“Liang Ren, your Riolu is really strong.”

Looking at Riolu, who had gone through a battle, but was not flushed and breathless, Grace exclaimed.

“Where~Your Corphish is also well-trained. You have learned Bubble Beam ability at level 10.” Liang Ren said politely, not at all, I am proud of winning a game. .

In the early days of Pokémon, battle strength was not directly proportional to Level. Even if everyone had almost no Attribute restraint at Level, it would be impossible to say which side the battle would eventually go to.

The reason for this is Ability ———

Just like the initial form of Kanto Region Quasi-Legendary Dragonite: Dratini, without considering Hereditary Ability, Dratini before level 10 You can only learn “Bundling, Leer, Thunder Wave” three skills Ability.

Before the 10th level, Aber Snake can learn the four skills of “Binding, Leer, Poison Sting, Acid” Ability.

Dratini at level 10 will face Arbor Snake. As long as the trainer has no problem with his mind, he will only win the latter. In the juvenile stage, the dragon is inferior to the snake.

It is precisely this point that Liang Ren did not rush to help Riolu with Ability training, but led Little Brat to do Fighting technique cultivation.

Offensive, defensive, speed, control, interference, and assistance, it takes a lot of energy to build a complete Ability architecture system, but Fighting has all the elements of combat.

Fighting is just to exercise the body, using the power of the body through skills, it is undoubtedly easier to get started than Ability’s learning + control.

Fighting’s cultivation is very cost-effective, and the short-term investment is small, but the effect is obvious. Moreover, if you persist in the long-term, the future potential is not comparable to 1-2 moves ability.


Ding, experience +19

Ding, pick up defense Attribute value + 1

Ding, pick up attack innate talent value +1


Speaking politely to Grace, Liang Ren put away the experience fog and Attribute coins exploded by Corphish, one white and one red, Liang Ren My heart was full of joy, and I didn’t think much about it, so I used it directly to Riolu.

“Now it’s me, Liang Ren, your Riolu, do you want to go to the service desk and let Nurse Joy help you recover.”

Grace takes back the Corphish who has lost the combat capability and comforts After a few words, Se Lena also stepped onto the court with fighting spirit and said.

“No need for this, just eat a blue orange to restore some strength.” Liang Ren replied.

In the fight with Corphish just now, Riolu was not at all badly injured and absorbed the experience fog of Essence, Qi, and Spirit energy. Riolu has recovered a lot.


Lena, who looked at the boy opposite taking out a small blue orange from his pocket and holding the baby ball, was also patiently waiting for Riolu to finish eating.

The blue orange effect is very good, chew, chew, swallow, and Riolu becomes a lively dragon and animated tiger on the battlefield.

“Since it’s recovered, then-Skitty, it’s time for your Contest to appear on the stage.”

Riolu returned to Liang Ren’s half-court to stand, and the commander was on the opposite side. Lena, also spinning with a stepping foot, threw the baby ball high in his hand.



The baby ball was opened in midair, and a pink petite Pokémon fell lightly on the right On the battlefield.

It is a Pokémon that looks like a kitten. The entire back is pink, and the abdomen and face are pale yellow.

Two smiling eyes are always slightly squinted, four small and short feet, the tail is like a fluffy grass, and the slender rod is connected with a fluffy tail like a spinning ball.

Being stared at by this cute little kitty, Riolu’s drooping ears opened, and the fighting intent was unconsciously reduced.


Looking at this pink little kitty on the field, Liang Ren muttered to himself, and immediately called up the opponent’s race information in his mind for backup .

“Are you ready? I’m ready to start calling.” May saw him distracted on the sidelines and reminded him aloud.


Recalling Skitty’s information, there are not many attacks on Ability before level 10, but he can learn two tricks to control Ability, Liang Ren thought Also secretly guarded.

“Skitty, this is your third battle. The winning streak can’t be interrupted.” Lena glanced at Riolu, who was waiting, and shouted to Skitty with a smile.


“The game begins.” Seeing that both sides are ready, May directly signaled the start.

“Preemptive strike, give me a jump over.”

I didn’t wait for the opponent to attack first, seeing Se Lena confidently, knowing that this Skitty is not easy to deal with Liang Ren, Started the offensive first.

“Bang~” Riolu kicked his feet, and his whole body rushed towards Skitty.

“Skitty, use Attract.” Lena laughed, her face was not panicked, and the instructions were also blurted out.

“Meowth ~”

Skitty is small in size but big in heart, Riolu is coming aggressively, but this Little Brat is not afraid, looking at Riolu eagerly, weakly Called softly.

“ao ——(๑♥♥๑)”

The love of a pink pink pounced on the face, and Riolu, who couldn’t stop under the rush, struck him instantly. Yizheng was directly immersed in the cuteness of Skitty.

“Now, use Fake Out.” Seeing Riolu’s fascination, the smile on Lena’s face became brighter.


Skitty received the instruction, and his petite body swished out, like a pink jump ball that was thrown quickly.

“Riolu, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, wake up soon!!”

Seeing Riolu falling into a state of fascination and knowing that it is difficult to recover for a while, Liang Ren sighed symbolically shouted .

Sure enough, just as Liang Ren thought, Riolu, who has a well-behaved and sensible personality and has always listened to him, wakes up at this moment not at all.

Although Attract is a Normal Type move, according to Lester’s explanation in the previous Normal Type theory class, Attract is a pseudo Psychic Type move.

The essence of Attract is Spirit Attack. Early researcher Scholar determined that this ability can only have an effect on the opposite sex, but later discovered that it can also be launched between the same sex under certain conditions.

The effect of this ability is positively related to the user’s appearance and temperament.

Strength/Machamp and Jynx like female ♀ are used on males of different races. The effect is not only greatly reduced, but sometimes it also produces irritating and provocative effects.

The male ♂ Gardevoir and Primmarina use Attract, and for most Pokémon species, whether it is male ♂ or female ♀, it will have an extremely strong effect.

It is said that the males ♂Gardevoir and Primina, have used Attract on the male ♂opponent and then use Wake-Up Slap to attack, which will cause tons of damage to the opponent.

But in the same situation, sometimes Wake-Up Slap formidable power will be greatly reduced or even invalid.

It is said that there is another situation, Wake-Up Slap not only does not cause harm to the opponent, but also enhances the ability of Attract.

As for why there are so many changes, I can only say that with the in-depth research of Scholar Researcher and the development and progress of scientific concepts, many things that were not known have become known, rather than the ability itself. Problem.

The essence of Attract has not changed. It is still a Spirit Attack. The outstanding traits of the caster can increase the Ability effect——

The opponent powerful Willpower can also reduce the Ability. Formidable power has a lot to do with the gender not at all on the battlefield, but in general it is more effective for the opposite sex, so the trainer and Pokémon can learn with confidence.

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