“Yes, I am a Pokémon trainer.”

This Contest Conference is a Coordinator event, but not at all stipulates that trainers cannot participate.

Just like the Coordinator can also play Gym to challenge the Alliance Conference, as long as the Coordinator himself has the will.

Furthermore, the Coordinator is not to say that it is challenging the Alliance Conference. If you have that strength, even if you are an Alliance champion, Wallace is a living example.

The player who finished the assessment on the left stage just left. At the moment, there is only Liang Ren on the conference field.

Because the preliminaries need to progress, basically the judges will not make any comments on the performance of the players, and the players will stop after they have scored with their professionalism.

After the competition like Liang Ren ended, the judges also asked a few questions continuously. From the first stage assessment in the morning to now, it can be said that it is the first time that it is unprecedented.

Six judges on the left and right stage, five Conference judges on the podium on the side of the venue, 269 contestants in the waiting hall, and a full 100,000 spectators outside the venue.

At this moment, everyone is focusing on the young man in the center of the venue———

Liang Ren’s voice is not loud, but under the PA equipment, a full-blown male voice But it was clearly in the ears of everyone at the scene.

“Pokémon trainer?” On the sidelines of the judges, facing the clear and bright eyes of the young man on the big screen, Wallace’s eyes flashed with no reason.

In his determined and confident tone, he is full of enthusiasm for the trainer’s profession and unwavering belief in the path he is taking, which Wallace admires very much.


As the female reviewer said before the question, this is only a personal question and does not affect their rating.

After the three judges communicated with each other, they also gave their scores to Cloyster’s performance just now.


Coordinator is a group of people who are good at using skills to show the charm of Pokémon, and the essence of Contest Conference is a contest of the charm of Pokémon.

beautiful, handsome, smart, cute, strong…

From the official start of the game at nine in the morning, the judges and the audience watched too many gorgeous performances.

However, officially because it was too Contest and too skillful, gradually, it didn’t have the shocking feeling of directly hitting the soul.

As for Liang Ren and Cloyster’s performance just now, the dark clouds were overwhelming and thunder roared at the beginning. Then the Meteorite fell and the entire stage of the performance was destroyed with a bang.

The whole performance is just like what many Contest Conference commentators sitting in the audience said, not at all what meaning and beauty, but it is full of courage and shocking.

Seeing more colorful performances, skillless performances like Cloyster, on the contrary, is refreshing and impresses the judges and the audience.




See Liang Ren With the scores, there was a burst of cheers like mountain cry out and sea howl.

96 points are very high, but so far this is not the highest score, there are five or six points higher than Liang Ren.

But after so many performances, the audience’s impression of the previous high scores has long been blurred.

If the game ends here, if you don’t watch the replay afterwards, it is estimated that the audience will not know the names of those players.

But this boy on the field is different——!!!

Although it is still only the preliminary round of the first round, but the special performance full of courage, it makes the scene and many TV sets The audience remembered him.

I remember the snow-white heterochromatic Cloyster at the Contest Conference and the name’Mu Mu Liang Ren’.

“Thank you, Teacher, the judge.” Seeing the scores displayed on the big screen, Liang Ren suddenly became happy.

270 players in the preliminaries were eliminated 2/3, and only 90 players could advance to the official game in the afternoon.

So far in the game, not many scores have reached 90. His 96 score can basically confirm that he has successfully advanced.

After waved to the audience and thanked the three judges, Liang Ren also took the Cloyster out.

In fact, he knows that Cloyster can get such a high score. The main reason is that after the visual baptism of the previous players, the judges are already a bit aesthetically tired.

That’s why Cloyster’s skillless performance can bring a sense of shock. If Liang Ren played relatively high, the score would not be so high.

Although it will not change from 96 to 69, according to Liang Ren’s own at first estimation, the score is at most between 75 and 85.

But it’s a good thing to get a high score. Liang Ren is not at all too entangled. Now he has a good start. He is one step closer to the ultimate goal of winning this conference and then playing against Wallace.


Liang Ren’s review is over, it is already 10:20 in the morning. Although I am sure I have been promoted, the three women, Lena, May and Grace have not yet played. Liang Ren also sat with the players in the preparation room.

Se Lena signed up late, and there are still many players between Liang Ren, but May and Grace are much earlier.

Back to the preparation room, the butt hasn’t been hot, and Grace has already played on the left stage.

“Medicham, Thunder Punch!!”

Without the slightest bit of grinding, this girl dressed in practice clothes caught the flying baby ball and gave it with one hand on her hips. Pokémon gave orders on the field.

Fighting + Psychic Attribute, Medicham, who has a human-like appearance, stepped on a Bounce after receiving the instruction, and his body full of power jumped high.



The body hugged knees in the air and turned around, and fisted while falling down .

Golden’s dazzling Spark sneered, like fist strength astral qi Normal lingering on the fist, the air seemed to become anxious at that moment.

“Bang——ka ka!”

Leaping up, tucking around in the air, falling, and punching, Spark’s Thunder Punch fiercely hit the center of the stage fiercely. A half-meter in diameter cracked pit suddenly appeared.



Although Medicham was unable to destroy the entire stage as aggressively as Cloyster did before, But Medicham, who is good at Calm Mind and yoga, also showed his excellent physical strength control.

This is the charm of Medicham’s unique and unmatched, so after the audience cheered, the judges also gave a high score of 94.


“Flaming Chicken, use Blaze Kick!!”

Not long after Grace, May also played. May is in the Hoenn Region Coordinator circle Very famous.

This is not only because she is the daughter of Mega’s popular Gym Leader Norman, but also because she is very good.

Today at the Conference powerhouse as clouds, May also sent his strongest Pokémon flame chicken.

An amazing Bounce, the flame chicken was almost close to the dome of the hall, a fiery flame burst out from the right foot, and the whole body fell like Meteorite.

“Bang——ka ka!”

Huge sinkholes, densely packed cracks like spider webs, and performances similar to those of Cloyster, but not at all lost in courage .


Cloyster took the advantage of the front players, but May actually showed the charm of the flame chicken.

Cloyster’s performance not at all has the effect of suppressing jade and jade. On the contrary, it is like a piece of cake. Comparing the two sides, the flame chicken is even better.


I don’t know if it was influenced by Liang Ren. The players who came on the field afterwards, the performances invariably moved closer to’dominant and courageous’.

There are more and more players ruining the venue.’Mu Mu Liang Ren and heterochromatic Cloyster’ are well-known in the audience and Coordinator circles.

As if he unconsciously created a Contest Conference performance Sect, leading a trend, once the players want to show their Pokémon’dominant, courageous’ Attribute, let Pokémon ruin the venue.


Ding, you get the site maintenance staff Malice +999

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