[Name]: Mumu Liang Ren

[Gender]: Male♂

[Age]: 13

[Strength]: 11 (adult Average 10)

[Physical Strength]: 10(……10)

[Intelligence]: 20(……5)

[Charm]: 10( ……5)

[Number of Pokemons held]: 4

[Attribute points to be allocated]:0

[innate talent]: Mega Evolution wave ( Awakened)

(——collected: MegaSteelix, Mega flame chicken, MegaSlowbro.

(——not collected:……)

The draw was over, and the players staying in the hall and the audience also began to leave.

Liang Ren hurried to the Pokémon Center to help Cloyster recover, and greeted May and Se Lena. Later, he left in a hurry.

This time I participated in the competition with Cloyster. Although I did not achieve the expected goal, he won the final victory and then played against Wallace.

However, in this competition, It’s a rare experience for him and for Cloyster to meet strong players like Grace and May and see so many Contest performances.

Although he doesn’t like Contest. In the Conference, there was a battle in the form of deduction and timing, but the Coordinator’s training of Pokémon Ability’s moves also gave him a lot of inspiration.

Because of the existence of the system panel, Liang Ren only knew about the Ability moves. Possess the division of proficiency (low, medium, and Top Rank).

But for other trainer Coordinator who does not have such a tool, training Pokémon’s Ability moves is not a fixed mindset.


The training of Ability moves is that the more you use it, the more you learn, the more you practice, the more refined. There is neither a strict level of proficiency nor an upper limit.

Slowpoke, Pidgeot, Cloyster, they will After the core Ability proficiency was trained to the Top Rank, Liang Ren shifted his energy to power control and basic quality improvement.

Liang Ren’s approach is not at all wrong, if you let other high-rank trainers Come to comment and even praise him for being wise.

However, Liang Ren is very rigorous. Although he is not a perfectionist, he is an elite soldier and has high requirements for the training of Pokémon in his hands.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster still have a lot of room for improvement in the use of Ability. In the future, Liang Ren will also take into account the use of move skills when doing strength control and physical fitness exercises.

“Nurse Young Lady, my Cloyster will take care of you.”

Joy is a judge of the Contest Conference. The front desk of the Pokémon Center is a substitute for other Pokémon Nurses. For the recovery trainers at the Pokémon Center, not at all has too much influence.


After giving Cloyster to Pokemon Nurse, Liang Ren brought Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Riolu to the nearby restaurant for lunch.


“In the blue silent night, I think about philosophy alone, and the worms are in the grass…”

The pet food was placed on the table. As soon as Liang Ren sat down here, the phone rang in his pocket, and the caller’s profile picture was a chubby man with a shallow full beard on his face.


Seeing that it was his father’s call, Liang Ren mixed curry with a spoon in one hand while answering the phone.

“Liang Ren, you are still participating in the Contest Conference in Lilycove City. When you are free in two days, help me conquer two Poochyenas and send them back.”

The head is the old man in a low, muffled voice. Rough yet gentle voice.

“Dad~ How did you know that I participated in the Contest tournament in Lilycove City, can Kanto also watch the live broadcast of the match?” Liang Ren asked suspiciously.

“Momoya told me that it was just that. I called him in the morning. Your brother said that he was going to train in Coaching Little Lei recently. He was too busy and couldn’t get out of his body. Then he said you Participate in the Contest tournament in Lilycove City and let me find you.”

“I originally called you in the morning, but I wonder if you should be in the game because it might affect you, so I will play when you have time at noon. A phone call came to ask.

“How is it, is the game going well? “

After the Cinnabar Island incident last time, the couple was always worried about him traveling alone, even if Hoenn had boss Momoa to look after.

“Broken into the semifinals. , But lost the last game 5→3 and failed to make the finals. “

Listening to my father’s voice full of concern, Liang Ren laughed and said.

“You are a trainer. You can make it to the semi-finals at the Contest Conference. I’m proud of it. If your mother knows what she is happy, don’t be discouraged. “The old man on the phone is comforted.

“It’s okay, I’m quite satisfied with this result, but Dad, why are you subduing Poochyena.” “

“Come to help me see the greenhouse. The Energy Root in the ground hasn’t grown up yet. Recently, I found that Rattata often comes to eat medicine ingredients. I can’t keep it alone. “

“Okay, Poochyena is not a rare Pokémon. On the western outskirts of Lilycove City is the Pokémon Sanctuary·Sarfox Paradise. The game is over on my side. I have dinner and I will help you in the afternoon. Take a look. “


Hang up the phone, Liang Ren just started to eat lunch, next to Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Riolu three pets, or standing, or squatting, or sitting On the chair, quietly destroying the food on the plate.

