thunder Wave has rushed to the place where Pidegeotto just stayed.

“Lie Hurricane suppressed.” Liang Ren shouted.

Thunder Wave with such a fast speed is something Liang Ren did not expect. It seems that the other party has also done special training for Thunder Wave. Fortunately, it is not easy to deal with him.

Pidegeotto flapped its wings, and the messy air stream knocked out Thunder Wave. Quickly opened the distance and hovered Pidegeotto on the battlefield Sky. Without Liang Ren’s instructions, Pidegeotto immediately used Agility.

Yingying like a water-light film covering the whole body, Pidegeotto’s speed has increased again, Thunder Wave has no merit, so I can only do Leer at this moment.

“Mianmian, use Charge.”

“Pidegeotto, Double Team, Air Slash.” Upon receiving Liang Ren’s instructions, Pidegeotto’s nerves suddenly tightened.

Let it use Double Team and Air Slash Ability instead of just Air Slash. Pidegeotto immediately noticed Liang Ren’s intentions. He planned to use Air Slash’s attack to form suppression. Later, let it attack.


I didn’t expect that Liang Ren would recklessly attack when Attribute was extremely unfavorable, and a azure moon arc wind bladed towards you Cut it over, this made Xiun Nan’s heart burst.


Mian Mian, with his feet upright, did not move fast. Facing Pidegeotto’s sudden attack, Mian Mian was caught off guard and flew out.


The fluorite fire burst out from Pidegeotto within the body, and a flicker suddenly dived towards the past.

“Dragon’s Claw.” Liang Ren shouted.

Liang Ren’s instructions were not slow, but Pidegeotto took the lead after comprehending his meaning, and the audience outside the field couldn’t understand it, and the opposite side Zonnan also didn’t understand the tacit understanding between Liang Ren and Pidegeotto.

What they saw was that Pidegeotto had acted arbitrarily without receiving instructions from the trainer, and Liang Ren had to issue an offensive command hastily after seeing Pidegeotto’s reckless attack.

The reason why everyone thinks this way is entirely due to common sense. The Pidegeotto of Flying Type is continuously attacking the battle electric system.

Since Liang Ren is not a fool, it is obviously that after Pidgey evolved into Pidegeotto, his strength increased so much that he did not follow the instructions of the trainer.

Is this really the case? Obviously not.

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