“Flame Chicken, use Protect.”

As the daughter of the Petalburg Gym Leader, May has a very high innate talent in the Pokemon battle. After five years of debut, he has experienced no less than a thousand large and small battles. She has encountered all kinds of opponent.

This time the Contest Conference Liang Ren has sprung up. He is clearly a Pokémon trainer, but he has demonstrated the level of a professional Coordinator on the stage.

It’s the same attention. It’s different from the audience watching a lively scene and taking pictures. As the contestants of this conference, May, Se Lena, Saori… have been collecting his information for the past two days. .

Age younger than them, but so outstanding, coupled with the special heterochromatic Cloyster, Liang Ren impossible is an unknown person.

May and the others searched the Internet. They found out the Liang Ren’s previous battle video at Stadium. After careful research, the women also had some strategies to deal with.

This is the competition. In the end, there is only one winner. Liang Ren will not Hold Back, and May will not underestimate the enemy.

“Cha~” sharp claw lifted the sky, and a semicircular energy shield was instantly formed.

“peng peng peng peng ……”

Avalanche, which was mixed with huge ice rocks, slammed it down, but the light green eggshell light shield was completely motionless and was protected underneath. The flame chicken is calm and composed.

As Hail fell all over the sky, May’s score continued to be deducted at a slow rate. After the Flame Chicken Mega evolved, the deduction rate of the score was reduced again.

Aurora Skyfall was kicked to pieces by the flame chicken, Ice Beam was used, Cloyster was bombarded by Flamethrower, and the current revenge Avalanche was blocked.

The battle rhythm seems to have begun to shift to May’s side, but Liang Ren’s disadvantage is not at all as big as imagined.

Cloyster defensive power is amazing. The Fire Chicken’s offense does not at all cause any actual damage, plus sky Aurora Veil’s damage reduction, and the extremely cold body in Hail weather brings continuous recovery to Cloyster.

If this is a trainer match, the final outcome is really unpredictable. After all, the trainer looks at the result of the match.

It’s a pity-right now this is a game of Coordinator rules, and the game of Coordinator looks at the process.

A grand formation was laid and a fierce attack was launched, but several waves of Cloyster’s attacks were resolved by the flame chicken one after another.

Unconsciously, Liang Ren’s Sky’s “score health bar” above May has been deducted lower than May, but Liang Ren, who was immersed in the battle, didn’t notice it.

“Cloyster, continuous Aurora Beam.” Seeing the revenge Avalanche pin down the flame chicken, Liang Ren pinched the time to attack again.

“Flare Blitz hits over.” May shouted boldly.

Avalanche’s momentum is exhausted. With double raised hands raised from the sky, the eggshell light shield that is about to dissipate will be pushed flat against the Aurora Beam shot from Coster.

“boom~ boom~ Bang… ”

The eggshell light shield broke and dissipated after only blocking two Aurora Beams. However, the delay for these two seconds has already Enough flame chicken to adjust state.


The raging flames did not continue to maintain a defensive position. The raging flames erupted from within the body. The tight legs bent on the knees and slammed on the ground. The body flashed and went straight towards Cloyster launched a charge.

“boom~ boom~ ……”

Look at Cloyster again. There is a body of extreme cold for continuous recovery. The ammunition in the barrel seems to be free of money, chasing after the muzzle The flame chicken that flashed to the left continued to bombard.

However, the rare characteristic innate talent is not only available to Cloyster, but the characteristic ability of the flame chicken is also enviable.

The acceleration feature has been activated at the beginning of the game. With continuous offensive and defensive pulls, the flame chicken’s speed has already been improved to a terrifying level.

Fire Element Physical Unique Ability Flare Blitz use, in the Hail barrage, only the scarlet Blaise flashed to the left, and he rushed to Cloyster in the blink of an eye.

“Rapid Spin guards against…”


Liang Ren hasn’t finished speaking yet, Flame Chicken has knocked Cloyster away. On the battlefield Sky Liang Ren’s score health bar was deducted again, and the gap widened.


“What an astonishing speed, Cloyster’s intensive firepower was all dodged by the Mega Flame Chicken, and even took advantage of the momentum to launch an attack.”

“Cloyster was knocked out. The score of the blue side has bottomed out. Now there are only 30 seconds left in the 5-minute game. Can the Liang Ren perform miracles and reverse the big disadvantage in such a predicament.”

The fierce battle off the field, the audience has been fascinated, only Host Vivian, driven by excellent professionalism, stood on the edge of the venue and saliva splashed across to explain.

“Oops!!” Upon Vivian’s reminder, Liang Ren looked up and scanned the Sky projection’s timer and score health bar.

Sure enough, there are still 30 seconds left”, only one-fifth of the score on his side is left, and May’s side has just deducted half.

“hehe ~ I won this game. “

“Flaming chicken, use Fire Pledge. “When Liang Ren noticed his score, he was taken in the entire scene by May taking in the entire scene.

