Se Lena’s game is over–

The last game of the first round of the semi-finals, Robert vs. Mi Lufi, is about to begin.

“Mi Lufei, Mr. Robert, both are cheering~”

Because both sides are familiar people, Liang Ren and May are all in the preparation hall, and they are also very enthusiastic Cheer on both sides.

“Thank you~” Robert, who is blond and purple clothes, smiles, and his grace has several points of Wallace master.

“I will work hard.” Compared to Robert’s self-confidence and grace, Mi Lufei’s aura is much weaker.

Liang Ren can understand Mi Lufei’s mood. Robert is well-known in the Coordinator circle, and has won several Contest celebrations consecutively.

It is normal for Mi Lufei to be nervous when facing such a player, and this is the First Stage Coordinator event she participated in after coming to Hoenn.


“Let’s enter Menus.”

When we came to the center of the venue, we stood on the battlefield, and Robert took the lead in releasing Pokémon. .

“Milu~” The baby ball opened, and a beautiful and Mew Pokémon appeared on the court.


Menus, known as the most beautiful Pokémon in the Pokémon world.

After being first brought to the Contest Conference stage by Wallace and being recognized by the world, Menus instantly became the most popular Pokémon in the Coordinator circle, not one of them.

Menus evolved from the stupid Feebas, but has the appearance of a beautiful and alluring Mew like a beautiful snake.

Cream-colored snake-shaped slender body, Fuchsia-colored long eyebrows hanging from above the eyes.

The end of the tail covered with black and pink and blue Mew scales has four blue scales dotted with red ellipses in the center, overlapping like Contest lupines.



Although I have seen it several times, the hall still rang as soon as Menus appeared. There was a sound of admiration.

People in the early Hoenn Region didn’t know that Menas evolved from Feebas. After it was announced by Wallace, countless Coordinators and even performers squatted and fished by the Hoenn River all day long.

There are not many people who have Feebas in their hands. However, the Feebas race seems to have suffered from Heaven’s Jealousy. It has successfully transformed the stupid, stupid, and weak Feebas into Menas. The entire Pokémon world has a few 1 billion people. In, there are only a few that can be counted on one’s fingers.

Some media once did a statistical survey in the whole world. The people who have Minas in their hands are:

1.——Robert: The superpower who won the Contest celebration championship many times Coordinator.

2.——Aiden: Peak Level Coordinator, Sootopolis Gym Leader, Teacher of Wallace.

3.——Xiao Ji: The leader of Battle Pike in the pioneering area of ​​Kanto, known as the Pike Queen, is a super trainer who advocates the concept of only attacking but not defending.

4.——Wallace: Grandmaster Rank in Coordinator circle, Hoenn Region champion trainer.

5.——Shirona: Famous Archeologist, Sinnoh Region champion trainer.

6.——Lusamine: Alola The largest consortium of the Alola Islands: the president of the Aether Foundation, a Mega woman who combines beauty and strength in one body.


There may be other people who have not been investigated who also have Menus, but I believe very few.

Being able to own a Menus can be said to make oneself a well-known figure in the world in minutes.

Liang Ren didn’t think about Menas when he was considering the main force of Water Type. However, in order to evolve a Feebas, Liang Ren asked himself that he did not have that ability.

And for his trainer, he is beautiful, beautiful and so on at all.

From his aesthetic point of view, the Clauncher he got when Minus hadn’t taken the school’s first monthly exam was beautiful.



“Slurpuff, use cotton spores.”

The game on the venue has already begun, although In order to prevent being targeted by opponent after being promoted to the second round, players can send other Pokémon.

However, the two players on the field still used the previous Pokémon. Robert sent Menus, and Milufie released Slurpuff.

On the field, the blue short-haired girl issued a command. The pink Pokémon, which looked like a cream puff, waved her short hand.

The densely packed cotton spores formed a cloud and moved towards Manas quickly and enveloped the past. However, Robert and Menus were more difficult to deal with than Milufie imagined.

“Menus, Twister.” With a wave of Contest’s tail fan, a twister instantly wiped out the cotton spores.

“Bang——!!” Twister did not lose his momentum. Before the plump Slurpuff had time to dodge, his whole body was swept away.

“Slurpuff, use the energy ball.” Seeing that his score was deducted, Mi Lufei, who participated in this type of battle for the first time, became more and more unnerve on his face.

However, Lena can be regarded as a strong enemy, Milufie still has the strength, and soon adjusted his mentality to command Slurpuff to launch an attack.


The Slurpuff that was hit by Twister hasn’t landed yet. The Slurpuff received the instruction to stabilize the center of gravity, and a green light bomb hit Cheyenne Nas again. Past.

“Hydro Pump.” Robert’s instructions are concise and clear.

Compared to other players who are obsessed with showing the charm of Pokémon in the battle, Robert’s battle balances skill and strength.

In Liang Ren’s view, this is a truly competent Coordinator. At this moment, even Drake, who sits on the sidelines of the judges, takes Robert’s match seriously.

Menus’s moves are very strong. Attribute restrained the Water Type energy ball from not at all hitting Meenus, but was backed up by the Hydro Pump.


Cotton Spores, Energy Balls, Fairy Wind, Psychic…, Milufie made strong moves here, and they were all one after another by Menus Cracked.

Menus hasn’t taken the initiative to launch an offense. It only resolves Slurpuff’s attack and has already deducted Mi Lufei’s score almost to the bottom.

There is no suspense in the following game.

Turning offense to defense, Slurpuff, who wanted to dodge and show off his charm with Contest dance moves, was defeated directly by Aqua Jet, Water Tail, Dragon Breath and Hyper Beam in Menus. .

The first round 10→5 of the semifinals came to an end, and the only players who successfully advanced to the next round were Saori, May, Liang Ren, Se Lena and Robert.

Participate as a trainer and stand out from the 270 players.

Never been taken seriously to the most shining on the stage now, and at the same time one of the only five remaining players, this achievement is worth bragging about.

However, Liang Ren knows that the opponent he will face next will be more difficult, because he knows the other four people, no matter it is Saori, May, Se Lena, and Robert, they are not easy to deal with.


After a half-hour break, the draw for the second round on the big screen of the venue has begun.

“Okay, the result of the semifinal second round 5→3 draw has come out.”

——May vs Mumu Liang Ren

—— Saori vs. Lena

——Robert bye.

“Didn’t expect you to get a group with May. It’s really a pleasant surprise.”

Liang Ren said in a half-sigh and half-surprised tone, but he still remembers yesterday morning Before the game started, Grace said that May’s Flame Chicken could evolve Mega.

“Liang Ren, you have to Hold Back to me~”

May said weakly, but with a confident smile on his face.

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