Although there will be an exhibition game in the evening, this is only the stage for Robert and Liang Ren. May, Se Lena…a few girls, this Contest Conference has completely ended.

Also, Lena, who has been independently in Hoenn for a year, will set off again tomorrow to travel to the distant Sinnoh Region.

Because of the opportunity of this Contest Conference, everyone gathered together in a rare occasion, took a taxi from the competition center, and went to a restaurant in the city center, Celebrate.

Everyone is a youngster, and there is no generation gap when it comes to words. Life, dreams, travel experience…, the sky is already dark while talking and laughing.

“Well, we all go to the event center to cheer for Liang Ren and Mr. Robert, we will continue to come back when the exhibition is over, okay~”

“…”< /p>

Take a taxi again and return to the celebration square. The crowd has lined up at the ticket gate, although the Contest Conference has ended.

But the Wallace and Drake Elite exhibition games at night are not small for everyone. The crowds waiting to enter the noisy square are full of excitement:

. Today’s ticket is really worth buying…

. Two Menas are competing on the same stage, tut…

. I heard that Mu Mu Liang Ren took the initiative to apply for a 3v3 match. Except for the snow-white Cloyster, I don’t know what kind of Pokémon he will send tonight——-

“The audience are looking forward to it, Liang Ren Luo, Mr. Robert, you have to come on~ “

Hearing the heated discussion from outside spectators, entering the hall of the event center from the contestant passage, Grace, with a passionate personality, cheered the two of them with excitement.

“Of course, but Mr. Robert and Wallace master will play first in the exhibition tonight. I have to wait a while.”

As everyone talked, they walked to the waiting room for the morning game. , The staff saw that the two main protagonists of the evening: Robert and Liang Ren had arrived. After reporting to the event arrangement team on the walkie-talkie, they hurried up to receive them.

“Robert …………”

“………Liang Ren!”

The conference tickets have been sold out, and the conference was eliminated by 200 Many players gathered in the player hall again in order to watch the exhibition game tonight.

Seeing Liang Ren and Robert walking in, there were bursts of exclamation in the waiting hall of the players, and their eyes focused on a star-shaped formation.

Everyone found a place to sit down. Through the huge live screen on the wall, they saw that the audience had arrived at the venue. With the eyes of the guest seat Raoul Contesta on the sidelines, the Conference Host Vivian had already begun to warm up. Opening remarks.

In fact, after the exciting and fierce competition, the enthusiasm of the audience was not at all dissipated, and Vivian was not required to mobilize emotions. The atmosphere in the venue was already quite warm.

Grandmaster Rank Coordinator, champion trainer: Wallace ———

Alliance three-generation veterans, Elite Four trainer: Drake ———

Two-person exhibition match For the audience, it has an incomparable appeal.

“After two days of exciting competition, Veilstone was also left behind in this Lilycove Conference, but this Contest’s big carnival is not at all over.

“There will be this time tonight. Conference winner: Robert, the exhibition match with Wallace master, and Drake Elite and the Celebrity contestant of this Conference: Mu Mu Liang Ren’s passionate battle, the audience friends on the scene and in front of the TV, you all feel the same passion as I do ? “

Vivian, wearing a peach-colored tutu, walked to the center of the stage, and her soft and crisp voice became enthusiastic and high-pitched because of excitement.

tone barely fell, there was a burst of excitement in the venue. Overturning the roof, mountain cry out and sea howl like cheers.

“Drake ……Drake ……”

“Robert ……Robert ……”

“Wallace ………Wallace ………”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”


“Trust everyone I’m already impatient just like me, so let’s not say much. Let’s invite the Contest protagonists of the First Stage tonight: Robert and Wallace master to appear. “



———hong long long ———

Host Vivian retreated to the sidelines, the entire venue slowly settled amidst the sound of a hong long long machine, and then a water venue with a Bubble floating board slowly rose up.

“澄+澄” !!”

Two bright lights lay down. At both ends of the water field, Robert with blond hair and purple clothes and Contest and elegant Wallace.

White hat, green shirt and purple The white champion cloak in trousers, shallow purple inside, and the neutral-looking Wallace has the powerful charm of male and female killers.

The moment the light was lit, the audience subconsciously cast their eyes over and just saw Wallace. Come lifts the head, a champion cloak, like an epiphany blooming in the middle of the night.

“aaahhhh ……”

“Wallace master ……”

The eyelids were opened and closed, and the turquoise clear eyes were magnified and displayed on the huge display screen of the off-site photographer under the close-up of the off-site photographer, which caused the off-site supporters to suffocate again.

Robert, with long golden soft hair and a purple casual suit, is equally elegant and confident.

Compared with Wallace at this moment, however, it is like a bush of purple sycamore and a beautiful epiphany, and the charm is behind. The person is completely overshadowed and eclipsed.

“You and your Pokémon work with a common purpose, and came here over many difficulties, then tonight, let us dance like a spring breeze and stab like lightning , Let’s dedicate an Attract battle to the audience. “

Standing upright under Spotlight slender but full of power, Wallace spread his arms as if enjoying the stage Normal, and said with an ethereal voice, Robert who was standing at the other end of the water field.


“This is my pleasure. “

Robert gracefully stroked his chest, and when he lifted the head, he did not know when he took out the baby ball in his hand. The same was true for Wallace on the other side.

Here, the contestants opened their eyes and looked at the two confident and elegant silhouettes on the big screen on the wall in a psychedelic manner.

For everyone who aims at the Coordinator of the Palace, whether it’s standing in front of them On the Mew stage, they are still playing against Wallace. In their opinion, they have undoubtedly reached the peak of life, and each of the players has blurred eyes and longing for it.

“Huh, Liang Ren, aren’t you nervous? “The game hasn’t officially started. Mi Lufei, who is sitting next to Liang Ren, is already holding her hands tightly and feeling very nervous.

“Fortunately. “Liang Ren touched Slowpoke’s belly in his arms, replied in a flat tone.

Compared to Robert’s game with Wallace, he looks forward to a fight with Drake for a while.


“If the light clouds cover the moon, if the wind returns to the snow, Menus, let the other party sink into the bubble of Mew!!”

Poké Ball Rolling from Wallace’s onion-rooted fingertips, a thin mist gradually emerged above the pool. A Mew Pokémon with long red eyebrows, a beige slender snake body, and Contest tail, appeared faintly discernible and floated in the mist. In.

“Who can dance the most Contest dance, just witness it here, Minas is here! “

There can only be one protagonist on the stage. As Robert who also has Mew Pokémon in his hands and is only one time away from the Grandmaster Rank Coordinator, he has no pressure on Wallace.


The mist snake on the opposite side of Wallace is cruising in the air. On his side, Menus does not make a sound or splash a wave. In a circle of spreading ripples, Menus sneaks into the water. In the field.

The countdown to the deduction of points for the game has not yet started, and the battle between the two sides has already begun to smell of gunpowder. In the off-field player hall Liang Ren is like a spectator watching the fires burning across the river, and the rest of the players are like The ants on the hot pan are restless.

“The 15-minute countdown begins. “Vivian announced loudly–

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