
On July 22, the final assessment fell to Veilstone, and Liang Ren’s first semester at Saffron Middle School officially ended.


With the sweat and hard work secretly, Liang Ren, who came from an ordinary family in Celadon City, gained the first opportunity after enrolling.

Amaze the world with a single brilliant feat in the freshman assessment. He was the only freshman who defeated the examiner one after another. He became an influential figure in the school as soon as he entered the school.

Liang Ren doesn’t care about his reputation. What he cares about is that his success has attracted the attention of the school, and he is assigned to the so-called peak genius gathering. The students in the class enjoy a variety of privileged classes with rich resources.

With the intention to plant flowers without blooming, unintentional positive outcomes, and unintentional arithmetic, Liang Ren was also selected as the monitor of the first-grade privileged class.

After several monthly exams for the next grades, he became the chief student of the first grade by virtue of his excellent strength.

Liang Ren is recognized as the strongest among combat students. However, among the theoretical students whose gender accounts for the majority of female students——-

has super learning ability and profound knowledge Liang Ren, who is also regarded as the uncrowned king by everyone, is regarded by many girls as Prince of the White Horse in the school.

A shy girl of the same grade will pretend to have an inadvertent encounter when he passes through the corridor of Xiaojinghu every morning exercise.

Or wearing a western skirt, sailor suit, singing and dancing, or wearing a light gauze robes, chanting “You, I, I, you…the fragrant boudoir hides the fog, who is the red letter attached…” and other graceful love poems, As a hint.

The enthusiastic and cheerful Senior Sister of the senior grades, even at the annual autumn festival and aerial competition, openly issued a confession like “Junior Brother, if you lose, I will associate with Senior Sister…” .

The youthful campus life is very beautiful, but Liang Ren is not at all immersed in it. This university gathers talents from various cities, and the atmosphere of competition is particularly strong.

Be prepared in advance and put in more sweat and effort than others to get everything now. If he becomes slack after entering the campus, he will be surpassed by others.

After the guild was promoted to the Silver Bounty Hunter and Stadium was promoted to a one-star professional trainer, Liang Ren chose to take a leave of absence to go out to practice.


One semester is neither long nor short, but Liang Ren has experienced more than his classmates, and of course he was in danger several times.

Whether it is the underground base of the evil underground organization Team Rocket in the Viridian forest, or the seabed Volcano cluster riots in the Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island that has experienced several decades, Liang Ren can be described as nine deaths and still alive .

However, the blessings come from the misfortunes, and the misfortunes are the blessings. After experiencing so many crises, Liang Ren has also gained opportunities that others could not imagine.

Whether it is the attention of Lucario Egg, Lady Elite Four Agatha, or the sage of the sea of ​​Asia: the friendship of the hippo king, the goodwill of Articuno of the ice island.

Liang Ren’s several Pokémons not only lay a solid foundation, but at the same time maintain their strength improvement speed at a height that is unattainable by peers around them.

At the end of the first semester, Liang Ren not only led the first year of freshmen, but with the three main forces of Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster, even in the upper grades, his strength can be ranked in the middle.


The first semester was officially ended, and the classmates returned home. The other three in the same bedroom were Rei Ambe and Casey. Girls.

·Kida Shinichi went to Unova Region to his aunt: Psychic Elite Cattleya’s cultivation.

·Daisuke and Tamagawa Asahi traveled to Johto Region together.

·According to the expectations of his parents, he went to Kalos Region to enter the family business for an internship.

·Abe Rei went to Hoenn Dewford Town cultivation with the leader of the pioneer Cucumber.

·After taking over the new favorite Oddish, Casey enrolled in a dance class in Saffron City during the summer vacation.

·Miyamura Shimamura, who was born in the Great Family but aspired to be an outdoor photographer, took Kuroki during the summer vacation and prepared to travel in Kanto.

·Yuan Shizuka, who had an appointment with a friend for a trip, went back to Lavender Town’s home and embarked on the journey.


The first semester of freshmen is over, but new travel and adventure have just begun.

Liang Ren helped younger sister to conquer the initial Pokémon: Denki Rotom, after returning home for two days, he also embarked on a trip to Hoenn.

Next year’s P1world Fighting Championship will be held in Salo City, Kalos Region. Liang Ren, who has already decided to participate, will also have to pay close attention to Riolu’s training.

Flying to Hoenn, Pidgeot, who had reached the bottleneck midway through, suddenly showed signs of power transformation.

Fortunately, everything went through without risk—

Pidgeot’s strength soared and reached Level 38. After a long period of running, it finally surpassed the Slowpoke of Level 37. , Level 34 Cloyster, regain the dignity of the Oldest Big Brother and return to the leading position of the team.

After arriving in Hoenn and meeting with her eldest brother Momu Momoa, she originally planned to travel with her younger sister. However, considering the prediction of the head teacher Sabrina, that he would die at some point.

The probability of encountering danger during travel is much higher than that of others. Liang Ren finally decided to leave Mu Mulei in La Rus, and let his eldest brother coach her cultivation.

And Liang Ren embarked on a journey alone here————

Pidgeot completed the transformation of power and built a bond link with Liang Ren, “Juggling” Ability proficiency Also continuous breakthrough by a coincidence.

Slowpoke learned from Hippo King, but the “Calm Mind technique of the sea” that is not suitable for him has become the “Calm Mind technique of the sea of ​​clouds”.

Cloyster practiced the combination of “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin”, which greatly improved the fighter’s mobility, because the previous fortuitous encounter of Ice Island, within the body, was even more contaminated with a trace of meteorological authority.


