“Mr. Drake, Liang Ren found our staff just after arriving at the event center and asked if the exhibition game tonight can be adjusted to 3v3———”

In the afternoon, at the request of my father, Liang Ren Went to Shahu Paradise in the western suburbs, conquered five Pokémon and sent them back to Kanto.

After a while, the Contest Conference top three finalists in Celebration Square have fallen to Veilstone.

First place: Robert (Minas)

Second place: Saori (Slowbro)

Third place: May (flaming chicken)< /p>


rushed to the event center excitedly, Liang Ren immediately found the afternoon call to contact his staff, and asked the other party to ask Elite Drake on his behalf, whether the exhibition game in the evening Adjusted to 3v3 format.

During this Contest Conference, Liang Ren’s heterochromatic Cloyster was like the brilliant Aurora Normal, which was extremely shocking, leaving a deep impression on the judges and 100,000 spectators.

In the Ice Island Shellder mistakenly swallowed the Orb of Ice, the evolved Cloyster within the body possesses some meteorological authority, and possesses the two weather domain characteristics of “snowfall and aurora”.

Today, among the three main forces of Liang Ren, Cloyster’s development potential is definitely the first.

But high potential is one thing, strength is another. Among the three main forces, only Level 34, and Cloyster, who has not yet completed the liquefaction of power, is ranked at the bottom.

On top of Cloyster, there are more powerful Slowpoke and Pidgeot, which are unknown to the Conference audience and judges.

The ability to be invited by Drake Elite to do an open exhibition on this grand stage is undoubtedly a big opportunity for Liang Ren.

And seizing the opportunity is not just letting the flow go and doing nothing. At this time, it is wise to take the initiative to fight for it and maximize the benefits.

If Pokémon isn’t enough, Liang Ren even wants to ask Drake to play a 6v6 duel with him.


“Oh~Does this kid want to do a 3v3 battle?”

Drake, who just returned to the guest lounge, heard the staff If he raised his eyebrows, his face showed an appreciative smile.

This time, the reason why he initiated an exhibition match invitation to this young man he had never met was actually a whim and a temporary motive.

He came here this time because the Top Rank School of Larousse reported a good trainer to Alliance.

Momo Moya, originally from Kanto, comes from an ordinary family. At the age of 18, he already has Gym Leader-level strength. It is not without the opportunity to impact Elite in the future.

In recent years, the development of the Ever Grande Alliance has fallen into the bottleneck, and Mumu Taoya is about to graduate one semester. With such outstanding talents, Drake naturally wants to keep the opponent in Hoenn.

During the way, at the invitation of Wallace and the Contest Conference Office Raoul Contesta, Drake stayed in Lilycove City for two days as a special guest of this Contest Conference.

Seeing that the Hoenn Region Coordinator has a large number of talents and the Contest Conference is booming, Drake is increasingly worried about the development of the Hoenn Alliance.

In this conference, Liang Ren emerged as a dark horse and reached the final round of the semi-finals 5→3 as a Pokémon trainer, which is extremely eye-catching.

On a Coordinator stage like Contest Conference, Liang Ren did not lose the strength of a trainer, and he has such a strong strength at a young age, which makes Drake very appreciated.

In addition to the information from the school newspaper of Larousse City, in the column of Mu Mu Taoya’s family background, there is also a message like’younger brother Mu Mu Liang Ren’.

Thinking of this trip is to solicit Mumu Taoya, Drake, a sophisticated Elite expert, also thought about it carefully.

In the evening, Wallace will compete with the final winners of this Contest Conference to promote the Contest Conference culture.

Also, as a special guest, Drake also looked for a player to play against him, to promote the culture of Pokémon trainers.

But this is their home court after all, and Drake is not good at taking the lead, so at first plans to do a 1v1 battle with Liang Ren.

It’s just that he didn’t expect Liang Ren to take the initiative to find a staff member to contact him and ask for a 3v3 half-player battle.


Raoul Contesta, Sasaki, Wallace, Joy, and Drake are the guest lounges that went back together. The four people next to the staff can naturally hear them clearly.

Drake, with a white beard and navy coat, became more appreciative in his eyes when he heard the sound, but Raoul Contesta and Wallace next to him looked at each other imperceptibly, and browsed slightly wrinkle.

“Since he requested sincerely, then, you can reply to that kid and say I agree.”

Drake pretended not to see Raoul Contesta’s embarrassed expression. Drake groaned, then replied with a serious face.

“Okay, Mr. Drake, I will reply to the Liang Ren contestant.”

“Director of Raoul Contesta, I have no problem with this arrangement!”

When the staff pushed the door to leave, Drake turned and looked at the majestic middle-aged man in the orange suit next to him and asked.

“No problem, but Mr. Drake, your exhibition matches are temporarily increased, so how about letting the Conference winner and Wallace master play first?”

