Following the direction of the female staff member’s finger, Liang Ren walked through a long passage, with a faint light coming from the end.

After another ten steps, he pushed aside a black-painted iron fence, and suddenly became clear.


Outside the trees are shaded, and the overgrow grass is mixed with various wildflowers that will bloom this season. The breeze blows, Lin Tao hua hua , Grass Suo Suo.

The breeze on the cheeks makes people feel refreshed. The breath of weeds and flowers poured into the nostrils. Liang Ren took a deep breath and felt relaxed and joyful, as if in the forest oxygen bar .

I looked up, the woods and mounds in front block the line of sight and the end is not visible, but the cliffs can be seen from both sides.

I haven’t found it when I came out of the passage just now. At this time, I saw that the passage didn’t expect was excavated from the mountain.

“It turns out that the building on the mountainside is just the facade, and the wide valley behind it is the real sand fox paradise.” Liang Ren muttered to himself looking thoughtful.

He doesn’t at all think about this kind of details, after all, he came here to do business.

Looking at the park map board standing next to it, the entire valley has artificially created various environments in different areas according to the habitat conditions of Pokémon.

Forests, grasslands, lakes, wetlands, tidal flats, hills, rock forests, sandy land, shrubs…

From the passage, in front of Liang Ren is a composite of forest and grassland area.

Hearing the sound of the iron fence being pushed aside, a few Zigzagoon and Linoone stick their heads out of the grass, and a few Volbeat and Beautifly who are collecting wild flower nectar also cast curious glances at him.

The Pokémon who are willing to come to Shahu Park are willing to be accepted by the trainer. Several Pokémon living in the grass are looking at him curiously, not at all scared in their eyes.

Liang Ren moved towards these lovely Pokemon with a kind smile, but he does not at all intend to subdue them.

Walking straight along the woodland path and passing through an artificial forest, Liang Ren’s footsteps once again attracted the curious gaze of a group of Pokémon.

Several Taillows stood on the branches, pecking their paws with their mouths, while looking down curiously at the young people walking on the forest road below.

On the big tree next to Seedot, hanging from the branch, Wurmple, hanging from the tree with String Shot, all curiously looked at the boy in white shirt who passed by.

Liang Ren still cast a kind smile, not at all, toss the ball hastily to win.

Pokémon trainer is a combat profession, so it will be aggressive to subdue Pokémon Normal. Second, consider whether it is suitable for you.

Can you make up for your lineup, whether you know enough about this type of Pokémon, and whether you can breed the opponent well after taking it…

Ordinary trainers may not be so particular about it, see Whenever you like it, you will subdue it. When you see it, you will also subdue the novel. Not to mention the rare thing. You must try everything possible to subdue it.

But for professional trainers, you must be more cautious to subdue Pokémon.

He now has four Pokémon partners in his hand——

Pidgeot is a quick attack and a rush, whether it is a long-range kite flying or a melee attack. As his initial Pokémon, Pidgeot’s ability is beyond doubt .

Slowpoke here is spell and control. Teleport makes the slow-moving Slowpoke also have a strong kite ability. The powerful Psychic is both offensive and defensive, Slowpoke is true.

Cloyster’s style is also obvious, spell turrets, defensive fortresses——

ice attribute is not weaker than fire, dragon, fighting, and electric combat attributes. In terms of offense and outbreak, Cloyster even It is the strongest of the three pets.

Cloyster with Pokémon world cream of the crop physical defense, combined with the damage reduction of the innate talent of Aurora, snowfall and extreme cold, the physical damage under the innate talent is restored, and the ability to withstand beatings is extremely strong.

May’s Mega Flaming Chicken offensive in the morning was fierce. Although he lost the game in the end, the Mega Flaming Chicken with extremely high double attack still failed to break through Cloyster’s defense.

Cloyster was a little embarrassed after a game, but in fact he was not at all injured, which shows the defensive ability of Cloyster.

Furthermore, with the combination of “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin”, Cloyster, who was originally inconvenient to move on land, had its shortcomings of insufficient mobility instantly compensated.

Not only can it launch an attack, but it can also disrupt the opponent’s offensive rhythm like a shit stick.

In addition to the existence of natural weather authority, although Cloyster currently has the lowest level among the three pets, its future growth potential is currently the highest.

He has formed the three main forces, no matter what Attribute and style opponent you encounter, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster can be completely independent.

At present, Liang Ren devotes more energy to Riolu’s training, the improvement of physical fitness, the cultivation of Fighting technique, and the control of Aura.

Liang Ren is looking forward to this summer vacation and what height Riolu will grow to after the Hoenn trip.

“Riolu →Lucario →MegaLucario !!”

The complete awakening of the Mega Evolution wave allowed Liang Ren’s ambition to grow even greater, one after another powerful Pokémon was He is breed, what kind of height he will reach as a trainer in the future.

In order to support his growing ambitions, Liang Ren will naturally be more critical in capturing Pokémon in the future. If the innate talent is not high enough and the cultivation value is too low, he will not be able to keep up The growth of other main forces.

“Suo Suo——”

Coming out of the woods, there is a sandy ground with Rock standing in front of them. Several Numel and Nosepass are basking in the sun boredly.

