“Five judges, Teachers, good.” Liang Ren greeted the judges politely.

“Okay, please start your performance.” Drake, who was not very caring about this Contest Conference, was answered by the five judges, happily.


“Come out, Cloyster.” Being watched by so many people, Liang Ren adjusted his breath imperceptibly before he threw out his hand. Baby ball.

“hong long long ——!!”

The baby ball opened at high altitude, and Cloyster used the Rapid Spin almost instantly.

The snow cloud rolled away instantly, the light of the entire venue became dim, and Cloyster hovered high in the sky like a sphere, like a snow-white pearl inlaid on the sky.

The opening of Cloyster’s performance was very similar to the morning performance, or simply exactly the same, the women in the preparation hall couldn’t help but start to worry.

“The most taboo of the performances at the Contest Conference is repetition. If you continue to use the morning performance model without innovation, it may be difficult to get a high score in the end.” Milufie frowned said.

“Don’t worry. Although Liang Ren has no experience in Contest Conference, he will not make such a low-level mistake. He must have his own ideas.” Se Lena exhorted.

“Yes, I haven’t seen him apply for a water venue.” May also said. Although she only met today, she has confidence in Liang Ren.

“This is the case. If the water is replaced by the morning routine, it is estimated that the splashing water will have to be covered by the judges.” Mi Lufei laughed and no longer worried.

But the audience didn’t have that confidence in Liang Ren. Seeing the exact same opening, everyone thought he was going to knock Cloyster down like the morning.

“If you smash it into the pool, it will look good.”

“It is estimated that the judges will be sprayed with water.”

“This guy looks like The face is upright, I understand his wretched intentions. He wants to make Nurse Joy wet under the guise of acting!”

“Ahhh…I look forward to it.”

“Get wet, Joy Sang!!!”

“I look forward to Wallace master getting wet too.”

“Wake up, Wallace master is a man.”


“Let me take care of me, I’ll do it.”


When everyone talked about the opening of Cloyster being exactly the same as the morning show, there was no It was found that the snow cloud of Sky became thicker and thicker, and the light in the venue became dim.

As the only white sphere on the dark sky, Cloyster is like a bright Moon Wheel, unconsciously focusing everyone’s attention on it.

At this moment, Liang Ren spoke up.

“Cloyster, Icy Wind!” Seeing that the light had been completely dimmed, Liang Ren issued an order decisively.

“xiu—— BiLin~BiLin”


✧…✧✧…✧✧✧ …✧✧✧✧



Liang Ren tone barely fell ,sky 雪白的The Moon Wheel suddenly cast a bright glow.

Cloyster, positioned by the spell turret, is best at power control. At this moment, Icy Wind, which rotates his body and uses it, is slightly cool but does not feel cold.

The shining energy stars floated all over the audience. At this moment, where is the audience complaining before, is the opening exactly the same? Just good-looking is enough.

There are more and more energy stars, and there is no need for excited audiences to hold out hands to receive. The shining energy stars fall all over the body, and it feels like refreshing, like a cold moonlight. Shine on the body.


“It’s so beautiful——!!”

At this moment, whether it is the judges, the audience or the players in the preparation hall, all at this moment I was immersed in this beautiful picture of Gu Yue created by Liang Ren and Cloyster.

If anyone is not satisfied with Liang Ren’s performance at this moment, it is probably the Drake Elite of the judges.

“It is fancy and flashy. I originally thought this kid was a good trainer. Didn’t expect to fix the Coordinator set.” Drake shook the head in his heart, thinking with a sigh.

However, as Liang Ren who has a high enthusiasm for the trainer profession, how could he disappoint Drake.

Seeing everyone immersed in this beautiful scene, Liang Ren twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and raised his hand to let Cloyster enter the show.


“Boom——!!” Liang Ren said the law, the extremely dim snow cloud, at this moment, brewed a gorgeous colorful beam of thick water tank , Against the Cloyster moved towards the water field close to the snow cloud crashed down.


When Aurora Beam flashed, everyone came back to his senses.

I just opened my eyes and saw the bright beam fiercely against the sphere made by Cloyster, which is exactly the same as the performance in the morning, but now it is more gorgeous.



The laser beam blasted into the water field against the Cloyster, and everyone only heard a dull sound of’bang’ With a roar, nearly 80% of the water in the pool was splashing all around in the form of splashes.

On the judges who bear the brunt, Joy screamed, and several other people quickly raised their hands to hide behind their faces. These all are the instinctive reactions of the human body.

“Wow ka ka…Joy Sang is getting wet!!”

“Ahhh…Wallace master is getting wet!!”

Seeing the water splashing in the venue, many audiences were full of excitement, but more audiences and the players in the preparation hall were indeed in a state of brain freeze.

“This is too bold, aren’t you afraid of being eliminated?” Lena muttered, Slowpoke in her arms, looked at the situation on the venue, and indeed looked interesting.

