It doesn’t matter whether it’s been ignored or paid special attention, or there are other people who are very concerned about this game.

Liang Ren, who has clearly planned the 2nd day Contest Conference matters and led Cloyster to rehearse the performance in advance, does not feel any pressure in his mind.

In the night——

At night in the city lit by bright lights, I am still immersed in the hustle and bustle at this moment, but the port located on the periphery of the city is already very quiet.

The sea breeze lightly blows~

The boat lightly shakes~

The young sailor is resting his head on the waves,

There is erotic in his sleep Smile,

When the sun shines on the sea,

The ship calling at the port will anchor again.


No words for a night, until the east turned white, a round of red sun oh la la broke the waves and jumped from the sea level.


Slowpoke Rest restless at night, I don’t know when to shuttle to the end of the bed.

Woke up by Liang Ren, who was getting up and getting dressed, his eyes opened in a daze, looking at the smelly feet in front of him.

Slowpoke’s chubby body squirmed, pouting his butt and grasping the tip of his tail, sweeping it around Liang Ren’s feet.

“The ugly people are still pretending to sleep, and the handsome people have risen~

“Slowpoke, you are an ugly thing, you can’t afford it now, when will you wait!!”< /p>

Feeling the abnormal movement on the other side of the foot, Liang Ren touched the head of Vice Grip Slowpoke and dragged it.

He reached into the bed and fumbled twice. In the next second, Liang Ren caught him. The tail directly carried this idiot out.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)”

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, Slowpoke, get up, wash and eat breakfast, There is still a game at nine in the morning. “Holding Slowpoke like a pillow, Liang Ren shouted to the other three pets.

“ao ——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

Liang Ren tone barely fell, A little head came out of the bed.


At the invitation of the landlord’s aunt, Liang Ren and Mi Lufei ate breakfast downstairs together and cleaned up After seeing that there was nothing missing, the two people took a taxi to the Contest Conference event center in the celebration square.

“Heh~ it was another sunny and good weather. It seems that today’s game will be very smooth. “

Getting out of the taxi, looking up at the sky, Milufie said with joy.

“Why didn’t you sleep last night?” Why are you still yawning? “The warm sun shines on him, and the whole person’s mood becomes brighter.

Seeing Mi Lufei’s dark circles and her eye bags swollen, Liang Ren couldn’t help but ask curiously.


“Well~ Although today is just an informal exhibition match, but because Wallace master and Drake Elite will be there, the scale of this Contest Conference is surprisingly large, with a total of 270 contestants~

“This is the First Stage Contest Conference I participated in after I came to Hoenn. Although I have participated in the “Triple Crown Satellite” twice, I still feel a little nervous.”

He pressed his temple and explained sadly.

“Follow your destiny, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, otherwise it will not affect the performance of the game.” Liang Ren said very happy Heaven and Earth.

“I’m different from you~” I thought Liang Ren’s entry was just a fun Mi Lufei, sighed, and slandered.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the event center lobby. Yesterday I made an appointment with Se Lena to meet there.” Stretching her waist, the blue-haired girl regained her vitality.

Said hello to Liang Ren, and then walked towards the event center on the side of the celebration square.


It was already 8:20 when I arrived at the celebration square. At this time, there were many people in the square with huge balloons.

There are elderly people who wake up in the morning to exercise, and there are vendors selling a variety of snacks and toys, but more of them are the Coordinator who came to the competition and the audience holding tickets ready to enter.

The outside of the event center was isolated with a yellow belt. Officer Jenny took Growlithe around to patrol the scene to maintain order. A group of police officers stared like copper bells, shooting out clever beams of lightning.

The contestants and the audience are arranged in two rows, and the tickets are checked into two different channels.

“There are so many people, it’s so lively.” Looking at the footsteps, all directions are full of people.

“Of course, this is the official venue of the Contest celebration. The entire venue can accommodate 100,000 spectators. This is a big battle.”

“And there are 270 contestants. , This is even more grand than a formal grand celebration…”

Milf, who was in front of Liang Ren, had blushing cheeks, and chirp chirp twitter twitter looked excited.

“270 players? It’s really a lot.”

Although knowing that there are no ribbon qualification restrictions, there are not many of these 270 players who are really competent, but I think I am too Half-hearted, Liang Ren was still a little worried.

“I hope that there will be fewer elimination rounds in the front, otherwise it will be a little difficult to stand out.”

According to his plan, the rehearsal program at the end of yesterday evening was put on knock- The last round of the out competition segment is used as a trump card.

In the previous rounds of performances, he and Cloyster planned to use the cut version to fool through. If there are too many rounds, he will have to expose more content in order to advance.

Even if you can finally rush to the final round of the elimination performance, Cloyster’s performance will bring less surprise and impact to the audience. When the time comes, the probability of qualifying for the semifinals is a bit low.

“After all, Cloyster’s performance is not at all, it is all supported by special effects.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“So handsome…”

“So cute…”

“So cute…”

The queue keeps moving forward Moving, whether it’s handsome looks, or holding a Slowpoke or holding a Riolu, Liang Ren has attracted a lot of attention.

In the queue of players and spectators, there are surprises from time to time.

The people at Lilycove TV Station who were doing pre-match current affairs interviews in the celebration square ran over with equipment after seeing Liang Ren’s prominent team.

However, Liang Ren, who started to worry about the game for a while, didn’t care about everyone’s reaction.

“…Thank you Liang Ren who came from Kanto a long way and is so handsome and cute at the same time.

Before the end of this interview, you can use two Pokémon Name, to describe your mood at this moment?”

Enthusiastic and energetic, a beautiful female Reporter with a height of 1.7 meters, bending slightly, beautiful eyes looking at Liang brightly Ren, handed the interview microphone to him, who was only 1.58 meters tall.

“Do you use the names of two Pokémon to describe my mood at the moment?”

“emm…Banette and Chansey.”

Look at the woman With Reporter’s expectant expression on his face, Liang Ren turned his head for a moment, and used the names of two Pokémon that best represented his mood at the moment.

“Okay.” After receiving Liang Ren’s reply, the female Reporter turned away with satisfaction and joy.

“Uh-just leave like this!! I’m not going to ask again, why should I use these two Pokémon to describe my mood at the moment?”

Look at TV Station Reporter who had already run to interview other players, Liang Ren, who was a little confused, seemed to see a Psyduck walking past him holding his head.

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