The first stage of the semi-finals is over, and the other players who have been eliminated in the preparation hall do not at all leave. It seems that they intend to see the game to the end.

Without the pressure of being a contestant, watching the next game as a spectator at this moment, the atmosphere in the contestant hall is much more relaxed.

After the results of the second round draw, the next players are also ready to debut.

Robert had only two games in the second round because of his bye. Liang Ren and May were in front, and Saori and Se Lena were behind them.

“Liang Ren, May, both of you have to cheer~”

The two got up and got ready to play, beside Grace and Mi Lufei… a few women, all excited Cheer for them both.

“Okay~” Liang Ren complied, his eyes inadvertently, but he caught a glimpse of May’s wrist with an extra bracelet.

Ya Black’s frosted bracelet is inlaid with a round bead slightly larger than a glass marble, a bit like an amber round bead.

There is a pattern of a double-edged dart inside the bead. Under the lighting of the ceiling of the hall, the bead presents a faint but unignorable iridescent halo.

“Evolving Key Stone!!”

Although it was known in advance that May has mastered the power of Mega evolution, Liang Ren was still a little surprised when he saw the evolution of Key Stone.

The last time I saw Mega evolution was at Pewter Gym Brock. At that time, his MegaSteelix was so strong that he even had the courage to challenge does not raise.

For half a year, he is about to face another opponent who has mastered the power of Mega’s evolution. Liang Ren feels pressure in his heart, as well as inexplicable excitement.

From the player hall, Liang Ren May appeared on the opposite passage.


Standing on the edge of the passageway, listening to the cheers from the audience, Liang Ren let out a deep breath and stopped his feet Stride out again.

The noise of the venue instantly poured into his ears, and Liang Ren’s calm mood was also infected at this moment, becoming excited and enthusiastic.

“After the previous elimination and screening, there are only five players left. The next game will be more intense. Who will advance to the top three finals, next second round In the semi-finals, let a few of our players tell us the answer.”


“Now the two players have appeared. The red side is the May player from Petalburg City, and the blue side It’s a Liang Ren player from Kanto Celadon City. What kind of shocking battle will the next two bring to us? Let’s wait and see.”

Wearing red Host Vivian, in a tutu, tried his best to arouse the emotions of the audience.


“May ……May ……”


“Liang Ren ……Liang Ren ……”

The row of sound waves roared in, which gave Liang Ren a feeling of being in the center of the storm, but the enthusiasm of the audience did ignite his heart. Pride.

The eyes crossed and the imposing manner was colliding with each other. The medicinal smell on the venue became more intense, and the battle was about to start.

“Flame Chicken, prepare to fight~”

“Cloyster, prepare for a battle!!”

The sky thunder shook the earth fire, and the air machine spurred Next, the two on the court threw the Poké Ball in their hands together.


Razor Claw wrapped in bandages, strong and strong legs, Huang Ren blue pupils, tough white feathers, flamboyantly draped behind his head.

Almost two meters tall, the strong and burly flame chicken appeared on the stage, and the fierce fighting spirit flame burst out from the wrist.


Extending his arms and waving his claws, the flame chicken is full of imposing manner, and a crimson pillar of fire is facing the sky Spit Up, standing far away on the other side of the field Liang Ren, who feels that there is a hot wave, assaults the senses towards him.

“hong long long ~” However, this kind of heat didn’t last for too long. When Cloyster appeared on the court, the temperature immediately dropped.

The bright Guild Hall Sky, a dark vortex of snow clouds formed in an instant, and the entire Guild Hall Sky was covered in the blink of an eye.

Sounds of muffled thunder came from the black lead cloud, as if there were a thousand war drums ringing in unison, and tens of thousands of war chariots launched the charge together.

After the horror of the black cloud over the city, sky suddenly appeared brilliant aurora.

Blue-purple, crimson, light green…, the colorful colors change and flow on the light curtain, like fluttering veil, curtain, and colored silk and ribbons blown to the sky.

The light curtain is automatic without wind, and the sky is changing freely on the stage, and the audience’s eyes are immediately moved away from the flame chicken.

“ka ka——”

However, this is not over yet, Cloyster’s body touches the ground, and the extremely cold body effect is activated, and there is a burst of’ka ka’ freezing sound , The entire battlefield instantly turned into a field of ice.

“Since the Contest Conference is essentially acting, let’s show it today.”

The acting and so on are not better than others, but his special effects Cloyster has never been Never lost.

“Although the Liang Ren player has reported to the Conference Organizing Committee in advance, explaining that this is the innate talent characteristic of Cloyster, but after it is fully launched, I still can’t calm down——

“This…this is too Contest, too shocking. “

Host Vivian, who was surprised on the sidelines, can squeeze a Pokemon egg with his open mouth.

The game has not officially started yet, and the two sides are facing each other in an imposing manner. , Cloyster won the victory!!

“May come on…May come on…”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

“Listening to this enthusiastic support, I believe that the audience, like me, can’t wait to watch the fierce battle between the two players, then~”

“5 minutes countdown, now starts…!!”< /p>


Vivian gave an order, but the fire on the battlefield was not ignited, but it caused the thunder in the snow and clouds.

When it sounded, the audience’s heartbeat suddenly burst, as if being beaten hard.


Between snow and clouds Spark faintly flashed past, as if this huge grey cloth pocket was slashed.

The densely packed ice marbles began to fall, and there were a lot of Hail in between, even walnut-sized. A heavy peng peng slammed on the ground on the ice field.

May hasn’t given instructions yet, but Hail, who was hit by the flame chicken on the battlefield, was stupefied.

Although Hail is an indiscriminate attack, Cloyster in Hail has a calm and collected face. The coldness of all around has fully activated the extremely cold body.

Cloyster’s ice battle field, at this moment The Cloyster, which has been fully constructed and has a home court advantage, has now directly become the focus of the audience.

“Since the Contest Conference battle is a performance, let’s see today who is the protagonist on this stage, Contest ? Having strength is Contest. “

At both ends of the battlefield, the girl’s expression was dumbfounded, while the boy’s mouth was raised, standing upright, and an iceberg standing upright.

“How about the evolution of Mega, today I am Just stand in place and let you fight, can you break through the dangers of Fengxue Hail and get Cloyster close and break through its defenses? “Liang Ren thought.

“It’s really funny~” came back to his senses, looking at Hail all over the sky, a smile appeared on May pretty face.

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