Joy’s work efficiency is very high, and Riolu has recovered in less than ten minutes.

Liang Ren didn’t immediately return to the battle hall to accept the challenge. Instead, he took Riolu to sit down in the recreation area and led it to summarize the three games just now.

Poochyena and Zigzagoon do not have any long-range abilities in the primary rank, and their offensive methods are relatively simple.

Riolu here only needs to hold on to the pawn, wait for the opponent to approach actively, and then use the melee advantage of Fighting to defeat the opponent.

However, the third battle with Wurmple revealed Riolu’s shortcomings, that is, he is not good at dealing with long-range attacks.

So that in the end, Wurmple’s’Poison Sting + String Shot’ offensive, finally defeated.

“But don’t worry, your strength is just starting now. It is normal to have shortcomings at this stage, and you can slowly make up for it later.”

In the battle, Riolu had a small head hanging down and was a little frustrated, so Liang Ren was also warm and comfortable after analyzing and summarizing it.

“ao 嗷~” Liang Ren’s words are very useful. Little Brat gradually regained his energy after listening to it.

Usually Pidgeot they play games in Stadium, Riolu in the baby ball can also see the outside situation.

Liang Ren let Riolu watch the seniors fighting, mainly to help Little Brat broaden his horizons.

However, Pidgeot usually wins more games than loses. Riolu is also affected by this Contest record, and gradually becomes less able to accept defeat.

Pidgeot has experienced many failures in the early matches of the three pets. It’s just that Riolu was born late and not at all has seen that’s all.

In nature, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have all lived in the wild before being subdued by him. In terms of psychological quality, Riolu is incomparable.

The three Seniors are role models and goals. They can guide Riolu and put pressure on Little Brat.

Fortunately, although Little Brat’s temperament is boring, he doesn’t get into the horns. After Liang Ren’s enlightenment, Little Brat quickly adjusted.

“How about, are we still fighting this morning?” Seeing Riolu regaining his confidence, Liang Ren touched Little Brat’s head and asked with a smile.

“ao 嗷——!!” Riolu nodded, his shiny eyes are full of fighting intents.

“Just now you lost to Wurmple. Others already know your weaknesses. I believe that many of you will be opponents who have mastered long-range attacks. When the time comes, you are not allowed to cry when the time comes back.”

Liang Ren raised his index finger of his right hand, looked at Little Brat’s eyes, and warned him of giving it a shot in advance.

“ao 嗷——!!” Although I hate defeat, the gurgling militant blood flowing within the body makes it unable to escape and shrink.

Big eyes and small eyes, eyes facing each other, Riolu solemnly nodded.


As Liang Ren said, I returned to the battle hall again, and I already knew Riolu’s shortcoming challenger.

Most of the Pokémons sent were Pokémons who had mastered long-range attacks or controlled Ability, and Little Brat’s pressure was doubled.

But there is also this pressure officially. Riolu Fighting skills are used more and more skillfully in the battle, and the combat experience is becoming more and more abundant.

Riolu vsTreecko ——Win

………vsTorchic ——Loss

………vsMudkip ——Win

……… vsShroomish-negative


In the next hour and a half, Riolu’s five battles fought and ended with a record of two wins and three losses.

Although we lose more and lose less, the blood and joy brought by the battle completely overshadow the frustration caused by failure.

Not all long-range attacks can be shot like Poison Sting, or like String Shot, which is wet and difficult to be cut by alloy claws.

Two tricks Hereditary Ability, Extrreme Speed ​​Riolu can barely be used except that Aura Sphere cannot be used in actual combat.

Running around the opponent, and then rushed in with the half-draft “Extrreme Speed”.

Fighting skills + alloy claws. In the situation of opponent becoming more and more difficult, Riolu also won two victories. This is not a Contest record on Riolu, but it seems particularly impressive be surprised.

Late in the morning, Liang Ren took Riolu to the service counter to settle the rent of the venue. The trainers in the hall looked at him and Riolu with surprise.

Two hours in the morning, in just eight battles, Riolu’s temperament was completely different. He was nervous and timid before going on the court. Now he is full of confidence, and he didn’t shrink from the battle.

If at first everyone just values ​​the rarity of Riolu, then the trainers at this moment are more obsessed with the warlikeness of Little Brat.

“1 hour and 48 minutes, rounded up to two hours to charge 600 Alliance coins for rent. The Stadium one-star record card has a 10% discount, so you will receive 540 Alliance coins.”

“OK Yes.” I haven’t been to the Stadium for a while, but there are still thousands of dollars in change in the record account. Liang Ren directly asked the opponent to swipe his card.

“It’s almost noon, wait for Pidgeot…the three come over, let’s have lunch.” Holding Riolu’s hand and walking outside, I saw Little Brat still looking very energetic, Liang Ren happily said.

After all, Riolu’s actual combat training in the morning can be said to be Great Accomplishment.


At noon, the Pokémon Center is very lively. After all, tomorrow is the long-awaited Contest Conference exhibition game, and every face is full of beaming expressions.

Release the divine ability and call for Pidgeot and Slowpoke through the fetters. Liang Ren is waiting at the entrance of Pokémon Center.

Not long after waiting, a nice female voice came from the front.

“Liang Ren, what are you doing here?”

Milu Fei, who just came over with her friends, looked at the door of Pokémon Center, holding Riolu’s handsome boy, The girl asked with a puzzled look.

“It’s Mi Lu Fei——this is?” Looking at the girl on the side of Mi Lu Fei, Liang Ren asked in surprise.

A golden brown wavy long hair, a fashionable sunglasses, worn on the peach-red flat top and narrow round hat.

The girl is tall and exquisite, with a red shoulder bag on the lotus arm, a gray black shirt with open arms, and a deep red high-waisted miniskirt.

A pair of big long legs are wrapped in gray and black stockings to the thighs. The two-fingered white scenery remaining between the miniskirt and the black stockings makes people unable to look away and have the urge to find out.

“This is my good friend Se Lena, Liang Ren. What are you doing standing at the door?”

Seeing that the young man is very interested in his good sisters, Mi Lufei feels bad While laughing, he deliberately only briefly introduced.

“Hello, my name is Se Lena, and I come from Kalos Region Vaniville Town.” Without paying attention to Mi Lufei’s evil taste, the girl beside her greeted her directly and generously.

“Hello, my name is Mumu Liang Ren, from Kanto Celadon City.” A faint perfume smell lingered on the tip of the nose. Seeing the other party actively stretched out his hand, Liang Ren also shook the other party and then introduced himself.

“Is Mr. Liang Ren at the door and the others?” Se Lena asked with a smile.

“No, they are the three Pokémon waiting for me.” Liang Ren smiled.

“Waiting for Pokémon?” Hearing this answer, the expressions of the two women in front of them were obviously a little surprised.

“Here is–” Through the bondage link, he can feel the movement of Pidgeot and Slowpoke.

“Beep carving——!!” Liang Ren tone barely fell, a loud carving sound came from high above.

At this time it was approaching noon, and there were not many people coming in and out of the Pokémon Center entrance. Hearing the birdsong, they looked up one by one in reflex.

I saw a big bird with a wingspan of more than three meters, and one swooped down towards the entrance of Pokémon Center.

“What kind of Pokémon is this? Is it Lugia?”

“Although Lugia appeared in Kanto Vermilion City a week ago, this kind of thing is rare in a century. Lugia is impossible. Appearing in our Lilycove City, this is just the final evolutionary Pidgeot of Kanto’s family bird.”


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