The Yingyan surrounding is really pleasing to the eye, but eating with a group of girls is not a pleasant experience.

For a while, desserts, fashion, beauty…the girl talked about him completely.

For a while, I didn’t know if it was an appointment, and the women focused on him again, living habits, hobby, love history…, as if they wanted to strip him off to read them all.

After dinner, it was exactly 18:00, which is one hour away from the final performance review of the evening and the last game today.

“I won’t go to the dessert shop with you. I will take Cloyster out to make some pre-match adjustments.”

Get out of the Pokémon center and look at the many enchanting females beside you, Liang Ren stroked his forehead and said.

“Aung ~ stay with us, I also want to hear you talk about Cloyster’s strength control training.”

Grace, in a light-colored practice suit, twists a strong and strong Waist, said in a whispered tone.

“Uh-! Next time… I’ll talk about it next time…” Liang Ren hit haha, and walked out of the square with Riolu and Slowpoke.


“Ah~Don’t, people just want to hear you tell stories.”

Looking at Liang Ren has gone far, May learns to do In Grace’s tone earlier, she raised her little pink fist and slammed Lena’s chest twitchingly.

“Huh~ you go away.” Se Lena said with a look of disgust with goose bumps.

“May, you are afraid that you are looking for a beating, you are actually laughing at me.” Seeing May learn from herself, Grace’s eyes were cold, and her knuckles crackled threateningly.

“hehe~Isn’t Grace that our family always dislikes Xiaoxianrou? What happened today? I even took the initiative to attack Charm from Liang Ren’s little brother.”

Red The girl in the white ball turban with her hands behind her back, her head leaned over to Grace and teased.

“che, you have Drew, Se Lena and Ash, and Saori’s suitors have been queued from Littleroot Town to Lilycove City. This Miss also wants to talk about a sweet relationship. p>

And which one of your eyes can see that Liang Ren is a little fresh meat. They are obviously very strong and have muscles.”

Grace, who is always carefree, is My friend’s cheek flushed at this teasing, but he retorted unceremoniously.

“The prostitute doesn’t have small meat, they obviously have muscles~hehe.” May sneered and ran forward quickly.

“Okay~ Xiao Nizi, let me catch you in a while, and see if I don’t red your ass.”

Seeing a few people around you with a smile Looking at her, Grace suddenly made a blushing face, pretending to be angry ~ chasing May wow.

“hehe… Grace, look at you like this. If you meet Liang Ren in the second part of the audit, you are planning to release the water.” Mi Lufei also shouted jokingly behind him. .

“No, my Grace’s boyfriend will either conquer me or be conquered by me. There is no third possibility. Water release is impossible——!!”

The girl in Kung Fu clothes who is leaving May has the same personality as her reddish-brown hair, three-point introverted and shy, seven-point blatant.

Listening to Mi Lufei’s ridicule, although Grace did not look back, she proclaimed boldly and frankly.

“And they are so strong, do you need me to release the water?” Grace added in her heart.


On the square outside the Pokémon Center, a few women played and made trouble, and the hearty laughter like a silver bell attracted passers-by to stop and look.

However, Liang Ren doesn’t know what happened here after he left. At this moment, he is walking towards the beach with Pokémon.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, come out and breathe.” After walking for a long time and still not seeing the sea, Liang Ren found a small empty park and directly released Pidgeot and Cloyster.

“Beep Eagle——”


At dusk, the sunset of sky, one is bored in the baby ball for a day, the other There were two stressful games in the morning and afternoon.

Out of the baby ball, the sea breeze blew across the green forest on the edge of the park, and the two Pokémon also made expressions of enjoyment.

“Pidgeot, take us to the beach for a drive.” Liang Ren touched Contest Minyu on the back of Pidgeot’s neck and said.

“Beep Eagle——”

Hearing Liang Ren’s request, Pidgeot nodded, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon happily.

Since evolving to the final form, Pidgeot has a small hobby manned, and usually likes to take Liang Ren, Slowpoke…they go to the sky twice.

“OK, Pidgeot takes off~”

The Pidgeot that has evolved to its final form, although there is no huge Pidgeot on the lone peak of the deserted stone forest island. It is huge, but the Pidgeot has a wingspan of three meters. Also much better than similar burly.

The wide back is completely enough for Liang Ren, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Riolu to sit, and Slowpoke’s Confusion reduces the weight. Pidgeot carries them flying without any burden.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot received the instruction from Liang Ren, and Pidgeot flew into the sky directly on the sea breeze.

“Woo~so cool and refreshing.”

Sitting on Pidgeot’s generous back, with Slowpoke in Liang Ren, I’m not afraid to fall down, and open my arms in the direction of the wind. Arms, the cool but not cold sea breeze passed by the ears, blowing the clothes and hunting.

From a high-altitude view, the city’s high-rise buildings are full of traffic taking in the entire scene. I just took Slowpoke and Riolu for a long time without walking to the beach, but at this moment, Pidgeot fluttered his wings.


The sun is gradually sinking, and the sunset glows orange in the sky. Even the flowing clouds seem to turn into orange at this moment.

The whistle——!!

On the sparkling sea, the day-shift ferries sounded their whistle and slowly drove into the port to dock. The workers on the dock dragged tiredly The body walked towards home, but there was a happy smile on his face.

The treacherous sea is full of danger, so every brave sailor is a real man.

But some people are busy returning home, but some have just come out now.

On the beach a few kilometers east of the port, a group of young men and women are having a party. The atmosphere is very lively.

The sea breeze blew, and he, sitting on Pidgeot’s back, smelled all kinds of snacks and drinks.

Flying high and looking far, the seaside scenery below is really taking in the entire scene, which makes people unconsciously gush out of pride.

“Huh~This situation really makes me feel the urge to chant a poem!” Liang Ren smacked his lips and said.

“Ya duo——(´◔‸◔`) Yin to listen.”

“Okay, cough cough~” Liang Ren cleared his throat.


The evening breeze is blowing in the still water bay,

White waves drive by the beach,

There is no coconut grove with setting sun,

It’s just a sea blue.


“How is it? Xiaodai, do you admire my literary talent very much.” Liang Ren raised his head hopingly, as if saying that there should be applause at this moment .

“bang bang bang bang~” Riolu nodded earnestly and applauded.


“Beep Eagle——Boss, I sue you, you change the song!!”

“Yeah Duo——←_←Liang Ren, are you bullying and you have no culture?”

Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Slowpoke are not as simple as Riolu. Liang Ren just finished chanting, and the three pets all turned their heads. Looked at him slightly contemptuously.

“Allah~ the night’s game is about to start, let’s go back soon.”

Liang Ren, who was a little frustrated, called haha ​​and hurriedly changed the subject.

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