“…The 5-minute countdown begins!!”

Seeing that both sides have sent Pokémon and are ready for battle, Host Vivian did not hesitate on the sidelines.

The white fiber raised hand immediately started beating on the holographic projection timer directly above the battlefield with an order.

“Medicham, use the mind Headbutt.”

The game officially began, Grace stared brightly, took the initiative, and gave Medicham an offensive command.


Medicham, who received the instruction, yelled in an imposing manner, within the body’s surging yoga divine force, the pupils of Black’s eyes changed instantly Become bright blue.

At this moment, there is even more sky blue energy flame rising on the surface of Medicham. As Medicham adjusts the power, it seems that the entire pressure on the battlefield has been affected.

Liang Ren frowned like a boulder on his chest. He found that he still underestimated the strength of the opposite Medicham.

But this is obviously not the time to think about this, because Medicham has already moved on the field.

The agile and strong body trained by somersault pads and feet, hard yoga cultivation, at this moment, like a missile dragging blue flames, moved towards Cloyster rushed over.

“Cloyster, use combo skills.”

As soon as the opposite side came up, he launched a fierce attack, which was exactly what Liang Ren wanted, raising his hand and yelling decisively.

For Cloyster, fighting is much easier than acting.

The body leaps up slightly, the stab armor’ka-cha’ unites, and the “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin” combo is used instantly.

“Swish swish~”

The dark clouds filled the sky, and sky darkened for some time.

Dendemille ice particles hit the ground, a Cloyster incarnation ice pronuclear bomb,’swiftly’ turning rapidly, took the initiative to meet the blue flame missile that Medicham transformed into.


There is no skill at all. The two Pokémons of use Ability’s powerful move came directly into the air with a frontal Tackle. You can see the judges, The audience frowned.

Coordinator’s battle is skillful. It requires Contest for offense, Contest for dodge, and even if the opponent’s Ability is defeated, we must find a way to maintain the elegance of Contest.

However, in the face of Headbutt, the idea of ​​Medicham, a head-on battle like Cloyster is really rare on the stage of Contest Conference.

Medicham Level is not lower than Cloyster. After the two pets collided, they were bounced back for a certain distance.

However, Cloyster’s defensive ability is strong. The confrontation was not at all injured, and the Rapid Spin did not stop.


After rebounding for a certain distance, Cloyster slammed into Medicham again.

“Just-!!” was hit by a spinning top of Cloyster, and Medicham, who bounced and hadn’t landed, let out a painful sound.

Just now in a head-on collision, both sides made the opponent deduct some points.

However, now that Medicham was hit by Cloyster again, Grace’s’point health bar’ decisively dropped one more stop.

“Medicham, rush up and use Fire Punch.” Unlike previous Contest tournaments, Liang Ren’s trainer-style fighting made Grace very stressful.

But at this time, I didn’t care about that many. Seeing that Cloyster was about to bump again, Grace hurriedly gave Medicham a head-on order.

“Continue to Tackle.”

Without any skill, Cloyster, who masters the combination of Shell Smash, Angularization, and Rapid Spin, is now not only a spell turret, but also a Battlefield meat grinder.


Medicham is very fast, and Cloyster is not slow in Shell Smash state. The audience just heard Liang Ren’s command and confronted the two on the battlefield. Pokémon confronted again.

The fist strength slammed through the air, the flame-wrapped fist like a Volcano is erupting, anger mixed with billowing smoke and lava poured out on the iceberg dropping from the sky with all its strength.

Huo Kebing, Grace pays attention to playing very well——-

It’s just that she didn’t know that Shellder absorbed the Never-Melt Ice when he evolved the Orb of Ice. Power, now Cloyster has some high resistance to fire.


Under the Rapid Spin, the Fire Punch sent by Medicham was squeezed out, turning into red energy and light lingering around the ice bullet, with heart Unintentionally, it adds a bit of charm to Cloyster.

“Medicham, fly with a knee and kick it.”

Come on again, see Medicham Fire Punch only let Cloyster deduct a point, but he deducts a lot of points. , Grace’s eyebrows are a bit heavy.

“dodge, Aurora Beam from the sky.”

Seeing Grace is slowly being brought into his rhythm, Liang Ren’s side is also adequate. The enemy’s chief.

The combination of Rapid Spin can play Cloyster’s defensive advantages, allowing it to be like a battlefield cudgel, without fear of damage and unscrupulously disrupting the opponent’s rhythm.

However, Physical attacks are not the strengths of Cloyster, it is best at long-range firepower output.


Cloyster reacted very quickly. As soon as Medicham’s fist was withdrawn, Cloyster turned and retreated, causing Medicham’s flying knee to hit the top of the air.

Cutting off one’s means of retreat has the characteristic of being unsuccessful and benevolent. At this moment, even if Medicham’s body is very flexible, it is inevitable that a weak spot will be exposed due to the imbalance of the center of gravity. .


As soon as Cloyster flew away, the sky’s black plume cloud immediately boiled and surged.

A bright colorful beam of light in a thick water tank blasted on Medicham’s body like a heavenly punishment thunderbolt in the stunned eyes of the audience judges.

After watching three performances yesterday, the audience judges also know that Liang Ren, a heterochromatic Cloyster, has the special ability of summon Xueyun Aurora.

But no one didn’t expect Cloyster to be able to’punish for the sky’ and bomb Medicham from the summon Aurora Beam in the snowy sky.

Liang Ren discovered this attack method the day before yesterday when he took Cloyster to rehearse the performance. At that time, he was as surprised as the audience at the moment.

The Ice Orb is a rare treasure used by Articuno to stabilize the natural weather order. Shellder’s mouth took the Ice Orb to evolve in a month, and the body has also undergone some unknown changes.

The absorption and assimilation of Never-Melt Ice is incidental. According to Liang Ren’s speculation, Cloyster’s body is also tainted with a trace of natural meteorological authority, otherwise it will not have the two major meteorological characteristics of snowfall and aurora.

In any case, this is a good thing. This is an opportunity for Cloyster.

“Cloyster, use continuous Aurora Beam.”

Seeing that Grace was beaten up, Liang Ren was not at all polite, pinpointing the time of Cloyster’s landing, Attack Order blurted out.




Motivate It is not a small burden for Cloyster to launch an attack by Nature Power, but it is much easier to launch an attack with one’s own power within the body.

Medicham, who was caught in the cold, became very stiff. The three-shot Aurora Beam of the Cloyster shot on the ground came in succession, and Medicham just failed to dodge.


The five-minute countdown is not much, and my own score is almost bottomed out. Seeing that Medicham is under continuous attacks, Grace Suddenly panicked.

“Cloyster, use Ice Beam to solve it.” The cold is permeating the battlefield, and at this moment, it seems to have become the home of Cloyster.

Grace’s score has bottomed out. No matter whether Cloyster’s attack can defeat Medicham, as long as the opponent has another ability, he won the game.

“Shit~” A pale, extremely cold light flashed in the air like a broken line, and it struck Medicham in the next second.

“Medicham, use Protect.” Grace yelled.

“ka ka ~”

Medicham, whose body became stiff, was unable to respond to Grace’s instructions. With a clear freezing sound, Medicham instantly Turned into an ice sculpture.


The score returned to zero. The five judges on the judging stand pressed the stop button and heard the harsh zi zi sound, Grace for a moment Some were dazed.

“I was eliminated?!” The girl muttered to herself in disbelief.

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