Pokémon does not serve the table. Liang Ren does not have such rules. Usually he and Pokémon eat, drink, drink, spread, and sleep. Together.

“ao ao~”

After eating the Pokemon food on the plate, Riolu took a small bowl by himself, and hopped to the mouth of the meal. The fat woman who was cooking gave it a bowl of mashed potatoes.

“Riolu, don’t eat too much, there may be fighting in the afternoon. “Liang Ren touched Little Brat’s head and smiled.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

Riolu raised the small spoon in his hand and responded graciously He heard twice, and then buried his head to wipe out the mashed potatoes in the bowl.

Liang Ren, who was filling his stomach, went to bring the recovered Cloyster.

Until the four pets After lunch, Liang Ren went out and stopped a taxi to go to the sand fox paradise built on the hillside in the western suburbs.


Taxi Driving out of the city and passing through a deciduous broad-leaved forest, the road slowly turns into an upward winding mountain road.

However, the Shahu Paradise is not at all far away, and the taxi goes around the hillside After two laps, I steadily stopped outside a building that looked similar to the Pokémon Center has several points of.

“Bang~” got off the car and looked up. Liang Ren took Slowpoke with him. Follow Riolu and walk into the building.

“Hello, I want to take two Poochyena, this is my trainer ID. “When he came to the front desk, Liang Ren handed over his ID card and said.

“Okay, please wait a moment. I will register here. “

Seeing the sturdy and handsome young man in front of me, the female staff couldn’t help being distracted. Her earlobes were slightly red. After receiving the trainer’s ID card handed by Liang Ren, she hurriedly lowered her head to operate on the computer in front of her. .

Different from the original game, Shahu Park in the real world is not a profit organization, but an official organization established by Alliance. Trainers come to Shahu Park to accept Pokémon without paying.


The reason why Alliance established such a welfare institution is mainly because of the existence of the Pokémon Reserve.

In order to protect the biodiversity of a Region and maintain the healthy operation of the ecological system, Alliance Researchers will Bring some Pokémon populations over-captured by trainers into the reserve for artificial breeding.

It is forbidden to train furniture to conquer Pokémon in the reserve. However, when these over-captured Pokémon populations are artificially breeded, their numbers gradually After returning to normal, the researcher will return them to the natural environment.

Among them, there are Pokémon who want to be subdued and willing to integrate into human social life. The researcher will take them to a specially established In the organization, the trainer is free to take it.

And this organization is called “Pokémon Wilderness Area” in Kanto Region, and Hoenn’s side is called “Shahu Paradise”.

< p>Of course, although the trainer is free to accept the trainer, Shahu Paradise also has its own rules.

For example, the trainer must do the identity registration, cannot use his own baby ball to receive, and is not allowed to send Pokémon to initiate Attack, you can only choose to feed Barrage two way to subdue it.

After receiving it, it is not allowed to abuse and abandon Pokémon, and the organization will conduct random checks from time to time to allow the trainer to provide the health data of the Pokémon received.


If the trainer is not responsible for the Pokémon received, the credibility will be deducted in the credit system, and it will be blacklisted by Shahu Paradise. In serious cases, there will even be other Punishment measures.

Because of this series of restrictions, the trainers who are willing to go to Shahu Park to accept Pokémon, not at all imagine that many.

Liang Ren does not Go to the wild to conquer Poochyena, and come to Shahu Park, what we value is that Pokémon is artificially bred to be closer to people, and Pokémon here has the willingness to be conquered.

That’s why, Laisha Fox Paradise won’t need Pokémon Fighting, basically feeding, after getting the opponent’s favor, just throw the ball to overcome the reason for success.

“Okay, the identity registration has been completed, please hand over the Pokémon and Poké Ball to us temporarily.” said the female staff member lifts the head.


“Riolu, Slowpoke, you two will play with this beautiful elder sister first, I will come out soon after I have taken over.”

Put the four pets Poké Ball and the remaining empty Poké Balls on the tray handed over by the staff, Liang Ren picked up the two pets and put them on the counter.

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”


Two pets sitting At the counter, she answered complied obediently, but the female staff behind the counter saw Liang Ren praise her for being beautiful, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on her face.

“These are 15 shuffleboards and 10 bait. If you only accept Poochyena, go in from the park and walk straight to the bushes next to 500 Misha.”

Sarfox Paradise does not need to pay any fees to accept Pokémon, but the bait to be fed requires money.

The female staff member, without Liang Ren’s knowledge, directly gave him ten free copies and told him the area where Poochyena lives.

Of course Liang Ren doesn’t know. If he knows, he will sigh: “Mother is really amazing. If I go out, I only have to meet an elder sister older than me. Something wonderful happened, really.”

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