“Beep Diao——”


“Ya Duo——٩(๑^o^๑)۶”

Pidgeot flew down with Slowpoke and Cloyster, and immediately attracted the crowd.

Pidgeot, a superbly developed body, is much larger than similar.

The thorn armor is snow-white, the’forehead’ has ice horns, and the body is ice-blue. The whole is like a Cloyster of ice sculpture.

There is also the cute, naive Slowpoke.

Three Pokémons from other regions appeared at once. The trainers at the entrance of the Pokémon Center crowded up curiously, pointing fingers and excitedly taking pictures with their mobile phones.

“Uh~ I can understand if you shoot Pokémon, but why did you guys shoot me?”

Catch the Slowpoke that was flying over and watch the crowd of onlookers all around, Liang Ren’s heart Thought awkwardly.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two will come back first.” Seeing more and more people watching, Liang Ren had to take the two Pokémon back into the baby ball, and the audience was reluctant to give up. To disperse.

“Liang Ren, you these Pokémon breeds are great, but these people are also enthusiastic and a bit exaggerated.”

Seeing the crowds blocking the door dispersed, Liang Ren, Mi Lufei and Se Lena turned and walked into the Pokémon Center.

“Because of the appearance of Lugia some time ago, Kanto Region has also become famous.” Seeing the two of them had some doubts, Lena explained aloud.

“That’s it.” The time when Lugia appeared was when Liang Ren came to Hoenn by plane.

When I arrived in La Rus, I was busy helping Pokémon with training. Liang Ren didn’t know much about it. Although he heard others talk about it afterwards, he still had some regrets in his heart. After all, it was Lugia, the god of the sea. .

“By the way, Liang Ren, have you eaten? If you haven’t eaten, let’s go together.” Seeing Liang Ren’s silence, Mi Lufei asked with a smile.

“Okay.” Liang Ren replied.

Tomorrow is the Contest Conference exhibition game. He hastily participated in the competition and did not make any preparations. To break through to win the final victory, the difficulty is definitely much higher than he thought.

After all, I want to compete on the same stage with Peak Level Coordinator and Hoenn Ever Grande Alliance champion: Wallace, but he is not the only one. It is estimated that every player in the contest is going towards this goal.

“By the way, Liang Ren, I think you are familiar. Have you ever been on TV before? I seem to have seen you on the news.” The three of them walked upstairs to the restaurant. Lena suddenly turned to look at him and asked.

“In the TV news?” Liang Ren was puzzled.

When have you been on TV? There have been several issues in the school newspaper. Could it be that Saffron TV Station accidentally gave a few shots during the last Pokemon ring tournament.

“I remember!! You were the genius trainer who was in the disaster-stricken Sea Territory when the Volcano Earthquake broke out in the Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island, and finally escaped with Pokémon by his hands. ◡✧)——”

After speaking, the girl’s eyes lit up and she stopped to look at him with excitement.

“Uh~it does happen.” Looking at the girl with bright eyes, Liang Ren scratched his head and replied in embarrassment.

That incident can be described as nine deaths and still alive. Such a famous method, Liang Ren really hopes that he will never encounter it again in the future.

“I have read this news before, my God~ didn’t expect Liang Ren, you are the talented trainer.”


“Liang Ren, you seem to be younger than us. Didn’t expect is so strong!”

I originally wanted to consult with the two women about tomorrow’s Contest Conference. Didn’t expect the last one After the meal, the two women kept asking him questions about the trainer Breed Pokémon.

After lunch, the two women are going to go shopping. Liang Ren went back to the homestay first because he had to train Pokémon.

“The Contest Conference is divided into two parts: “performance and competition”. Compared with other experienced Coordinators, performance is undoubtedly my weakness. As for the second part of the competition, I don’t need to go too far. Worry.”

“But how do I pass the first stage of the performance review?”

Take a taxi and return to the Shuidu B&B, open the wooden windows of the room, four pets Play by himself in the room, while Liang Ren starts to think about tomorrow’s Contest Conference.

Different from the last time spent rehearsing, there were three days for rehearsal. This time it was a hasty contest, leaving him only one afternoon to prepare.

The two women Mi Lufei and Se Lena thought that he signed up to participate in the competition as a fun, after all, he was just a trainer without Contest Conference experience.

In fact, Liang Ren participated this time, thinking about defeating all participating Coordinators and performers, and then winning the final victory, and then playing against the champion Wallace.

If he said it, maybe Milufie and the others would find it incredible, thinking that he is aiming too high and impractical, but only Liang Ren knows that this is not impossible.

“As long as you plan a little more, it’s just like the performance of a party with a speech.” Looking at the names of the four pets in the notebook in front of him, Liang Ren first crossed out Riolu, and then crossed out Pidgeot and Pidgeot. Slowpoke.

“Although Cloyster has a violent personality in the battle, he is a girl in the end, and he is more delicate than a boy in stage performance.”

After thinking for a while, Liang Ren finally decided Tomorrow Cloyster will join him in the Contest Conference.

Cloyster’s two major features, snowfall and aurora, have natural advantages in producing stage special effects.

Time is in a hurry, it is impossible to design a performance with connotation and profound meaning, and compared with coordinator and performer, he is not good at this aspect as a trainer.

So Liang Ren finally came up with the plan: “The acting is not successful, the special effects are combined” —

As its name, “Contest Conference” pursues’Contest’ , Is the unique beauty hidden in Pokémon.

Although the one-sided pursuit of Contest is a bit superficial, if this superficial Contest can reach the extreme, I believe it will have a great visual impact on the judges and audience.

As long as he passes the review of the first round and the second stage of the battle, Liang Ren is still very confident. After all, whether it is a Coordinator or a performer, the same level of battle strength is not better than the trainer as everyone knows. .

Fortunately, the contest of the Contest Conference is scheduled for the second round. If this is not the case, it is estimated that many Coordinators will be eliminated by the participating trainers.

“Okay, I have already taken a break in the morning, and I have to prepare for training in the afternoon.” Tomorrow’s Contest Conference will be clear, and Liang Ren’s pressure will suddenly become much less.

“Beep carving——ᕙ(☉ਊ☉)ᕗ”


” Kaka~”

Playing is going to play, as a matter of business, whether it is Pidgeot or Slowpoke is unambiguous, and I will not say Slack Off.

Receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, Slowpoke used Confusion to support Cloyster and then followed Pidgeot and flew out from the room window. Liang Ren also led Riolu to open the door and walk out.

“Liang Ren is going out again!” The landlord’s aunt who was busy in the kitchen, saw Liang Ren coming downstairs and asked with full of smiles.

“Take a few Pokémon out for a while to exercise. Auntie, is this making soup? It smells good.”

“I was idle this afternoon, so I made a soup , Liang Ren came to Auntie here to drink soup at night. It is nourishing and good for boys.” The landlord aunt said warmly.

“Okay, then I have a blessing tonight…”

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