
Liang Ren, who appeared on the stage as the No. 8 player, has a full 22 players behind.

The competition continues, and it gets more intense, whether it’s for promotion or wanting to show yourself in front of a master like Wallace.

I have watched Liang Ren’s performance, and the players behind have also simply given up. The wonderful performances have kept the warm atmosphere of the venue for a long time.

But billowing waves washing the sand, among the final 30 players, only the 10 best performers tonight were able to advance.

“…After the fierce competition, all the players have now finished their performances. According to the scores of each player, the finalists who will advance to the semi-finals tomorrow are:

1. Yarn Weaving——

2.Liang Ren ——

3.Robert ——

4.瑟 Lena —

5.Drew ——

6.May ——

7.Harley ——

8. Mi Lufei——

9. Grace —

10. Milena—


The avatars of each player are displayed on the big screen of the venue.

< p>After ranking according to the scores, the top 10 avatars are displayed as highlighted, while the remaining 20 players’ avatars are directly disappeared.

As long as it is a game, there is a cruel side behind it.

Just like there can only be one winner on the battlefield, there will be only one protagonist under the Spotlight stage.

“Hhoo~ Successfully advanced to the semi-finals, tomorrow will be you It’s time, Cloyster, let’s cheer together. “

Today’s game ended, and the players and spectators began to exit. Liang Ren touched Cloyster’s warm shell and cast a smile of appreciation and encouragement.

“Kaka——! !”

Cloyster complied. Although it is very tiring after a day of the game, Cloyster is still very confident about tomorrow’s battle.

“Liang Ren, do you want to go eat together? ? “

May the women who came out of their costumes changed their costumes, waved their hands and shouted at him.

“Go ahead, I will also take Riolu to buy something. . “Liang Ren replied.


The final performance review is over 21:00.

Coming out of the competition center, it’s clear In the night sky, the star point guard Gu Yue blinked his eyes.

The nightlife in big cities is relatively rich. At nine o’clock in the evening, many residents of villages and small towns scattered in the wilderness are ready to sleep, but The city’s nightlife has just begun.

Recovering Cloyster to the baby ball, Liang Ren took Slowpoke and Riolu to the outside of the celebration square, beckoning to stop a taxi and rushing to the department store in the city center.

The battle of Contest Conference is different from the battle of the trainer. The battle of the trainer requires one side to fall down and lose the combat capability to distinguish the winners and losers.

The battles in the Contest Conference are In the 5-minute countdown, the two sides deducted each other’s scores, and finally PK based on the score.

Semi-finals: “10→5→3”

Finals: “3→ 2→1』

The exhibition match between Wallace and the final winner will also be held in a 5-minute countdown format, so it doesn’t take much time.

This Lilycove City · Contest Conference will be tomorrow It can be over smoothly. Liang Ren intends to continue his journey early the day after tomorrow.

All the way to the west to Fortree City, he must pass through the wide rainforest. Liang Ren also has to make some preparations in advance.

——Clothes: jackets, quick-drying pants with long sleeves and long legs, hiking shoes, wading shoes or high-top rubber shoes, backpacks, forest hats, gloves, raincoats, etc.

— —Food: portable cooking utensils, canned food, compressed dry food, as well as insect-controlling spray, cold medicine, antidiarrheal medicine, alcohol, bacteriostat, band-aid, Chinese medicine, energy (glucose) and other medicines.

—— Live: tent, sleeping bag, moisture-proof mat…

—— OK: compass, GPS navigator, dagger, climbing pick, flashlight, horn whistle, waterproof lighter, rope…

Rainforest is much more dangerous than other wild environments. Under the unique climatic conditions, it not only has to face the test of the natural environment, but also deal with various ferocious Pokémon and dangerous plants.

Fortunately now Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are not weak. Otherwise, no matter how bold he is, he will not dare to walk through the rainforest and go to Fortree City alone in the deep rainforest.

Take a taxi to Lilycove department store. Building, L Iang Ren led the two pets directly to the upstairs travel and adventure equipment area.

I bought a lot of equipment when I went to the Viridian Forest to experience, such as cooking utensils, tent sleeping bags, compasses, climbing picks, etc., he has in his system backpack.

This time I came here mainly to buy some rainforest adventure clothes, and then go to the pharmacy to replenish some medicines.

As for the things to eat during the expedition, in order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients, he can buy them again before leaving the day after tomorrow.

“Hello, sir, what equipment do you want to buy?”

Take the elevator to the 6th floor area specializing in selling travel items. An able girl wearing a gray green camouflage clothes has a face. A warm smile greeted him.

“I bought a few sets of jackets and quick-drying clothes for rainforest exploration.” Liang Ren directly expressed his intention.

“Okay, please come with me.”

Different from shopping guides in other regions, the girls in camouflage clothes are not a bit wordy, and lead Liang Ren directly to the adventure clothing area.

“Tell me about your height, weight, and shoe size, handsome guy.”

The equipment in the travel adventure area is dazzling, but the clothes are not at all too many choices, just a few monotonous styles The colors are not hung like the clothing store, but are directly packaged in storage.

The girl leaned over to help Liang Ren rummaging her back, while asking about the size of his clothes.

“Height 160, weight 135, usually wear M size, waist 29, shoe size 38”

Liang Ren talked about his clothing size.

