He took Cloyster to this Contest Conference, and he didn’t at all want to take the skill route of Coordinator.

I wrapped it up with fancy special effects, and what I thought was still in the second session of the battle review, to give play to the advantages of my trainer.

After Mi Lufei came on stage, the green-haired youth Drew who had previously met at the Battle Tower in Larousse, and the enchanting man Harley who had met in the morning when the ticket was checked in, also played.

The two are worthy of the players who were asked by Se Lena to pay special attention. The beautiful performance directly rushed to the current highest ranking.


One player left the field, and then another player immediately appeared on the stage. The high-level players performed the Contest again and again, which made many of the players holding on to the fun completely reduced. To foil.

The competition continues to advance, and Contest’s performances are staged one after another. Although the judges and the audience will not talk about aesthetic fatigue, the standards in their hearts have been raised higher and higher.

The further you go to the back, the higher the difficulty factor is if you want to impress the judges and get a high score.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Liang Ren was finally called by the staff.

“Liang Ren, player No. 44, please be ready to play.”


“Se Lena, Slowpoke and Riolu, you Take care of me.” Liang Ren, who got up, handed Slowpoke in his arms to Se Lena.

“Okay, uh!!——(✧◡✧)”

I took the Slowpoke handed by Liang Ren, reached out and touched it, the soft touch made Lena eyes shined.


“Slowpoke, Riolu, you two have to be obedient, remember to cheer for me.”

Looking at Se Lena who had been completely occupied, Liang Ren couldn’t help laughing. After giving an order to the two pets, he walked outside.


“What do you think of Drake Elite?” Wallace asked Drake next to him with an elegant smile on his face in the judging seat.

“Very good, not only Contest but also full of skill.”

Seeing that Raoul Contesta is also listening with his ears upright, Drake is still slandering “bells and whistles”, but still Very officially gave a positive review.


When several judges communicated with each other, Liang Ren also appeared along the entrance channel.

“The three judges are good, I am No. 44 contestant Mumu Liang Ren.”

White T, black pants, clover sports shoes——

Liang Ren, dressed in casual sportswear, came on stage, and the three judges on the sidelines raised their eyebrows, giving it a very different feeling.

“Please start your performance.”

The first time I saw the contestants on stage and greeted them before the performance, the three judges looked at each other slightly smiled, slightly straightened up, their eyes looked Zhong is a little bit more looking forward to Liang Ren’s next performance.

In the waiting room of two players, Lena, Mi Lufei, May, Grace, Drew, a few who knew him, at the moment, watching the teenagers projected on the big screen, everyone also eyes opened wide.

After taking out the baby ball, Liang Ren’s expression became serious in an instant, and his eyes became sharp.

The hand holding the baby ball was tight and hard, and the muscle lines on Liang Ren’s arm were projected clearly on the big screen of the venue.

“Cloyster, ready to debut.”

With a loud shout, Liang Ren instantly threw Cloyster’s baby ball into the air.


“hong long long……”

The baby ball opened, and the three scoring judges and five conference directors who attracted attention The judges, there are nearly 100,000 spectators off the court.

As soon as I saw a snow-white ball, the sky suddenly spread out, and there were bursts of muffled thunder that made people sweat.


The black snow cloud is only used as a background, the sky has no snow and no aurora, and the Cloyster of use Rapid Spin turns into a ball, The snow-white body color became more and more white against the lead cloud.

Cloyster didn’t make any movement, spinning around and hovering in the air, as if it were a snow-white pearl embedded in the dark sky.

The audience opened their mouths wide, the scoring judges stared wide-eyed, and the five judges including Wallace were also full of surprise at this moment.

———What kind of performance is this?

———What kind of Pokémon is this?

———white ball, Silcoon? Shelgon? Glalie?

———What kind of Ability does this Pokémon use?

———What is the meaning of this performance?

There is no splendor and colorfulness, there is only a thick cloud of doubt in everyone’s heart at this moment.

One hundred thousand pairs of eyes looked at the teenagers on the court, and then looked up at the whispering white ball of the sky, the atmosphere of suspense became more intense.

At this moment, the teenager spoke up.



The boy gave an order, and the sphere that sky whizzed down fell like a meteor. Break the night sky.

Only heard a’bang’, the flat and clean stage of the venue, one after another crack like Spider Web Normal, spread out from the Meteorite pit in the center of the stage.


“ka ka ——”

The smoke cleared, and the Cloyster silhouette in the center of the crater appeared on the big screen. It opened to reveal his true face, and the piercing cold instantly froze the entire crater.

Standing on the spot, like a steep and sharp iceberg, watched by 100,000 people, Cloyster is not half shy.

A pair of cold icy eyes scanned the audience off the court, and finally focused on the three judges on the sidelines. Aura was domineering and cold.


“Gosh, the white ball just now turned out to be Cloyster, a white shell with a different color Cloyster.”

“You Look at the big hole in the center of the venue, and the cracks that spread out. Is this a performance or ruining the venue.”

“What kind of performance is this? As a professional commentator for the Contest Conference, I use my professionalism Let me tell you that the performance just now has no sense of beauty, but it is full of courage and shock.”


The heated discussion from the audience made the three judges on the sidelines came Back to his senses, looking at the white Cloyster in the crater in the center of the venue, and the cracks all over the stage.

horrible to see, shocking——

“Huh, a very courageous performance, can I ask, what moves Cloyster showed just now?”

< p>The serious lady in the review pushed the framed glasses on the bridge of her nose at this time, turning her eyes to Liang Ren and asked.

“Rapid Spin.”


Liang Ren explained with a smile, Cloyster also turned his body, The pit flew out, as if to confirm Liang Ren’s words.

“The dark clouds at the opening just now…”

“That is the characteristic of Cloyster: snowfall.” The performance of the Contest Conference does not limit the use of Pokémon characteristics, so Cloyster’s behavior is not Be considered a violation.

“Well…the last question, I asked you personally, are you a Pokémon trainer?” the black-rimmed glasses female judge asked with interest.

“Yes, I’m a Pokémon trainer.”

“Hehe ~ This kid has an appetite for my old fogey.” Hearing the words of the white-shirted boy in the middle of the meeting, Drake was on the board of judges. His upper lip and beard trembled, and he said happily in his heart.

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