Liang Ren, who won the first place in the competition at the Saffron City Psychic Festival, swallowed a bit of spiritual liquid at the encouragement of Shinichi Kida, and then obtained the Psychic innate talent of “Mega Evolution Wave”.

But at that time his Psychic innate talent was still in an unawakened state–

Until later, I watched Brock’s Steelix Mega evolution at Pewter Gym, hidden in the sea of ​​Consciousness. The innate talent Psychic is really activated after being stimulated for the second time.

At that time, Liang Ren discovered that there was a mutation in his eyes. As long as he moved his thoughts, a strange force would emerge in his pupils.

In his pupils, like Key Stone and Mega Evolution Stone, there will be a multicolored double-edged spiral dart pattern, which is very strange.

Referring to the name of his Psychic innate talent, Liang Ren also called this peculiar force in his eyes: Mega Evolution wave.

Since he was fully awakened at Pewter Gym, Liang Ren found himself in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He also developed a mysterious Seven Colors Space, as long as a single thought can enter.

After him, he often studied this colorful mysterious space. There was a teenager who was exactly like him, but the other’s eyes kept the Psychic innate talent open.

Apart from this, there is a MegaSteelix energy body without consciousness and life in Seven Colors Space. Apart from this has nothing.

Liang Ren doesn’t know what his Mega Evolution wave innate talent is for.

After that, he studied for a long time, and finally vaguely guessed that maybe in the future, watching the Pokémon Mega evolution up close, meaning that the Seven Colors Space in the Sea of ​​Consciousness should still change.

However, Mega Evolution is a very high-end force in the trainer’s circle, and not just any trainer is qualified to master it.

In addition to Sabrina and Alakazam at the Saffron City Psychic Sacrificial Ceremony, they also saw the Mega evolution of Steelix at Pewter Gym Brock.

Besides, Liang Ren has never encountered Pokémon Mega Evolution. Of course, he is familiar with the plot of the original novel, and he also knows many trainers who have mastered the Mega Evolution ability.

Like Cerulean Gym Misty, Hoenn former champion Steven, Kalos champion Karunai, Bratano Professor, Lysandre… etc.

But at this stage, it is still too far away for him. Liang Ren, who has been researching fruitless, has to train Pokémon and his energy is gradually removed from the Psychic innate talent.

After half a year, Liang Ren didn’t expect to meet Pokémon who could evolve Mega, and there were two at a time.

The most important thing is that his guess was fulfilled. Watching the evolution of Pokémon Mega up close, his eyes really changed strangely.

“This is–!!”

Consciousness entered the mysterious Seven Colors Space, and as expected, Liang Ren found a new change in it.


A head is nearly ten meters long, and the ring-shaped metal pieces are scattered around the neck and rotate clockwise.

On the body entirely made of silver-gray metal, there is a MegaSteelix with colorful crystals that winds and crawls boredly in the Seven Colors Space.


A mighty and domineering, nearly two meters tall, with a Razor Claw, strong legs and a flame ribbon on the wrist, the Mega flame chicken is unconscious. Practice Blaze Kick.


On the other side, one relying solely on the tail to support the whole body except for the head, hands, and a small part of the tail is still exposed in the shell. MegaSlowbro, protected by the gray azure snail shell, turned leisurely.

“Are you here?”

At this moment, the boy who looked exactly like him appeared beside him at some point.

“Hmm!!” Liang Ren was really taken aback when he heard the boy speak for the first time.

“Can you talk?”

Liang Ren squinted his eyes in surprise, and suddenly felt a horror in his heart. After all, there is another way in his head that can think independently The consciousness is not a joke.

What to take over and kill another personality to replace it…, all kinds of complex thoughts rise in the mind, so that he has no reason to give birth to a trace of fear.


The young man replied in a flat tone, as if he didn’t understand Liang Ren’s sudden surprise and fear.

“I remember that you couldn’t speak before, and it looked like you were inanimate. Now what…”

Looking at the other’self’ in front of him, Liang Ren felt something in his heart Quite awkward feeling, I didn’t understand it for a while, and suddenly there was such a change.

“I don’t know, I guess I just awakened before. Just now you absorbed the power of the Flame Chicken and Slowbro Mega evolved during the battle, and then I suddenly had my own consciousness.”

The eyes are facing each other, as if looking in a mirror, the boy shrugged said lightly.

“Then are you…”

“Well, after having my own consciousness just now, I also have all your memories at the same time. You are me and I am you , You can treat me as your other personality.”

As if to understand Liang Ren’s suspicion, the young man turned his head for a moment and finally explained.

“Split personality, dual personality?” Hearing this answer, Liang Ren frowned.

“It doesn’t feel like it is. Different personalities have different personalities and behavior styles, but I am exactly the same as you.” The boy opened his mouth and explained.

“Then are you a clone of my personality or soul?”

Liang Ren frowned deeper, although he had guessed that his mysterious Seven Colors Space had changed. But he didn’t expect such a change.

“With such a duplicate personality, I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, and whether it will harm me.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

“I can hear any thoughts in your heart. In fact, your worries are completely superfluous. I feel that I should not be considered as a personality. Use the nouns in your memory to understand, I should be just a Memory derivatives.”

“I rely on your soul and memory to exist. I will exist if you live, and I will disappear when you die. All my memories, thoughts, emotions, and cognitions are It comes from you, so I am completely harmless to you.”

The teenager slightly smiled and explained, with his eyes facing each other, Liang Ren found that his thoughts and thoughts were completely projected on each other In his consciousness, he can fully perceive all the other’s perception and thinking.

As if I was looking in the mirror, I was the reality, and the other was the projection. Knowing that this’projection’ was indeed harmless to me, Liang Ren’s suspicion and fear disappeared.

“It seems that you already understand, but I have the ability to think because of the Psychic in this space. You can directly regard me as your Psychic, or Psychic personality.”

After the young man finished speaking, his body disintegrated directly into a star of energy, floating in the air wantonly.

Then they converged into a colorful double-edged spiral dart pattern, Liang Ren reached out and beckoned, and even allowed the opponent to blend into the body of his consciousness.

“My Psychic?”

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