The weather has been good in recent days, bright sun and a gentle breeze, the afternoon sun is warm, but because of the proximity to the sea, the oncoming wind has a salty taste.

Out of the bed and breakfast cabin, Liang Ren glanced at the lighthouse like a giant guardian on the far promontory.

Finding a trail, Liang Ren led Riolu towards the rocky shallows on the shore.

Waves year in year out never stop scouring, and the outline of the coast gradually changes.

The hills that stretch out to the sea have become capes, and the protruding parts of the capes are the headlands. The capes are cut off by scouring and receding, forming cliffs and beaches.

The rock walls are steep and the reef stands in the middle of the sea. The sea roars towards the sea reef, rolling up waves of foam splashing.

“Beep Eagle——!!”

Pidgeot, who flew out of the window first, was carrying Slowpoke at this moment, chasing and playing with the Wingulls on the sea.

And Cloyster stayed quietly on the shallows below, waiting for Liang Ren to come down.

“Pidgeot, your task this afternoon is to attack the waves with the “Aerial Ace” connection (Steel Wings, Dragon Claws, Wing Slap) under Slowpoke’s 15 times Gravity field .”

“Slowpoke, your task is to apply the Gravity field to Pidgeot, use Confusion to create waves, and observe the sky’s cloud cultivation, the Calm Mind technique you have understood.”

< p>“Beep Diao——”

“Ya Do——”

The two pets have no objection to Liang Ren’s arrangement. After he finished talking here, Pidgeot carried Slowpoke flew towards the distant sea with a swish.

“Cloyster, you will join me in the Contest Conference tomorrow. Let’s do rehearsal for these few hours this afternoon.”

“As for Riolu, you, I have already done actual combat training in the morning, so take a break in the afternoon.” Liang Ren took out the PSP game console from the system backpack and handed it over.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

Seeing the game console handed by Liang Ren, Riolu rarely shook the head and lost the game in the morning. In that many field, it also had a sense of urgency in its heart, and wanted to improve its strength as soon as possible.

“Do you want to train too?” Seeing Riolu’s serious expression, Liang Ren knelt down and touched Little Brat’s head.

“ao 嗷~” Riolu nodded.

“Well, then you will go to the beach for a while and use the resistance of the sea to practice Extrreme Speed ​​for 20 minutes, and then go to the beach to practice alloy claws on the driftwood that washed ashore for 20 minutes.”< /p>

Seeing that Little Brat insisted on training, Liang Ren reluctantly thought about it and arranged some tasks.

However, considering that he will rehearse with Cloyster for a while, he can’t do Coaching himself, and Liang Ren dare not arrange too heavy training for Little Brat.

“ao 嗷……(∩_∩)”

But Riolu not at all thinks so much. Seeing Liang Ren arranged training for it, Little Brat immediately showed a satisfied expression , Hopped and ran towards the beach.

“This Little Brat…” Looking at the energetic Riolu, Liang Ren shook the head with a smile.

“Okay~Cloyster, let’s start rehearsing. In addition, let me tell you about the format of tomorrow’s competition…”

Contest Conference is not complicated, there are two in total As for the content of the assessment, the performance was performed through the Ability display in the first part, and the second part was a five-minute countdown with opponent in a deduction game.

According to the convention of the Contest Conference, performance assessment occupies the entire elimination stage, and only after the elimination into the semi-finals, will the competition assessment be conducted.

The current goal of Liang Ren and Cloyster is to break through and enter the semi-finals through elimination in the performance stage. As for the previous performance assessment rounds, this depends on the number of contestants.

“Ticket~” After Liang Ren’s explanation, Cloyster will soon notice.

“Tomorrow’s performance, we do not pursue any connotation, we only have one goal, which is to be cool, Contest, and eye-catching. This goal will be carried out from the appearance to the end, you understand Already?”

Finding an empty and open flat land on the shore rock shallows, Liang Ren also informed Cloyster of his ideas.

“Ticket–“Cloyster nodded, indicating that he has understood it.

“Well, tomorrow’s performance will be from the appearance to the end. I have planned three abilities: Mist, Rapid Spin, and Icy Wind, and then perform the performance with your snowfall and Aurora innate talent characteristics.”

“Next, let’s do the practice on the stage. You can take a look at this action first.” After speaking, Liang Ren ignored Cloyster’s doubts and picked up a thin flat rock from the shallows and walked towards the sea.

Cloyster didn’t know what Liang Ren was going to do, but he also used Rapid Spin and his body was lifted from the ground followed along.

“Don’t look at me, stare at the stone.”

Picking up the stone and walking to the beach, Liang Ren reminded him of Cloyster, then leaned back slightly and bent up. The arm makes a ready position for skimming.

Three-finger topping, thumb pressed, index finger buckled on the side edge, head tilted towards the sea, and the memory experience of using tiles to skim water with Old Brother in Yanyu Lake in the suburb of Celadon City rise in the mind.

The stone that Cloyster was staring intently at. After being skimmed out by Liang Ren, the flat stone touched the sea.

The stone flakes are like dragonfly touches the water lightly. They show off their graceful posture, jumping happily, leaving a ripple every time they pass, layered and circled.

‘Woo…t…t…t…t…t…t…dong!! ‘

The stone flakes leaped and slid out an arc in the sea waves, until finally they lost their power, drawn the last ripples of childhood, and then sank into the seabed with a thump, everything fell into silence, no more The slightest shadow.


I gave Cloyster a few more demonstrations before Liang Ren opened his mouth and explained: “I will be on the show tomorrow. I will throw a baby ball like I did just now, and you The moment it came out of the baby ball, use Rapid Spin cooperated with Icy Wind to complete the action behind the stone.”

“How about it, are you confident to complete it?” Possession washed his hands with sea water, Liang Ren turned his head and asked Cloyster.

“Ticket~” Liang Ren has never let a few pets down, and Cloyster has never let Liang Ren down.

See Liang Ren asking, Cloyster nodded, and gave him a firm and confident answer.

“Well, let’s start training.”

“You can make some changes here. After you use Rapid Spin, you should not directly Falling on the battlefield–

You turn your body all around on the stage, which is the place closest to the judges and audience, and fly by, while controlling Icy Wind to create a shining star trail.”

< p>……

“Here you have to pay attention to power control. What we pursue is only to give the judges and the audience the greatest visual impact, but other aspects can not give the other side a bad feeling, so we must carefully control the temperature.”< /p>


“The snowfall is about to start immediately after the scene, expanding the scope to reduce the Sky coverage of the entire venue, and at the same time reducing the brightness of the venue as much as possible, while the aurora hides the snow and clouds. “


“Because you are in the air, there is no way to form ripples on the water surface like a stone flake, so we use Aurora Beam to simulate the lighting, every time you jump Control the dim snow cloud to drop an Aurora Beam on you once.”


“The end is where you end the Rapid Spin, and your body falls in the center of the stage. When you open the shells, you control the explosion of Mist, forming a huge smoke ring around your body and diverging all around———

Although the temperature is low, Mist is not too cold, as long as the scale is accurate , It can also set off your ice attribute Pokémon’s high-cold temperament. It is best to affect the judges and the audience here.”


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