The smile on the girl’s face grew brighter and she raised her hand–☞, to Mega Flame Chicken The final attack instruction was given.


The flame chicken leaped slightly, the muscles of the tensed arm seemed to be refined steel Normal, and the claws fisted fiercely on the scene. On the ground.


The fist strength was transmitted underground, and the whole hall trembled, and the feeling of Liang Ren on the battlefield became more obvious.


However, he hasn’t stood still, a thick, high-temperature fire column, like a fountain bursting, Volcano erupting Normal, carrying a beacon fire beacon, spouting out of Ground under Cloyster.

The rubble splashed, and Cloyster was directly flying out.

“Cloyster…!!” Liang Ren exclaimed, his eyes full of deep concern.


“——Time is up——”

The 5 minutes of the game is over, the scores of both sides are compared, and the red side May scores There are nearly two-fifths of Liang Ren’s side, but there is only a pitiful trace left.

“The red side won this game. Let me congratulate May player on his successful promotion to the top three finals. “


“At the same time, I would like to thank the Liang Ren player and his Cloyster, whether it is the shocking performances in the three rounds yesterday or the two exciting matches today All the battles have opened our eyes. “

“I believe that whether it is the audience who came to the scene, or the audience and netizens who watched our live broadcast on TV or Internet platforms, I believe that everyone will not forget the conference and enter the final as a trainer. Of this player. “

“His name is–” Vivian dragged a long tone and asked with a microphone in the direction of the auditorium.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

“Thank you all ——!!”

The cheers came, and even if he was worried about the situation of Cloyster at the moment, Liang Ren, who wanted to step forward to check, could not help but stop and bowed solemnly to the audience.



“Cloyster, how about it? Are you OK. “Quickly walking to Cloyster’s side, Liang Ren asked warmly with a worried face.

“Ticks~” The thorns were opened, although the shells were burnt to black by the smoke, but the Cloyster body Not at all hurt.

Looking at the worried teenager in front of him, Cloyster shook the head and said that he was fine.

However, after losing the game, Cloyster looked a little depressed. , After all, Cloyster knew that Liang Ren’s goal was to win the final, and then play against Wallace.

Didn’t expect that he actually lost in the final battle of the semi-finals. Thinking of this, Cloyster became more guilty and responded. After he heard Liang Ren, he closed the shells again.

“knock knock ~”

“Okay, Cloyster, if you lose, you lose. We used to play games before. After losing, the participants in this Conference are very strong, and this kind of Coordinator deduction timing battle is not what we are good at. “

“Whether you or I have tried your best in this battle, I am proud to be able to make it to the finals, and even if I get the final victory, the battle against Mr. Wallace is just like this. Time deduction for battle. “

“No matter what you think, I don’t want to come back to this kind of Coordinator-style battle, and how can I have fun with only 5 minutes of battle? Instead of fighting against Mr. Wallace, I prefer to fight with Drake Elite. A battle. “

Turning his head to the direction of the jury, didn’t expect Drake is also staring at him at the moment.

The battle just now was very exciting, and the white-bearded man also had his face With a bit of appreciation, as if to say: “This is the fighting style that a trainer should have. “



The shell was knocked, and upon hearing Liang Ren’s relief, the shell that Cloyster closed slowly opened , Bingshou looked at the boy’s face, as if confirming that he was really not disappointed.

“Okay, the battle just now worked hard for you. Let’s go to the Pokémon Center for recovery first. “Liang Ren retracted Cloyster and turned his eyes to May.

The Flaming Chicken has now exited the Mega evolution state, and the girl also took it back into the baby ball after a few praises.

“May, congratulations on your promotion to the finals. Next, Cloyster and I will let you work hard together. “Liang Ren extend the hand.

“Yes, but Mr. Robert, Sister Saori and Se Lena are not easy to deal with. “

Extend the hand squeezed, although he promised very readily, but thinking of the opponent he was going to face next, May suddenly became depressed.

“Mr. Robert, How strong are Saori Young Lady and Se Lena, even the one who owns the Mega Flame Chicken? “

“Very strong, very strong…” May said bitterly.

May not at all lie to him, Saori and Se Lena is indeed very strong.

After retiring from the venue and replacing the destroyed battlefield, Saori and Seul Lena also appeared.

——Slowbro vsBraixen ——

It seems that it was deliberately suppressing the power. The match was at first, and Lena gave an order, and Braixen directly evolved into the final form: Delphox.

He was shocked that the Slowbro also mastered the Mega evolution, and the cheers of the venue almost didn’t overturn the roof for a while.

“Um!! This is the feeling again. “

A strange force came from the venue, and then merged into his eyes. Liang Ren closed his eyes and rubbed the upper part of his nose, and the Jingming point at the inner corner of his eyes muttered to himself.

Before he played against May, when the Flaming Chicken Mega evolved, he also had a power into his eyes. At that time, he did not dare to be distracted because of the game. Now that this happens again, Liang Ren has also attracted some attention.< /p>

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