In fact, when Cloyster crashed into the pool, a huge splash of water splashed out in all directions, and it took just over a second for the players and the audience to react.

The young people at the venue always have a confident expression.

“Cloyster, Sheer Cold.” Liang Ren shouted in an imposing manner.

“ka ka ka kha——”

As a pure ice attribute Pokémon, it also has the characteristics of an extremely cold body. It seems to be bombarded by Aurora Beam into the pool, but in fact, it is not Cloyster. at all injured.

Receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, a dazzling cold light burst out from the center of the splash. Amid the freezing sound of ka ka, the huge splash turned into a crystal clear and near-transparent ice lotus.

“Continue to use Icy Wind.” Before the audience sighed, Liang Ren 3rd order has been issued.

“Swish swish…”

Cloyster bounced from the pool, Rapid Spin use, and his body turned into a white ball hovering low on the ice lotus core.


The Mew-like energy stars once again drifted towards all directions, but it was the Qinghui of the bright moon just now, but now it is an ice lotus Pollen.


“Oh~ so beautiful!”

The opening is exactly the same as the morning game, making everyone think he wants to follow the morning routine, unconsciously Reduce the psychological expectations of the audience judges.

Immediately after Gu Yue hung high and spread Qinghui, let everyone immerse themselves in the beautiful scene, a small turning point changed the audience judges’ view of him, and thus obtained a higher evaluation.

Finally, Aurora Beam smashed into the pool with Cloyster to splash. A big turning point made the audience judges change his evaluation again.

The last trick, Sheer Cold, turned the water into an ice lotus and pushed the performance to a climax.

Everyone is in shock, Liang Ren once again let Cloyster hang on the ice lotus core, use Icy Wind.

Gu Yue hanging high and spreading Qinghui——

Ice lotus falling to the ground overflowing with fragrance——

frightened and flustered, having ups and downs, two or three An Ability really let Liang Ren play with flowers.

Sasaki and Joy are the resident judges of the Contest Conference. The scoring angle of the two is more based on Pokémon’s health and the bond with the trainer. They don’t care about performance and charm display skills.

As one of Liang Ren’s three main forces, his bond with Cloyster is undoubtedly very high. Liang Ren also attaches great importance to the health of Pokémon in his hands.

At this moment, I was healed by the beautiful scene of ice lotus spilling fragrance, and the two people’s evaluation of Liang Ren and Cloyster suddenly reached the top.

Next to Wallace and the Chief-In-Charge Raoul Contesta of the Contest Conference Secretariat looked at each other, then turned to look at the ice lotus in front of them.

The snow-white sphere made by Cloyster complements the crystal clear and near-transparent ice lotus, beautiful-shocking-beautiful again.

Although the teenagers on the field claim to be trainers, they are not at all inferior to the professional coordinator for their beauty and the charm of Pokémon. Therefore, both of them have a very high evaluation of this performance.

At the moment, there was absolute silence in the venue. There was no cheer or admiration.

Looking at the huge ice lotus blooming on the pool, the Cloyster on the stamens shed the energy stars of Mew, everyone was once again immersed in this beauty.

“Okay… so beautiful!”

In the player hall, the girls who were worried about Liang Ren just now have opened wide and were performed by Liang Ren and Cloyster. Shocked speechless.

Among them, Mi Lufei was the most surprised. Among a group of people, she had known Liang Ren the longest and lived in the same homestay. She persuaded Liang Ren to sign up for the competition.

However, she at first simply didn’t treat Liang Ren as an opponent that needs to be faced up. She didn’t expect that he could perform such a gorgeous performance. At this moment, she was in a mood.

In the corner of the preparation hall, an elegant man with a tall and slender figure, dressed in a purple casual suit and long golden hair, looked at Liang Ren’s performance on the big screen, and his eyes flashed. Splendid.

After watching the morning game, it was Liang Ren who was here. I also recognized the elegant man in front of him. It was the number one Seeded Contestant: Robert who made Saori feel stressed.

The same Rapid Spin skyrocketed. Liang Ren made some extensions before and after. After adding some content, the final work really surprised everyone.

However, Liang Ren’s performance, not at all, conquered all the judges.

One of them, Drake wearing the captain Daqiu, glanced left and right to see the 100 points given by the four people around him, and finally thought about giving his own score on the button device in front of him.

“I will give you 95 points. Of the 5 points reserved, 1 point is for fear of your pride, and the other 4 points are for your upset. Such a good trainer, it’s okay to participate in any Contest Conference, it’s fancy ……”

“Okay, the five judges also gave their scores at this moment. After adding up and tying, the final score of Mumu Liang Ren is~”


“99 points! Let us congratulate Mumu Liang Ren player and thank him for bringing such a wonderful performance to all of us. I hope to make persistent efforts in the following games and continue Bring surprises to all of us.”


“Then please come on stage with player 33.”

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