“It’s really interesting~ has the entire battlefield turned into your domain? If it’s just that, I will win today’s game.”

“Flaming chicken, let the opponent see you too Let’s take our strength~”

May, whose astonishment faded and a smile reappeared on his face, moved towards yelled at the flame chicken on the battlefield and raised his right hand.

“Burning the fire of our fighting spirit-the evolution of the flame chicken Mega!!”


May shouted with confidence, The evolution Key Stone inlaid on the Yahei matte bracelet in his hand immediately released a dazzling brilliance.

One after another Can golden’s energy unrolled bolt of white silk, moved towards the flame chicken like tentacles, extending towards the flame chicken, the Mega Evolution stone on the other side of the flame chicken also emits a shimmering brilliance.

“Oh hoho…”


“Appeared, May and the Flame Chicken Mega evolved.” Seeing this scene The audience suddenly became excited.

The energy unrolled bolt of white silk bounced the knocked Hail away, and Liang Ren’s expression also appeared solemn.

The unrolled bolt of white silk that stretched and entangled together quickly turned into a soft and bright light of evolution.

The flame chicken wrapped in the light cocoon, as if returning to the eggshell to be bred again, a strong breath faintly spread through the light cocoon.

“Is Mega evolving? Let me see what a powerful force it is today.”

Squeezing down the fear in his heart, Liang Ren’s piercing eyes are restored again Gained confidence.


A Growl full of imposing manner came out, and the sharp claw tore the light cocoon. One is similar to the flame chicken, but it looks The more powerful and domineering Pokémon appeared on the field.

After Mega’s evolution, the flame chicken has sharper claws and more sturdy legs. The tough Shiraha hair that was originally draped on the back of the head is now like a raised eyebrow. , Mighty and domineering.

The fire of fighting spirit bursting from the wrist is so rich that it has become an entity at this moment, fluttering like a ribbon of flames.

The flame chicken has sharp eyes like a knife, and projects through the Hail barrage.

Although he finally focused on Cloyster, who was as steady as an iceberg, Liang Ren, who was swept by the flames’ eyes, still felt a burst of pressure.

“Next, let me use the fire of fighting spirit to melt your ice.”

“Flaming chicken, jump up and use Blaze Kick!!”


Seeing the dignity flashing on Liang Ren’s face, May’s smile became more brilliant, and he reached out his hand and directly caused the flame chicken to launch a strong attack.

“Then try if your fighting spirit can burn Never-Melt Ice.”

“Cloyster, the aurora falls from the sky.” Liang Ren’s imposing manner no After losing and adjusting his emotions, he unceremoniously directed Cloyster to attack.



The flame chicken, known for its Bounce power, has once again strengthened its legs after the evolution of Mega.

The flame chicken screamed violently, bent its legs, and the orange shadow flashed past, and its body had jumped to the height of Xueyun.

The blazing hot flame of thick slurry enveloped the right leg, and the body fell, and the whole body fell like a Meteorite, dropping from the sky moved towards Cloyster.

However, Liang Ren’s reaction speed is not slow. The Flaming Chicken’s kick hasn’t come yet, and Cloyster’s attack hit the Flaming Chicken first.

The curtain of light fluttering on the battlefield Sky, as if being attacked by a strong wind, under the hunting fluttering and dancing, a dazzling singularity suddenly flashed.


next moment The audience hasn’t reacted yet, and a thick aurora laser cannon slams down with a thunderbolt force.


in midair was about to step on the flame chicken of Cloyster. At this time, he had to change his trick forcibly, twisting and kicking Blaze Kick from sky Aurora Beam under the blast.

“Cloyster, use Ice Beam.”

The Mega flame chicken is indeed very strong, and the Aurora Beam, which Cloyster mobilized natural forces, was kicked to pieces.

However, in response to the attack from Sky, his back was completely exposed under Cloyster’s muzzle at this moment. This great opportunity Liang Ren would not let go.

The immersed icicle on the forehead soaked up to the sky and pointed at the flame chicken. After gathering the cold air, it instantly turned pale.


Only heard the sound of’chih’, a blazing white freezing light, aimed at the flame chicken and blasted over.

May cherished his score and let the flame chicken leap from the air to launch an attack. At this moment, the flame chicken fell into a predicament of being attacked by the enemy.

There is no focus in the air, and the Aurora Beam, which is forced to change and twist and kick the dropping from the sky, is already at its limit. At this moment, the Ice Beam hits, and the flame chicken has no room to fight back.

“ka ka ——”

I was hit by Ice Beam, and after a crisp ka ka freezing sound, the flame chicken has turned into an ice sculpture, and it is directly facing the site fall.


Under the dense Hail barrage, Liang Ren could not see May’s face on the other side.

However, the Mega flame chicken was frozen, but the girl did not hear any instructions until the ice sculpture fell to the ground…two meters away from Cloyster.

“Not good, I was plotted against.” Seeing the distance between the flame chicken and Cloyster, Liang Ren eyebrow raised, yelling badly.

“hehe~flaming chicken, break free and use Flamethrower.” At this moment, a command sound was heard on the other side of the battlefield.


The bandaged hands suddenly exerted force, freezing the ice of the flame chicken, and immediately uttered an overwhelmed ka ka sound.

The flame ribbons dancing on the wrists also released the high temperature that melted everything at this time. The ice armor that was already covered with cracks turned into a white vapor and dissipated in the blink of an eye.

“It turns out that the flame chicken can’t get out. The reason why Ice Beam was allowed to freeze itself was because it was unconsciously close to Cloyster’s attention.”


At this time, it was too late to figure out the problems. The flame chicken that got away stretched out his arms, and a high-temperature flame of deep red like thick slurry in his mouth had already blasted toward Cloyster.

“Rapid Spin.” Liang Ren yelled.

The distance between the Flame Chicken and Cloyster, but two steps away, it is too late for Cloyster to dodge when it is launched from such a close place.


“Bang——!!” Close the shell and use the Rapid Spin to unload the defense. However, the pillar of fire blasted, Cloyster’s body was directly thrown away. Got out.

Although the assimilation and absorption of Never-Melt Ice, Cloyster’s fire resistance is greatly improved.

Before, he asked Professor Oak to calculate and experiment. Fire Element moves can cause at most 1.3 times the damage to Cloyster, instead of 2 times the normal fire and ice.

But this is just a normal situation. If the power gap is too large, the opponent’s Pokémon’s flame is too strong, and the shot Cloyster is still quite hurt.

The most important thing is that Cloyster is a pure ice attribute Pokémon. In addition to the Fire Element which can restrain Cloyster, the Fighting moves also restrain Cloyster.

“Cloyster, use Avalanche.” Hearing heavy slamming on the ground, Liang Ren, who was confident in Cloyster’s defense, raised his hand and issued a counterattack command.


After being attacked, the basic damage of Avalanche Ability is superimposed with double the damage of revenge, and the Cloyster moved towards sky let out a soft moan.

“hong long long…” Sky suddenly changed color, and a reduced version of the snow cloud vortex formed on Sky above the Mega Flame Chicken.

However, the face of May on the other side remained unchanged, and immediately responded.

“Flaming chicken, use Protect.”

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