“Look at it, it’s Harley!!”

The two admission queues keep moving ahead. Compared with the huge crowd of spectators, the number of players on the admission channel is not too small.

Contest Conference is very prosperous in Hoenn Region. As the protagonist active on the stage of Contest Conference: Coordinator, in the eyes of ordinary person, it is no different from the existence of Celebrity Normal.

The spectators waiting in line to enter the arena, one by one, turned their heads sideways and looked at the player’s entry channel. Every time a well-known Coordinator appeared, the audience would burst into cheers.

“Hello~I am your bad angel: Harley, mua~”

What the audience noticed is a green triangle hat and green tight clothes pants , A man wearing a pair of white leather shoes on his feet.

Cacturne’s cool and bad outfit is forcibly pierced by the enchanting style of painting by this purple haired man, who has a bulging figure.

Liang Ren and Mi Lufei, who handed the trainer’s ID card to the audience, heard the exclamation behind them, turned their heads and saw the enchanting man pouting his hips and blowing kisses at the audience.

“It feels very welcome,” Liang Ren said lightly.

He doesn’t usually know much about the Coordinator circle, but he vaguely remembers that in the original plot, the enchanting man in front of him is a fairly standard Coordinator.

“In the information that Lena gave me, this player named Harley is very strong. I watched his previous game videos last night——-

“Cacturne, Banette , Ariados, Octillery… Each Pokémon has developed its own characteristics.

If you encounter it during the game, you must respond with twelve points. “

After taking a look, the two of them walked towards the hall of the event center. Milufie warned with a serious expression.

“Yeah~” Liang Ren is not The kind of person with a very conceited personality will not think that having several points of strength can ignore the other contestants of this conference.

See Mi Lufei seriously reminded that Liang Ren is also nodded, for the enchanting just now. Man, I pay more attention to it.

“Liang Ren, Mi Lufei——!!Here~” As soon as I walked into the event center, there was a nice message from the service desk where I registered before. Female voice.

“Se Lena has arrived first, let’s go over. Mi Lufei waved her hand back and said to Liang Ren with her head tilted.


Liang Ren looked up, next to the front desk, In addition to Se Lena, there are two girls with her.

Among them, the reddish-brown girl with double ponytails looks stranger, and the other girl with light brown hair sees each other’s At first glance, Liang Ren recognized her.

Sleeveless black collar orange tunic, Black Bicycle shorts, white Poké Ball pattern red headscarf, lively and cheerful on her face Smile.

“Petalburg City · Tang Xia Gym-the daughter of Gym Leader Norman, Pokémon super-generation heroine: May!!”

I just met the original XY two days ago The female protagonist Se Lena, didn’t expect to see the super-generation female protagonist May. Even Liang Ren, who is mature and stable, has a strange feeling in her heart at this moment.

“I will introduce you to you. , Grace and May are both friends I met during my trip in Hoenn~

“Mi Lufei is my best friend and strong enemy during my trip in Kalos Region, and this handsome little brother is named Mu Mu Liang Ren, from Kanto Region Celadon City.”


“Hello (∩_∩)”


After introducing each other and greeted Mi Lufei, Grace and May focused more attention on Liang Ren.

Not to mention that he is the only boy in this women’s team. It is difficult for him to hold a Slowpoke and a Riolu. This peculiar shape is difficult to not attract attention.

“Liang Ren, do you usually carry Pokémon like this?”

Have heard the announcement from the lobby that the conference is about to start, and everyone is talking about the conference. Also walked towards the player preparation room.

In Coordinator, a circle where there are more women than men and a serious gender imbalance, Liang Ren with two Pokémons has attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Seeing that he was not affected by the gaze of others at all, his expression was always calm and calm, and he was continuously telling Riolu about the Contest Conference along the way, May asked curiously.

“You don’t need to be so polite, just call me Liang Ren.”

“The few Pokémons I have don’t like to stay in the baby ball. Normally, I They were all placed outside.” Seeing the four girls turning to him curiously, Liang Ren also slightly explained.

Since Slowpoke is taken away, except for the initiative to return to the baby ball when the power changes before, Liang Ren basically holds it everywhere.

Riolu is still small here, Liang Ren is thinking about letting it learn more, so most of the time is spent outside.

It’s the Cloyster, who has limited mobility on land, and the Pidgeot, who has grown in size after evolution, and usually takes more time to retrieve the baby ball.

But this is only a relative term. Compared with Pokémon in the hands of other trainers, Liang Ren’s Pidgeot and Cloyster are usually stocked.

“That’s it…” Mi Lufei, Se Lena and Liang Ren have known each other for only two days. Hearing his answer, the women were still very surprised.

After Se Lena talked about the’brilliant deeds’ of the Sea Territory of Liang Ren Cinnabar Island, Grace and May looked at the clean and sunny boy in front of him in surprise, and suddenly felt that there was a lot of silk on him. mysterious sense.

Looking at the four girls who looked at him curiously, Liang Ren smiled helplessly and shifted the topic to this Contest tournament.

“The final winner can compete on the same stage with the Wallace master. This honor can’t even be compared to the ribbon trophy at the Contest celebration.”



“That is, although there is no ribbon qualification restriction this time, there is no shortage of high-level Coordinators participating in the competition.

In which year I debuted, Mr. Robert, who won the final victory in the Contest celebration , I challenged the Saori Young Lady who won the final championship at the Kanto Region Contest Conference.

Mr. Harley, Drew…, plus Se Lena, Grace, you guys, this exhibition has the strength and needs There are so many players who pay special attention.”

I don’t know how many conferences I participated in during my five years of debut, but today’s Contest Conference held in Lilycove City has attracted many people in circles. Coordinator from here to participate.

“Mr. Robert’s Menus, and Saori Young Lady’s Slowbro, who can only be Mega-evolved, are really strong.”

After taking May’s words, After traveling in Hoenn for a year, Lena, who knows more about the well-known Coordinator in the circle, also said with emotion with a full face at this moment.

“Slowbro who can Mega evolve!! Is this Saori Young Lady, Se Lena, did you say that you lost to the opponent before?” After hearing Se Lena’s words, Mi Lufei startedled.

“Well…I have never fought against Mr. Robert, but Saori Young Lady, I was fortunate enough to fight her. Her Slowbro is really too strong.” Se Lena frowned and sighed. Tao.


Liang Ren is not familiar with Hoenn Coordinator’s circle, and he can’t talk about the four women.

But for the players mentioned by May and Se Lena, he also deeply remembered them, especially the two women who mentioned Robert and Saori with solemn expressions.

The former possesses the beauty and strength of Menus in one body, and the latter possesses the Slowbro which can be evolved by Mega. Pokémon like this has no chance of winning even if he copes with it.

After all, he won Pokémon for less than a year. Although he worked hard enough and still cheats, his background is a little lacking compared with players who have made their debut for many years and even won Conference Champions.

“We haven’t officially started the game, you two have begun to grow up other people’s ambitions and destroy your own power. May, your Flame Chicken can also evolve Mega? And, Lena, your Pokémon is not strong enough. Weak…”

Grace, who was wearing practice clothes beside her, laughed relaxedly.

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