“Of course, you must be asked for your opinion on such an important thing as evolution~” Liang Ren rubbed Slowpoke’s head said with a smile.

“It doesn’t matter to me. Whichever one do you think you can hold, let me evolve into what I am~”

Slowpoke raised an eyebrow and said with a grin .

“I can’t hold you, you can hold me, you always have to pay back when you come out.

“Look when Pidgeot was Pidgey, he squatted on me all day On my shoulders, now it’s my turn after evolution. You let me hold it all day long, and you say how you will pay it back. “

Punching Slowpoke’s ears, Liang Ren laughed and asked.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`) Hugs are for each other, don’t you hug me? I hug you, I’m so cute and not heavy, it’s uncomfortable to hold it~”

“Where is it not heavy, you are more than seventy catties. “

“Ah duo——Are you embarrassed to say me? Your own weight is 130 kilograms. “

“I’m a good man~”

“Ah duo-you are a great man, I am still Slowpoke, do you have me cute? “

“hehe ~ you are the cutest. “Liang Ren rubbed Slowpoke’s warm belly and chuckled.

Since Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Riolu need to be cared for, Liang Ren has found that his desire to fall in love is increasing. Weak, which made him wake up secretly, and he can no longer continue to fall.

“Ah~Slowpoke, your belly feels so comfortable, fat Doduo, soft. ”

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`)”


When one person and one pet play around, the more the competition The performances of the champions Saori and Slowbro got the first full score.

When the enchanting man Harley on the 19th came on stage, the venue once again set off a wave of cheers.

< p>“Hello——I’m Harley, I love you mua~”

Under the watchful eyes of Drake, one of the Alliance champion Wallace and Elite Four, not only did he feel less nervous, but he let himself go even more. His style and personality are revealed.

I don’t want to say whether this charm is attractive or not, but Liang Ren feels very admired by the spirit alone.

“It feels a little disgusting~ “May covers her eyes and said with a bit of embarrassment.

“haha, I think Mr. Harley is a very personal person. Saori slightly smiled and commented.


“Banette, let’s perform. “Harley didn’t know the reaction of the players in the preparation hall, and he was not interested in knowing.

Feeling the fiery enthusiasm of the audience, Harley excitedly released his Pokémon. There is a zipper on the mouth, and the body is a gray and black puppet.

A pair of scarlet’s vertical pupils stared at the audience outside the venue, and the cheers of the venue suddenly choked. They clearly stood under Spotlight, but separated The screen Liang Ren still feels an eerie atmosphere.

“Banette, use Thunder. “The performance officially started, Harley’s enchanting temperament faded instantly, and Banette, who had successfully shocked the audience, also began his own performance.


Sky shot out a Spark, and next moment a stronger violent thunder pillar was guided down and struck Banette’s body unbiasedly.

“Banette, use Night Shade. On the sidelines, Harley’s mouth twitched and opened his arms as if he was immersed in his performance, lightly ordered Banette.

“jié jié jié jié ~” Banette, who was struck by lightning, had no face The slightest painful color, instead, grinning and making a weird laugh.

Night Shade amplifies Banette’s weird grin. The audience is really scared at the moment. They are obviously scared, but they can’t help passing through Look at it with your fingers.

“It’s really scary, but I can’t look away from the performance. “At the end of the performance, Joy, the judge, wiped the sweat from his forehead and exclaimed.

“It was indeed a very eerie performance. “

“Banette is well trained and fits well with Coordinator. “Drake also expressed his emotion.

“Thinking of using Thunder to show the charm of Banette, this is indeed a very personal performance, isn’t it? “Wallace slightly smiled said.

Although the mainstream performances at the Contest Conference are basically positive, they present a pleasing program through precise movement control.

Like Harley Negative performances, looking at the entire Contest Conference, it is really the only one without a semicolon, but Harley is indeed very standard, and the control of the horror atmosphere is very in place.

It makes the audience feel scared but yet again. Not too much, this is what makes him brilliant. Many unconventional players have not tried this, but they all overturned. Sure enough, Banette’s performance ended and the audience slowed down. After a while, there was a burst of cheers on the scene again, and Harley was also the second player to get a perfect score after Saori.

There was bead and jade in the front and pressure from the players behind. It’s much bigger. If the visual impact is not as strong as Harley’s performance, the final score will be suppressed to a certain extent.

Even Drew, who plays behind, pursues an unpretentious style, although Absol has performed very well. , But in the end still failed to surpass the first two to get full marks.


The game is still going on, after more than half an hour of competition, it is finally Liang Ren’s turn Here comes the stage.


“Liang Ren, come on!!” got up and handed Slowpoke and Riolu to Se Lena, and the girls cheered for him.< /p>

“Okay. After Liang Ren exhaled, he also turned and followed the staff out of the preparation hall.

“I don’t know what amazing performance Liang Ren will make in a while. “Liang Ren’s performance with Cloyster in the morning was an eye-opener for the girls, and everyone was looking forward to his performance for a while.

“Mi Lufei, you and Liang Ren live in a hotel, you Do you know what Liang Ren will perform in a while? “May asked curiously.

“Where did I know, at first, I thought he was just signing up for fun to join in the fun. Who knew he was serious and his standard was so high.” “Milu Fei Shrugged said reluctantly.

“It’s okay, we will know soon. Said Saori laughed next to him.

In the eyes of Saori, who won the Contest celebration championship and got perfect scores in both rounds of this Contest Conference, Liang Ren and Cloyster’s performances are not very brilliant.


However, as a professional Pokémon trainer, Liang Ren’s performance from his point of view is quite meaningful for Saori. Therefore, looking at Liang Ren who has already walked to the venue on the big screen, Sa Weaving wide beautiful eyes do not want to let go of any detail.

At the same time, when Liang Ren’s head is lit up, the atmosphere of the venue instantly becomes lively.

After so many games, the audience did not at all forget the courageous performances of Liang Ren and Cloyster in the morning. Looking at the silhouette of the teenagers on the field, they also want to know what kind of performance he, as a trainer, will perform in a while.


The performance venue slowly settled, and then a water venue was replaced. The pool water swayed under the lights, reflecting the dazzling rays of light.

The audience outside the field and other players in the preparation hall are looking forward to it now.

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