Drake’cut first and play later’, Seeing that the staff had also gone out to reply to each other, Raoul Contesta slandered, and said with a full of smiles on his face, after all, the face of Alliance Elite Four should be given.

“No problem.”

Drake nodded, but he also made up his mind that he should put down his old face tonight and don’t want him. He also has to give the kid more drama and gold. Today His ridiculous wickedness is done.


However, Liang Ren naturally didn’t know Drake’s thoughts on this side. When he received a reply from the staff, he was happy and stressed.

“Although tonight’s exhibition game has been adjusted to 3v3 as desired, Drake, as the veteran of the Ever Grande Alliance, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster fights on wheels. I don’t know if I can fight the opponent’s Pokémon.”


I remembered that Sirruf had promoted the latest product in Hoenn Region: the battle bracelet, and invited Elite Four to do the Pokemon Level test on hand at the product launch.

Ghost Elite: Phoebe, (Sableye LV.59)

Dark Type Elite: Sidney, (Megadon LV.60)

ice attribute Elite: Glacia, (Glalie LV.74)

Dragon Type Elite: Drake, (Salamence LV.75)


Glacia, Drake are Ever The veteran Elite of the Grande Alliance, don’t look at Attribute but only look at the strongest Trump Card Level on hand. Drake is the strongest among the Hoenn Region Elite Four.

In addition to the strongest Trump Card Salamence in Drake, the other first echelon main players:

Altaria LV.73

Flygon LV.73

Kingdra LV.71


His three main force, Pidgeot, has only reached LV.38 level, which is not at all compared with Drake’s main force. One level.

However, Liang Ren is not at all entangled. It is a great honour for him to compete with a world Peak trainer like Drake at this stage, is it possible that he still wants to beat each other .

“Huh…don’t think too much about it. The most important thing for tonight’s game is to let Pidgeot and the three of them do their best to fight. The pressure brought by the powerful opponent is very important for the future development of the three pets. Good.”

Liang Ren, who got a reply from the staff, shook the head with a smile, took Slowpoke and Riolu, and walked towards the player preparation hall.

But Liang Ren hasn’t taken two steps yet, and just happened to meet Robert, Saori…and the others who came out of the awards ceremony.

“Liang Ren, where did you go this afternoon, the finals are not so important to come and cheer for us, but I am sad~”

Everyone walking towards you, see Liang Ren, who was going to the contest hall to find them with his two pets, asked May full of smiles, a lively and cheerful personality.

“Sorry~ In the afternoon, the father at home asked to take a few Poochyenas for a while.”

“Mr. Robert, congratulations on your winning the conference. Weaving Young Lady, May… Everyone, watching your game has taught me a lot.”

Liang Ren laughed and congratulated Robert who was holding the championship trophy.

“Thank you, but we also heard about Liang Ren. We were specially invited by Drake Elite to fight on the same stage. Tonight, we will all cheer for Liang Ren and Mr. Robert.”


“In order for Mr. Celebrate Robert to win the championship, let’s all go to Celebrate.” Two steps forward, May turned and looked towards everyone suggested.


“Mr. Robert, please wait a minute!” Just as everyone was about to walk out of the hall of the event center, a staff member hurried over and shouted.

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?” His name was called. Robert, who is blond and purple clothes, turned around gracefully and asked in a soft tone.

“The Wallace master has just discussed with the Chief Raoul Contesta, the exhibition game process tonight has decided to extend three times, the’point health bar’ has been increased, and the time has been changed to a 15-minute deduction countdown, Mr. Robert What do you think?”

The staff member who came to deliver the news explained and asked, looking at the elegant gentleman in front of him.

“Of course, it is an honor to be able to compete with Wallace master on the same stage. It is even more desirable to extend the schedule three times.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the staff. A moment, but Robert is the first to react.

At this time, the always graceful and calm face couldn’t help showing a clear smile, holding the championship trophy in one hand, and making a breast stroke to the staff and replied solemnly.

“Why did you suddenly extend the duration of the game?” Liang Ren next to him had some doubts in his mind.

Liang Ren naturally did not know that Wallace and Robert’s match time increased tonight because he applied for 3v3 to Drake and indirectly caused it.

But it’s okay to know. This time I participated in the Contest Conference. In the eyes of other people, he passed the test and performed very eye-catching, but everyone did not know what pressure he was under.

At the same time, Liang Ren also knows that the point-deduction countdown Coordinator battle is not suitable for him. He and Pokémon still prefer the training-style passionate battle, so he is not envious of Robert.

“Slowpoke, give me all my strength tonight, otherwise we will lose miserably.” Liang Ren squeezed Slowpoke’s ears and whispered.

“Ah duo——(´◔‸◔`) The opponent is an old Alliance Elite, Liang Ren, do you think we will be shit in the game tonight.”

“Foul language~”

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