
“Braixen, use big characters to explode.”

In the preliminary round, Liang Ren was No. 44 and Se Lena was No. 66. There were not many players between them.

Only one move is shown. From the moment the player enters the stage to the step down, an assessment can be completed within a few minutes.

Not long after Grace and May finished the assessment, it was Se Lena’s turn to play.


Received the instruction of Se Lena, the red pupil, white face, flame ears, yellow skirt in the center of the stage, and only red bowknot wood stuck in the tail Stick, the fox Pokémon, who looks like a girl, uttered a fox cry.

Pulling out the wooden stick from the tail, like waving a magic wand, a blazing flame flies straight to the audience.

However, it is not very accurate to say that the flame characters are inaccurate. As a degenerate form of Delphox, Braixen has not yet awakened the Psychic Attribute, but the powerful characteristics of Mental Force have begun to show signs.

The normal big-character explosion is a big flame, but the big-character explosion issued by Braixen of Lena on the field is a huge five-pointed star with golden red.


Looking at the dazzling flame pentagram getting closer and closer to him, there was no fear on the faces of the audience.

As a popular new star in the Coordinator circle, the power of Braixen, Lena, is controlled, and the audience is at ease.

The flame five-pointed star exploded in midair, which was five meters away from the auditorium, and turned into a light spot of golden red energy. Seeing the rostrum Wallace secretly nodded.




Braixen is good at power control , Se Lena not only grasped this key, showed its charm, and even showed it to the extreme.

Following Robert and Saori, Se Lena is the third player to get a perfect score in the preliminaries so far, and there was a burst of cheers over the roof.


Several players who need special attention have been assessed. Although the morning game has not ended, everyone is not at all planning to continue watching.

“Chengcheng…stare dong…you”

“There are a lot of people at the moment. Pokémon may take some time to recover, or we can go to the next restaurant to eat Order something, their store has launched new desserts recently!”

May, who has a cheerful personality and is passionate about food and shopping, suggested with a smile.




“That~ I won’t go, this will There is still nearly an hour until noon, I am going to take Riolu to the battle hall for actual combat training.”

Seeing the four girls who were immersed in the topic of desserts, Liang Ren said somewhat sorry.

“There is a game and training today, Liang Ren, don’t you take a break?” Except for Grace, the three girls looked at him in surprise.

“In the morning preliminaries, the official game in the afternoon, and the first review in the evening, there will be a total of three games today —

Exercise requires persistence. Cloyster does not need to do exercises today, but other Only Pokémon can’t do it.”

Seeing the four girls with surprise on their faces, Liang Ren laughed and explained.

Different from coordinator and performer, Pokémon trainer pursues battle strength, and the main way to improve battle strength is daily exercise and evolution.

Evolving this thing, Pokémon has experienced at most twice in his life, so more often it is necessary to improve his strength through training.

“Liang Ren is much more diligent than Ash of yours——Aung.” Hearing Liang Ren’s answer, May leaned over to Se Lena, pushed her elbow down and laughed and teased her.

“Ash is also very diligent.” Seeing May mention Ash, Lena’s complexion is as usual, but when you look closely, you will find that the girl’s ears are a little red.

The two girls have both traveled with Ash. May and Ash have become close friends, and Lena has other affections on this basis.

Liang Ren not at all heard the whispers of the two women, and the few girls in front of him had no objection, and they were also planning to take Riolu to the battle hall.

“Liang Ren, your Riolu Level is not high. Go directly to the battle hall to take part in the actual combat. If you lose, it will hit Little Brat’s confidence.

“I just took it recently. A Pokémon is only at level 10. Would you like to play against me? “

Grace, who hadn’t spoken before, looked at Riolu led by Liang Ren and asked.

“Of course, I can’t ask for it. “Hearing the words of the girl in the practice clothes in front of him, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel happy.

The Thunder Punch of Medicham in the morning game was very impressive. It is believed that the level of Grace who can train such a Pokémon is very high.


Fighting against such an opponent is very good for Riolu or for him.

If there is not a game today and tomorrow, Liang Ren even wants to send Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster has three pets and challenged the four women in front of him.

“I’m here too. I just conquered a Pokémon in Shahuland two days ago, and the level is not high. “Se Lena happily raised her hand and said.

“Okay. “Liang Ren’s smile is getting brighter.

“Dessert——Battle—Dessert——Battle…, hey! Well, Mi Lufei and I will also go to see you fight. “

Seeing that the two companions both decided to accompany Liang Ren to fight, after May struggled a bit, she followed Mi Lufei by the hand.

Today is the official start of the Contest Conference. Many people went to watch the game on the days of 1989.

As noon was approaching, there was not at all who in the battle hall of the Pokémon Center. Many of the venues were empty.

Be a referee. “Seeing that there is no referee on the sidelines, May stood up excitedly and said.

“Okay. “Liang Ren complied, and then led Riolu to the battlefield.

“Come out, Corphish. “

Seeing that Riolu was already standing on the opposite side, Grace, who walked to the command position, also directly released Pokémon.

“\(*T▽T*)/”< /p>

“hehe ——hehe ——!!”

The baby ball opened, and what appeared on the court was a Corphish holding pliers and full of vitality.

“I’m a very energetic guy, Riolu, be careful of the opponent’s pliers for a while. “

Looking at Corphish crawling sideways, Liang Ren slightly smiled, and also reminded Riolu.

“ao 嗷——”

Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Riolu nodded, with dark red eyes looking at the opponent with the toothed dance clamp on the opposite side, he became more alert.

“The game started. Seeing that both Pokémon have already arrived, May directly raised his hands and announced.

“Corphish, use water guns to attack. “Grace takes the initiative.

“Slide dodge on the right. “Liang Ren didn’t react slowly. Liang Ren, who predicted the opponent’s action through his lips, immediately gave Riolu instructions.

“Puff——” After receiving the instruction from the trainer, he seemed to have hyperactivity just now. Of Corphish, his eyes drenched at the moment.

Raised his arms like a cannon, an oval shrimp clamp, and a water gun shot towards Riolu with a puff.

“shua ~” However, the straight-line shooting of the water gun has not changed, and it is easily dodged by a right slide by Riolu.

“Dodge, alloy claw Stockpile prepares. “Entering the fighting state, Liang Ren’s perception becomes extremely keen.

The timing is also just right. Riolu has just finished dodge, and his order has been issued.

“Bang~” Spontaneously used the Extrreme Speed, the blue light appeared on the surface of the body, and with a kick of his feet, Riolu swished out directly.


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