After finishing the purchase, I went back to the bed and breakfast hut. The light in Mi Lufei’s room didn’t turn on. I guess I was still playing with May and Se Lena in the city.

Liang Ren went back to his room and stored the purchased materials in the system, while Slowpoke and Riolu were playing and rolling on the bed.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you two should also come out and breathe.”

“Beep Diao——”

“Taka——”Shi Lai Ping The room is not big, but it’s not too crowded for one person and four pets.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)Liang Ren, lend me your mobile phone for a while.” Slowpoke, who was rolling around on the bed holding Riolu, stretched his fatty claws towards Liang Ren Shouted.

“Okay, but you have to wash my clothes for a while.” Liang Ren made a request.

During his previous trip to the Viridian Great Forest, after discovering that Slowpoke could use Confusion to help him wash his vegetables, Liang Ren, who was keenly aware, quickly discovered that Slowpoke was a life helper.

Slowpoke can basically do everything from finding things, washing clothes, throwing out garbage…

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`) OK~” Slowpoke rolled his eyes, and finally agreed.

“Beep Eagle——(՞ਊ՞) Boss, I saw a Walkman a few days ago. It is very beautiful and very cost-effective…”

See Liang Ren was sitting at the desk by the window, turning on the small lamp to prepare his travel diary. Pidgeot rolled his eyes and plucked his head over and knocked.

“Didn’t you give you 2000 yuan in pocket money at the beginning of the month? You can buy it yourself if you want.” Liang Ren, who was buried in his diary, said casually.

“Ah Duo——If you want to be the top one of other female anchors, 2,000 yuan a month pocket money is not enough. Bird brother remembers to pay back the money from Xiaobei and I. It’s been a long time. ~”

On the other side, Slowpoke lifts the head to say with a smile.

“Beep Diao——I have been a full-time driver for you for so long, and the money I owe you both has already been paid off. If you have to pay back the money, I will not cut you off. “

Hearing the word’bang one’, he was facing Pidgeot of Liang Ren Charm, and instantly turned his head 180°, and his eyes were full of threats.

Hearing Pidgeot’s threat, Slowpoke stopped teasing him, and the four pets in the room were immersed in their own affairs.

Slowpoke, Cloyster, the young couple are tired of watching variety shows together, Pidgeot is standing alone on the windowsill to admire the moon, and Riolu is swaying his feet on the pillow, obsessed with the fighting game of “King of Fighters”.

Liang Ren finished writing his travel diary here, Liang Ren used a brush to clean Pidgeot’s feathers and at the same time he cleaned Cloyster’s shells.

Slowpoke is here to help him wash his clothes.

Liang Ren doesn’t really want to Slack Off and squeeze his Pokémon to do things, but Slowpoke’s Psychic is really convenient.

Confusion grabs a large mass of water, adds washing powder, liquid detergent and dirty clothes, and Psychic controls the water mass to rotate and stir.

After Liang Ren washed Pidgeot and Cloyster, the clothes on Slowpoke were washed and dehydrated.

While going out, Slowpoke Psychic satisfies Liang Ren the most in life, and it is the next use.

“Go~Slowpoke, Riolu, take a bath together.”

After drying the clothes, Liang Ren walked directly into the bathroom with Slowpoke and Riolu.



Liang Ren turns on the shower Scald, Slowpoke Confusion use, a water polo is in midair formation.


“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

“Ya duo——(´・ω・`)”

In the steaming water polo, Liang Ren, Slowpoke, Riolu, one person and two pets floating in the body, only exposed their heads outside, enjoying at this moment.

“Ahhhh~When I abduct the Fire Element Pokémon, who can only boil water, into the team, I can take a Scald bath even when I travel outside in the wilderness,” Liang Ren elated thought.

After taking the two pets in the Scald bath for a while, Liang Ren also went to bed here to prepare for Rest. After all, there will be a game tomorrow.

Riolu, turn off the lights——

“ao ao~”

Slowpoke, Yawn ——

“Ao ao~”< /p>

There was no word for a night, until the first light of dawn emerged from the eastern sea level, and the dim room gradually became brighter.

Get up to wash, do morning exercises, after breakfast, Liang Ren and Mi Lufei directly take a taxi to the celebration square.


The aisles on both sides have begun to check in. Like yesterday, the square is still so lively.

“Liang Ren, Mi Lufei——here!!” As soon as I walked into the lobby of the event center, I heard May greet them.

“Morning, you have arrived first.” Liang Ren also greeted the women.


“Liang Ren, you are in good spirits. The opponent who is matched with you today is expected to face a tough battle.” Grace smiled hehe To say.

“When we played at the Battle Tower in Larousse the previous week, Cloyster…none of them had fun. Today I would like to have a few hard fights.”

Liang Ren laughed, but I am full of expectations for today’s game.

Then today’s game did not disappoint him. Liang Ren met one of them at the First Stage (10→5) in the semifinals in the morning.


After May eliminated Harley and Saori eliminated Milena, who was promoted to the 10th place last night, Liang Ren and Grace also stood up right. battlefield.


“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

In the Coordinator circle Li Grace’s popularity is not low. Liang Ren, who competes as a trainer, has also received numerous fans in the previous performance evaluation stage.

As soon as Liang Ren and Grace came on stage, there was a wave of enthusiastic support from the audience. For the next game between the two, the players, judges and audience were full of expectations.


He breathed out imperceptibly, and looked at the reddish-brown girl with two pony tails in a training suit opposite, valiant and formidable looking. Liang Ren’s expression also changed. It must be a little serious.

Yesterday, at noon break, although the two sent Corphish and Riolu to a battle, he finally won.

But that is not the strongest battle strength of the two. To be in a circle of friends with May and Saori, Grace’s true strength should never be underestimated.

“Grace, let’s spare no effort and play a game without regrets.”

Liang Ren took out Cloyster’s baby ball and held it in his hand, not caring about it off the court The audience enthusiastically cheered, their eyes staring at the girl opposite and solemnly said.

“Of course, don’t let the water go, or you will lose.”

Looking at the serious expression and piercing eyes of the handsome boy opposite, the girl’s heartbeat is fast for no reason. a bit.

“Okay, come out~Cloyster.” Liang Ren solemnly nodded and threw away the baby ball in his hand.



Released from the baby ball, Cloyster, who was on the opposing battlefield, instantly entered the state .

A pair of ice eyes stared at the opposite girl. Like Liang Ren, Cloyster did not have a psychological burden because the other was an acquaintance.

“Medicham, ready to fight!”


Seeing Liang Ren’s movements, Grace also took away the messy thoughts in her heart. , Released his strongest Trump Card Medicham.

“The Pokémon on both sides are already in place, and the 5-minute countdown begins!”

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