“Liang Ren, your performance with Cloyster was amazing.”

“Are you not a trainer? How come you made a performance so Contest? You are trying to grab our coordinator and performer My rice bowl.”


Back to the contestant preparation hall, May, Saori, Se Lena…a few women immediately gathered around, chirp chirp twitter twitter posted While admiring, she also looked at him strangely.

Although the competition has only been in two rounds, the biggest dark horse of this conference is probably not Liang Ren.

“At first, no one takes you as a trainer seriously. Now as long as the players in the lobby have not been eliminated, they have already regarded you as a rival that needs to be treated with caution.” Mi Lufei sighed. .

“Do you also include you?” After taking Slowpoke from Se Lena, Liang Ren laughed and asked.

“Of course, judging from the previous two performances, you and Cloyster performed at a very high level on the stage. You are promoted to the second stage of the battle. That is the advantage area of ​​your trainer. But I regard you as a rival.”

May raised a finger, winked playfully and smiled.

“When you say this, I feel a lot of pressure suddenly~” Liang Ren laughed back.

He hasn’t forgotten that before the start of the game this morning, Grace said that May’s Flame Chicken could evolve Mega.

It has been several years since Bratalo Professor of Kalos Region published the paper “Pokémon Mega Evolution…”. Liang Ren, who is determined to take the path of a trainer, has been concerned about this peculiar The state of battle has also been deeply understood.

At present, 42 kinds of Pokémon (except Divine Beast) are known to be capable of Mega evolution, so not all Pokémon can be Mega evolved.

Moreover, if Pokémon wants Mega to evolve, it must be advanced to the final form. At the same time, the potential of this stage must be tapped and mastered. Then, relying on the deep bond between the trainer and Pokémon, it can assist Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone Items. Complete evolution.

Combusken wants to evolve the Flame Chicken at Level 36, plus the potential development and full control of the power behind. May has been in the debut for five or six years. The Flame Chicken is her initial Pokémon, how high is the level Liang Ren unimaginable.

In addition, the Flame Chicken can also evolve Mega. If he meets in the next game, Liang Ren will not be at all. After all, Cloyster is only Level 34 now, and even the gaseous-→liquid power is transformed. Not finished.

From May’s attitude, Saori and Robert, who have defeated her in the Contest finals many times, are much stronger than her.

Clearing these nodes, Liang Ren found that in order to win the final victory, the success rate can be described as very small.

“Forget it, I don’t want to do that. Since I decided to participate in the competition, spare no effort is fine.

“After getting the final victory, I lose to Wallace, and then I lose to others in the game. The powerful opponents are all losing, so what’s the difference–

Enjoying this rare and precious pressure is very helpful for the promotion of Cloyster. “

Liang Ren has never been an aiming too high person, as a soul transmigrator, because the time point does not coincide with the original plot timeline, he is not at all the advantages of foresight.


As for the intellectual advantage, although they can lead some people, these all are can be supplemented by acquired learning. The advantage against the real Heaven’s Chosen Liang Ren is not big.

As far as possible Picking up experience fog, Attribute coins, and ignoring success rate will definitely learn Ability’s crude cheat. Although it helped Liang Ren raise the growth ceiling, the utility is not at all as perverted as imagined.

red Attribute coins can be slow To increase the potential of Pokémon, it is not easy to burst red Attribute coins, and other Heaven’s Chosen Child, the Pokémon innate talent in their hands is very high.

As for Ability learning, although it helped Liang Ren save money A lot of time, energy, and money, but for others, they are not lacking.

Liang Ren can use cheat and his own efforts to lead many people and become the best peer among peers. A small group of people, or a well-deserved number one among peers.

But it is not so easy to be among the small group of people in a higher age group, or even the first, these all are needs to be accumulated.

After all, in this World, there are not many geniuses with innate talents, deep backgrounds, resources…, and those who can truly stand on the highest point are only those who can be counted on one’s fingers.< /p>

But this not at all makes Liang Ren lose his confidence. The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. There are so many objects that can be chased and surpassed on the road to becoming stronger. Liang Ren will be high-spirited and feel like he is His life is full of passion.

The former champion of Hoenn Alliance digs rocks in the mountains. This is a great time for him to catch up and try to catch up with the opponent.

……< /p>

Liang Ren second round is over. A high score of 99 is enough for him to advance to the final performance review at night, but he doesn’t leave at all, and he is still watching other players’ games in the preparation hall.< /p>

Of course, he is concerned about Like May, Grace, Ser Lena, Robert… these famous Coordinator players.

The performance of everyone is really wonderful. Different from his way and special effects to get high scores, the women who have a unique knowledge of stage performances make people enjoy the performances. .

The performances of Lena and Robert are still fresh in Liang Ren’s memory.

The Braixen of Lena relies on superb power control to make Fire Spin form a circle of scale frequencies when music is playing around him.

Braixen is in it, dancing lightly and gracefully while performing dazzling flame magic.

Not only was the form novel, but it also showed Braixen’s best flame control characteristics. Finally, Lena won full marks for the second time.

The performance of Robert later is also breathtaking.

It is worthy of being the Coordinator who immersed in May and won the Contest championship. Menus received a cheer as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Safeguard + Shiny’s combo skills vividly and thoroughly demonstrate the charm of Menus itself.

The level of Menas is very high, and he is quite skilled in the control of his own power. The scales on his body reflect the luster of Attract.

Shining but not dazzling——

Colorful but not glamorous——

As the highest voice of Robert at this Conference, he also followed Saori and Se After Lena, he became the third player to get a perfect score in both rounds.


“After an afternoon of exciting and fierce competitions, among the 90 players, which 30 of the 90 players will advance to the final performance review in the evening?”


“Look at the big screen———”


|.^o^………. |




Robert’s appearance is relatively late. He originally planned to leave after watching a few players that need to be focused on. Didn’t expect forcibly to see the end.

Liang Ren also simply waited until the final announcement of the player promotion list. 90 players were eliminated 2/3 again, but fortunately, he successfully made the promotion himself.

“One step closer to the ultimate goal.” Seeing his name on the player’s promotion list, Liang Ren became a little more relaxed and happy.

“Congratulations to the 30 players mentioned above. Tonight’s final performance review starts at 19:00. Please prepare for the successful players.”

” Liang Ren, go to dinner with us, and then make some pre-match adjustments.”


May, Grace, Se Lena, Mi Lufei, Saori, the small team has expanded again, and only Liang Ren is a male team, so it is particularly eye-catching to go out.

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