“Well, the styles of clothes worn by Rainforest Adventure are not many colors, yellow, green, tea, black, you choose a color you like, and then go to the next changing room to try it on.”


The girl found him all four colors of clothes according to his size.


When traveling in the wild, he doesn’t pay much attention to clothes.

Let Slowpoke and Riolu sit on the shoe-changing bench outside and wait for him for a while, Liang Ren casually took a set of gray-green camouflage adventure outfits and went to the next fitting room to change them out.

“How is it?” Liang Ren’s guide girl asked for advice.

“Yeah~ Very handsome.” Looking at the teenager in front of her, the shopping guide girl’s eyes lit up.

In the long-term Fighting training, Liang Ren is no longer the weak “nerd” at the beginning. He has strong chest muscles, eight-pack chocolate abdominal muscles, thick and strong arms, and clear muscle lines on his arms.

In the aesthetics of boys, the childlike loli is very popular, and in many mature women in mind, the muscles are also too much for them to control.


Looking at the young man in a gray and green camouflage outfit in front of him, his fingers felt the firm body under the clothes while he was helping him sort out the folds of his clothes. The shopping guide girl trembled suddenly, and her breathing suddenly became a little heavy.

“What’s wrong?” Liang Ren turned his head and asked in confusion.

“No…it’s okay, does the clothes fit you well? Do you want to change the size.” The girl pressed her heart down and asked her expression unchanged.

“It fits well. Except for the gray and green one on my body, the mud Yellow camouflage can also help me wrap it up.”

Liang Ren didn’t doubt he had him, and turned to While changing clothes in the fitting room, he also pointed to another set of mud Yellow camouflage uniforms and said.

“Okay, do you need any other equipment, handsome?” The girl wrapped up the suit Liang Ren said, and then turned to ask in the fitting room.

“From Lilycove City to Fortree City, there should be many trainers who come to your mall to purchase equipment. What do they buy for Normal? Let me refer to those things that are still missing.”

< p>Coming out of the fitting room and passing the clothes in his hands to the camouflage girl, Liang Ren thought for a while and asked.

“Okay, to enter the rainforest adventure Normal, I need to prepare…”

After listening to the item list from the shopping guide girl, Liang Ren checked it and bought a pair of wading shoes He followed high-top rubber shoes, and then bought a set of Black raincoat.

“Are there any raincoats for Pokémon?” Seeing Riolu sitting on a stool next to him playing games, Liang Ren thought about it and asked the shopping guide girl.

“Is the raincoat that Pokémon wears? We don’t have this here.” The girl said apologetically.

“Okay, it’s okay.”

Liang Ren bought a raincoat for Riolu, thinking about this rainforest adventure and taking Riolu with him all the way.

Riolu is different from Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster. Little Brat hatches from an egg, and Liang Ren is protected from birth. Compared with the three pets, the latter somewhat lacks exercise.

Danger lurks on every side in the rain forest is full of various dangers, but it is also a good experience for Riolu.

Since the training has started, Liang Ren is particularly concerned about the cultivation of Little Brat.

Next year, I will participate in the P1world Fighting Championship held in Kalos Salo. There is no high requirement for the ranking Liang Ren.

But since there is this goal, he and Riolu have to spare no effort to prepare for this. This is the most basic attitude problem.

Riolu is a humanoid Pokémon, which looks almost like a human child. Since there is no super-small raincoat in the travel equipment area, there are only human children.

From the travel equipment area on the sixth floor, Liang Ren went directly to the clothing store downstairs and chose a raincoat for Riolu.

Compared with the professional travel equipment with Camourflage camouflage characteristics, the brightly colored and fancy children’s raincoats are indeed a bit more eye-catching.

“Forget it, just that frog Prince style raincoat for children.”

Spinning accessories with big round eyes, emerald green color, and a pair of light yellow rain boots .

Among the many bright, fancy, and cute raincoats for children, Liang Ren chose Riolu with a simple green raincoat that is not too eye-catching in the wild environment.

“Beauty, please help me wrap this raincoat and boots.” Liang Ren thought for a while and made a decision.

“Okay.” The little elder sister next to the shopping guide responded with a sweet smile at him.

“ao ——?”

Looking at the cute green raincoat in Liang Ren’s hand, his little hand gently pulled Riolu in Liang Ren’s pants with a little puzzled expression.

“I bought it for you. The day after tomorrow, I will depart from Lilycove City to Fortree City. There will be at least a week’s journey in between.

“This period of time can just help you do training, when the time comes I will not take you back baby ball, Riolu, you have to be mentally prepared. “

Rubbing Riolu’s little head, Liang Ren laughed and said.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

Riolu nodded There is no fear on his face.

After coming out of the department store, Liang Ren took a taxi to the official pharmacy of Alliance, supplementing some medicines for travel.

Clothes for one person, one pet Adding other small pieces of equipment, the total cost is less than 8,000 yuan, but to add a small box of medicines, it cost Liang Ren nearly 10w at once. This is still a 10% discount for Stadium one-star trainers.

< p>This World, as long as you have to deal with Pokémon, the prices are ridiculously high. Of course, the raw material costs of these medicines are indeed high.

“Let’s go, we will go back. “

Riolu carried the bag with the children’s raincoat, and Liang Ren directly let Slowpoke hold the other things with Confusion. After all, he held one and the other, and his hands were all occupied.

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