“Have seen Mr. Robert and Wallace master Mew-like competition, the audience at the venue, are you ready for the wonderful battle between Liang Ren and Drake Elite?”

“Drake ……… …Drake ………”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren …”


Lilycove City Contest Conference It’s not a Peak Level event like the Alliance Conference, but because of the presence of the two Alliance bosses, Drake and Wallace, the level of this event has forcibly been elevated a lot.

Whether Wallace will compete with the winner at the end of the game, or the temporary increase of Liang Ren vs. Drake Elite.

Tonight’s exhibition game has attracted a lot of attention. In addition to the 10W audience, Hoenn TV is also live broadcast.

Megatooth shark, roaring tiger tooth, bilibiliTynamo… these live video sites, in the official event channel live room, are also watched by millions of people at this moment, and this number is still rising, faintly There is a trend of breaking 10 million.

——Larous City——

“As expected of my second brother, I was able to be specially invited by the Alliance Elite to do an open exhibition match.”

“… “

——Kanto ·Celadon City——

“Have you tuned up the station, husband, Liang Ren’s game is about to start.”

” I found it, Hoenn TV…”


“Come on~”

In May, Se Lena… all the girls, cheer In the middle, Liang Ren, who had just walked out of the room with the staff, happened to meet Robert who had left.

Although he lost to Wallace, Robert did not seem to have a trace of frustration. He still looked confident and graceful. He also enthusiastically cheered him up when he saw Liang Ren.


Liang Ren smiled back at the other party.

At this time, Slowpoke and Riolu had already been taken back by him in the baby ball. Under the guidance of the pretty face slightly red female staff, Liang Ren followed the passage to the venue.


“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

Liang Ren and Drake from both sides at the same time The passage came out, and there was a heated battle in the audience.

Coordinator · Contest Conference is very prosperous in Hoenn, but trainer · Alliance Conference is still the mainstream of this World.

Although the audience was here to watch the Contest Conference, they would naturally not refuse to watch one more trainer match.

“If you want to have a real battle, there is no better place than Pokémon Alliance, boy~ I believe you have the innate talent and potential to get there.”

“But today, you first take out all your strength, let me old fogey let me see.”

The water field used by Robert and Wallace has been changed. At this moment, the two people are blue and solid. Dry land on the battlefield.

Drake’s loud and imposing manner voice spread throughout the hall, and the atmosphere on the spot became more heated, and everyone felt enthusiastic and overwhelmed by emotions.

However, as the protagonist of this game, on the other end of the battlefield, Liang Ren, who is dressed in white T and Black cropped pants and clover sports casual white shoes.

The calm and calm expression was taken by the cameraman in a close-up shot and displayed on the huge screen on the sidelines, but it formed a strong contrast with the audience.

“Our Liang Ren player is so stable~” Conference Host Vivian joked with a smile.

“haha…” The audience in the live broadcast room of the TV and the video site couldn’t help but smile, and the teenager’s appearance was completely remembered by them.


The two sides are ready for the battle. The referee on the sidelines has almost met and began to announce the rules of the game.

“The game is 3v3. Both parties can replace their Pokémon in the middle of the game. When all three Pokémon lose their combat capability, the game is over. Now both parties should send the first Pokémon to play.”

“Slowpoke, the First Stage will be handed over to you.” After the referee’s rules were read, Liang Ren raised his hand without the slightest hesitation and threw the Poké Ball first.

“Boy, my first Pokemon is this guy. Come out, Altaria.” He didn’t take advantage of him. When Liang Ren took out the baby ball, Drake also immediately released his Pokémon. .


An elegant Pokémon with a sky-blue body, soft wings and a shape like a bird of paradise appeared in the battlefield Sky.

Altaria looks like a bird, but it is actually a Dragon Type Pokemon. It has an elegant posture, but it can’t hide the Dragon’s Might within the body.


During this Contest Conference, Slowpoke was held by Liang Ren like a pet from beginning to end. At this moment, within the body, the surging Psychic drums , The pink flame on the body surface rises.

Hovering in midair’s body not only surprised everyone in the player hall with Mi Lufei and Se Lena mouth opened wide, the venue and the audience watching the live broadcast were also immediately attracted by Slowpoke.

Slowpoke can also fight?

People who are familiar with Liang Ren have become accustomed to it, but in the recognition of others, Slowpoke is difficult to train Pokémon to participate in the battle, no wonder they are surprised.

At this moment, even Drake on the other side looked at Slowpoke curiously.

“The game begins.”

The referee is always so cold and professional. Seeing that both sides have released Pokémon, the green signal flag in his hands raised and decisively announced the start of the game.

Drake, who deliberately released the water to examine the strength of Liang Ren, not at all immediately launched an attack, but gave the first hand right to Liang Ren.

But what surprised everyone was that he did not give any instructions to the handsome white-shirted boy at the other end of the battlefield, and stood silently.

“Does this disdain Drake Elite for giving him the first hand right?” the audience watching the game thought.

“Why Liang Ren hasn’t moved since the game started, righteous man, go and shake the antenna, is the signal bad.”

“What are you talking about? The second child is probably He has his own considerations.”



Facing the Alliance Elite Four, even if he uses all his best, he can’t beat it. Expert, Liang Ren will naturally not be as conceited as the audience guessed.

It’s not that Liang Ren, who didn’t give instructions and set up a bond with Slowpoke, immediately gave Slowpoke action instructions with his consciousness after the referee announced the start.

“The space of deception.”

“Ya duo——”

Liang Ren’s voice sounded in his mind, and he immediately acted on Slowpoke on the battlefield.

“crash-bang ……”

After lifting off, stretch out your arms and prop up, pieces of regular hexagonal energy wall tiles appear out of thin air, in a burst of’crash-bang’ In the sound of piled up, a rectangular energy cube will instantly block the battlefield.

“What’s the matter, Liang Ren player not at all gave the order, but Slowpoke has already acted on its own.” Conference Host Vivian said in surprise.

“A silent command? Interesting.”

I glanced at the young man facing silently, a smile appeared on Drake’s face, and his appreciation became more and more important, but his Bian did not continue to let it go.

Although I have made up my mind to release the water, it should not be too obvious.

“Altaria, use Dragon’s Breath.”

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