The edge of the sandy land is the target area of ​​Liang Ren’s trip, a low and dense bush forest area.

“ao ao~”

Liang Ren hasn’t approached yet. Poochyena has been heard chasing and playing.

Pokémon in Shahu Paradise is very close to people, but the disadvantage is that it is not wild enough.

Although it is not a big problem to let the opponent fight after taking over, it is difficult for the trainer and Pokémon to achieve perfection.

But when he came here, he also helped the old man to guard the medicine ingredients greenhouse. Although it takes a fight to drive Wild Pokémon, it is not at all that the trainer is so demanding.


Crossing through the sand and walking into the bush area, the group of Poochyena who were playing stopped their movements, turned their heads and looked at him curiously, a few The bold Poochyena leaned forward and sniffed on his trouser legs.


Seeing a few Poochyenas so fearless, Liang Ren knelt down and reached out to touch the gray and black puppies.

I don’t know if the staff in the reserve often touched them like this. Not only did Liang Ren’s actions fail to alert these Poochyenas, but they gave out happy Growl instead.

“Is hungry, do you want to come and eat something.”

Liang Ren did not intend to accept other Pokémon in the park, so he sent the female staff member to his ten All the bait was taken out.

As the only bait that needs to be purchased at Shahu Paradise, it smells very fragrant. Even Liang Ren sniffed his nose and gave birth to an appetite. No wonder many people like to buy dogs. Food and cat food come as snacks.

“ao ao~”

Poochyena and Mightyena, who saw Liang Ren putting out so much food and still standing not far away, also ran over happily.

Yes, there is not only Poochyena, but also the final evolutionary Mightyena.

The hair on Mightyena’s face and abdomen is gray, while the tail section, back, and limbs are black. The hair on the back is particularly thick, as if wearing a fur.

Huang Ren has red pupils and his teeth are sharp and sharp, which looks very mighty out of the ordinary.

Compared with Kanto Region’s Growlithe and the elegant Arcanine, Hoenn’s fierce but friendly and loyal Poochyena and Mightyena also have their own unique charm.

And by guarding the medicine ingredients greenhouse, Poochyena and Mightyena are obviously more deterrent to Kanto’s Wild Pokémon. After all, what they haven’t seen is even more scary.

“Poochyena, Mightyena, I come from the remote Kanto Region. My family grows medicine ingredients in a greenhouse. I need a few uncommon martial heroism Pokémon partners to help my father patrol and guard medicine ingredients. Greenhouse.

Usually I am not tired from work and I don’t need to fight often. I just occasionally drive away Wild Pokémon who steals medicine ingredients. My family is very friendly and easy to get along with. Some of you are willing to follow Did I go?”

The food he put on the ground was eaten. Looking at Poochyena and Mightyena who were obviously close to him, Liang Ren didn’t just toss the ball and win him. Talk about the situation at home.

Different Regions have different natural climate conditions. Although they are willing to be subdued by the’trainer’ and enter human social life, not all of them are willing to leave the land under their feet and go to the remote Kanto Region.

However, Liang Ren thinks a bit too much. The group of Pokémon in front of him is artificially bred in the reserve. For the future life in Hoenn or Kanto, there is not much difference in their consciousness.

“ao 嗷……”

Liang Ren finished talking here, the group of Poochyena and Mightyena in front of them, except for a few who are not interested, most of them nodded and expressed their willingness .

However, there are a lot of Poochyena and Mightyena. The conditions of his family have improved a lot. However, there is still a certain pressure to take care of so many Pokémon. The father called at noon and only let them conquer two. .

However, the group of Pokémons in front of me were so enthusiastic, Liang Ren finally picked five, two Mightyena and three Poochyena.

These five auras are stronger and look much more fierce than their counterparts. I think their characteristics should be intimidation, not escape.

“Everyone else, I hope you will meet trainers who value you more in the future.”

Liang Ren took out some Riolu food from the system backpack and distributed it to the Poochyena in front of him. Liang Ren left the park with the five Pokémons that were successfully conquered.


Go through the passage and return to the outer lobby. On the counter, Riolu is playing games with his head buried in the counter, while Slowpoke is lying in the arms of the female staff very staunchly. Open your mouth and enjoy the snacks the other party feeds.

“Two Mightyena and three Poochyena were conquered. This is the shuffleboard left unused.” Liang Ren put the baby ball on the tray and handed it over.

“Okay, I will do a registration.”

“In the next two years, we will conduct spot checks from time to time. When the time comes, please cooperate to provide the health of five Pokémon According to the data, if you are not responsible for Pokémon and have harmful or abuse behavior, our agency will implement Punishment measures.”

Receiving the tray, the staff member asked and warned while registering.

“Of course, if the random check data is good during the period, Pokémon is relatively healthy and living well, we will also cancel the tracking check in advance.”

Looking at the teenager in front of you With a handsome face, the female staff member seemed to have a heavy tone and explained with a bright smile.

“Okay, I see, thank you.”


At this time, the phone in my pocket rang, Liang Ren I took out my mobile phone and saw it turned out to be a strange number.

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