After arriving in Lilycove City, I learned from Milufie that Lilycove City is about to host a Contest Conference. The final winner can be the same as Grandmaster Rank Coordinator and Ever Grande Alliance champion Wallace. After the competition.

Liang Ren, who feels that the strength of the three main forces has increased greatly, has the ambition to win the championship in one fell swoop, and signed up without the slightest hesitation.

However, this tournament is not as simple as he thought.

This Contest Conference can be described as a gathering of experts. In addition to the newly met Mi Lufei who will participate in the competition, Grace, Drew, Harley, Robert, Saori, May, Se Lena…

< p>One by one, players who are familiar and outstanding in the original work have appeared one after another. The pressure on Liang Ren’s heart is also accumulating. He knows that it is not that simple for him to win the final victory.

Fortunately, he also didn’t to be trifled with, one trick and all tricks. Although the Contest Conference competition is very different from the trainer’s battle, Liang Ren also showed his own quickness.

In the case of deliberately avoiding shortcomings and carrying forward his own advantages, he made the countermeasure of “the acting skills are not enough to make special effects.”

Sure enough–


⒈『Meteorite sky crashed on the stage』

⒉『Gu Yue Gao Xuan Sa Qinghui 、Ice lotus falling to the ground overflowing fragrant fragrance”

⒊”Black clouds pressing on top, thunder billowing, flying snow in the sky, aurora and brilliance”

Three unique games, full of special effects, shocking Contest performances, with scores of 96, 99, and 100, successfully advanced to the second stage of the competition review.

As a Pokémon trainer, Liang Ren is most confident in actual combat. He originally thought that after the first stage of performance review, the second stage of actual combat review would be his strong period of development.

But didn’t expect the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny——-

Although you are on the battlefield, the stage is still that stage. Coordinator’s game uses a 5-minute countdown deduction Fractional battle.

Said it was a battle, but it was actually another form of performance. It just changed from a one-man show in the first stage to a’two dragons play beads’, and the players on both sides changed to grab the show.

Liang Ren, who understood the nature of Coordinator competition, felt the pressure in his heart reached an unprecedented height, and the pressure gradually began to overwhelm at first’s self-confidence.

Semi-finals first round 10→5, Liang Ren quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, not fighting with Grace, before the end of the 5-minute countdown, Cloyster made a dangerous advance.

However, in the final round of the semifinals 5→3, after encountering May who mastered the evolutionary power of Mega, Liang Ren, who like a hot knife through butter, finally encountered Waterloo.

Cloyster did not defeat the Mega Flame Chicken, although he was not seriously injured by the Mega Flame Chicken.

But during the entire competition, Cloyster did not perform as well as the opponent’s Contest, and the final score was deducted to the end, losing the chance to advance to the final and compete for the championship.

Before registering for the competition, I was full of ambitions, thinking that after the first round performance session, slaughter all sides in the second round actual combat review, won the final victory and competed on the same stage with Wallace.

The dream of didn’t expect was finally shattered. Fortunately, Liang Ren is not a person who likes to be horny.

The new travel road has been paved underfoot. Liang Ren, who left the venue, also cleared up his mood and began to prepare for the next rainforest adventure to Fortree City.

However, mountain road twists around each new peak, this time the Contest Conference turned out to be unexpected.

Although there is no way to play against the champion Wallace, but because of his outstanding performance during this conference, he received another special guest of this conference: Dragon Type Elite Drake’s invitation to the exhibition on the same stage.

And it’s not the 5-minute countdown deduction type competition of Coordinator, but the real trainer competition.

Cloyster can let them go, and they can do their best to fight.

Liang Ren who heard this news, the blood that was already cold within the body, is now boiling hot again under the fire of fighting spirit.

After sending the 3 Poochyena and 2 Mightyena conquered from Shahu Park back to Celadon City, Liang Ren, who helped the three main forces recover, rushed towards the Contest celebration square and the competition center again. Rush away.

————Game Center————

May, Saori, Robert, the three players who advanced to the finals, whether they are fame or strength, are Peak in the Coordinator circle of.

However, from the perspective of overall strength, May, who has debuted for 5 years, is considered to be an old seniority compared to Liang Ren.

But compared with Saori and Robert, who have won many Contest championships for many years since their debut, the standard is still a bit inferior.

In the final three Integral Points battle, First Stage May met Saori, also Mega Evolution, Slowbro of Water + Psychic Attribute, and Flame Chicken of Tianke Fire + Fighting.

Unexpectedly, May lost directly and met Robert’s Menus. May lost one point again. The final victory came between Saori and Robert.

——Robert vs Saori——


“It’s really a wonderful battle, whether it’s Saori Young Lady or Mr. Robert, both It’s the Peak Level Coordinator in our Contest Conference circle, but Mr. Robert is even better in today’s game.”

“Let’s congratulate Mr. Robert and give us a warm applause. The Saori Young Lady is here to compete wonderfully.”

“This stage is still at 7 o’clock tonight. Our most respected Wallace master will compete on the same stage with the champion of this conference, Mr. Robert, who also has Mew Pokémon Mew Pokémon Coordinator, what kind of Contest will be played? Let us all wait and see.”

“There is also a hot news to be announced to everyone, as this Contest Drake Elite, a special guest of the Conference, will also specially invite this conference tonight to perform a memorable trainer player: Mu Mu Liang Ren, to compete on the same stage, are you looking forward to it——!”


“roar roar …”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”


On the other side, Liang Ren was riding on his way.

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