“Now, use Fake Out.”


Riolu is confused by Skitty’s cute appearance at the moment, but the opponent launches an attack without the slightest Hold Back .

The footsteps rushed lightly, Skitty raised the petite cat’s paw and patted Riolu fiercely on the face.


With the help of the Ability effect, Skitty’s strength is not small. Riolu, who was hit by the next blow, fell to the ground, rubbing the Ground and slid out several meters away .

“Riolu, wake up soon.” Liang Ren from the sidelines shouted again.

Fighting Type Pokémon is mostly mental and determined. Although Riolu is now age not to old, Liang Ren insists on fighting daily cultivation, and Little Brat Mental Force has become tenacious.

At the moment, when he was attacked, the pain from his body and Liang Ren’s call, Riolu really woke up leisurely.

“wu wu…”

Riolu shook his head with his hands on the ground, his darkened eyes stared at Skitty, gritted his teeth and made a wu wu threatening sound.

Before, it was confused by the petite and cute appearance of the other party, so it started to say, but now it has detected the appearance, fighting spirit merged with hostility, and Skitty wanted to confuse it, but it was not that easy.

“Skitty, use Tackle.” Lena not at all cares, even the crazy MegaLucario she has seen, the threat of a Riolu naturally cannot deter her.


Skitty is the same. Riolu just stood up with a carp, and Skitty, who received the instruction, has rushed towards Riolu again.

“Stay and don’t panic, pay attention to the opponent’s actions.” Seeing Riolu want to take the initiative to take the initiative, Liang Ren promptly prompts.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, your body’s center of gravity sinking, bending your knees and fists and waist slightly, staring at the rushing Skitty.

“Meow~” Skitty always squinted his eyes with a smile, and rushed in as he was one meter away from Riolu.

“Side sideways, knee-top.” Liang Ren ordered the time.

Skitty kicked on the ground with four feet, and his whole body bounced close to the ground like a cannonball, and moved towards Riolu’s stomach hit it.

“Bang~” Riolu, who had recovered his composure, reacted very quickly. He turned a little sideways, and his right knee was directly against the empty Skitty like a tricky uppercut.


“Skitty, use Attract again.” Seeing that Riolu was not knocked down, but was counterattacked by the opponent, Lena raised her brows and planned to do it. Reimplement and use Attract to control Riolu.

“Aura protects his head and uses Low Sweep suddenly.” Liang Ren reacted quickly.

Skitty used Attract to control Riolu twice, which made him feel dreaded by the hypnotic Ability “Sing”, it is very likely that Skitty is not at all mastered.

In this case, Liang Ren decisively went to the defensive and started to attack.

“Meowth~” hit Riolu on the top of his knee. Skitty was injured not lightly, but Little Brat, who received instructions from Lena, fell to the ground lightly with a twist.

Turning his head and looking at Riolu again with a cute expression, because of the injury, this time the Attract Ability use came, but it added a bit of love and affection.

“wu wu ~” Seeing Skitty’s expression, Riolu lost consciousness for a moment, but this time Lena failed to do so.

The pale blue Aura lingered in the darkened eyes. Riolu shook his head and recovered in an instant. He stomped on the ground, and rushed towards Skitty with a whistling sound.

“Skitty, Tackle.”

“Bang~” Riolu using Extrreme Speed ​​moves faster.

Skitty just leaped up, a front kick has already come, and Skitty’s body flew out like a pink Little Pi ball.

“Don’t let it go, catch up and continue attacking.”

Skitty is petite and only half the height of Riolu. At this time, kicking is undoubtedly better than bending and boxing. Much more effective.

He ordered a Low Sweep attack just now, but when he rushed past to attack, Skitty had already jumped into the air.

Riolu changed his moves on his own, changing Low Sweep to a forward kick. Liang Ren was very satisfied with such a sense of autonomous response in battle.

This makes him feel that Little Brat has a serious understanding of the ideas he usually instills. I believe that in the future battles, the cooperation of one person and one pet will be more tacit and less effort.

“Skitty, dodge.” Seeing that Attract was no longer able to control Riolu, Lena’s confidence had begun to waver.

Now seeing Liang Ren launching a fierce attack with Riolu, Se Lena sensibly did not meet force with force with him.

However, the initiative is handed over to Liang Ren. It is not easy to realize the idea of ​​avoiding the edge for the time being.


Skitty has the advantage of a petite body, and moves very dexterously, but Little Brat is physically weaker than Riolu who has been doing physical exercises for a long time.

An Extrreme Speed ​​rushed in, and Skitty turned around to jump through the dodge, but then became strong again and took a kick from Riolu.


“Catch up and attack with a straight punch.” Liang Ren shouted.

Skitty doesn’t have much Ability. Usually, the battle is basically to use Attract to control the opponent, then Fake Out + Tackle, a set of bursts to kill the opponent.

When Liang Ren thought of using Aura to protect his brain and hacked Skitty’s Attract control, Lena’s three-handed axe basically had no room to play.

Skitty is petite, dexterous and agile, and has a certain advantage in speed, but Performance is an irreparable shortcoming, especially when compared with Riolu.

Skitty’s status keeps declining, but Riolu, who found the rhythm, is the more fights the more brave is.

“Bang~” Riolu, who received Liang Ren’s order, caught up with Skitty again.

After bending the elbows and pulling, the muscles of his arms rushed out, and his fists pierced through the air with a whistling sound, hitting Skitty’s body hard.

“Skitty…!!” Se Lena screamed in surprise.

However, Skitty rolled twice on the ground, but did not wake up in the end.

“Skitty lost the combat capability, Riolu won the game.” At this time, May’s verdict came from the sidelines.

From the very beginning into a disadvantage, to fight back strongly behind, whether it’s the calm and calm Liang Ren, or tenacious Riolu, the more fights the more brave is, all three women off the court have Kind of strange feeling.

“The Pokémon trainer is indeed the profession that is best at fighting.” Looking at the silhouette of the youngsters on the court, the few women secretly sighed.


Because of the Contest Conference today, Pokémon was not at all who in the battle hall. Except for Grace’s Corphish and Se Lena’s Skitty, Liang Ren could not find Other opponent suitable for Riolu.

However, he is not at all insisting that today is the Contest Conference, and everything is still focused on the competition.

Although advancement in the preliminaries has been firmly established, the official competition in the afternoon and the final performance review in the evening are very big challenges for him. After all, there are many high-level players in this competition.

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