“Altaria, use Dragon’s Breath.” Seeing that Slowpoke completed the deception space, Drake on the other side also began to give orders.

However, although he looks stern on the surface, Liang Ren, who has greatly enhanced his perception by opening up the bond with Slowpoke, can detect a hint of carelessness in Drake’s expression.

Liang Ren was not surprised at this. Facing Slowpoke with only over 30 levels, although it seems that the Psychic innate talent is a bit outstanding, it is nothing more.

Altaria, as the main force of his first echelon, Level has reached the terrifying 7Level 3.

There is such a huge disparity in strength, it is good to be unwilling to take it lightly, but it is not realistic to treat it as an opponent at the same level.

“However, don’t underestimate Slowpoke, or you will lose face.” Liang Ren, with a plain expression, curved his mouth imperceptibly.


Altaria nodded her mouth for the first time, and a pillar of deep green dragon flame blasted over.

On the huge display screen, Liang Ren’s expression under the close-up lens remains unchanged, and Maroon’s clear eyes are like a polished crystal under the refraction of light.

In the two days of competition, the young boy and the heterochromatic Cloyster in his hand, Contest’s bold performance, left a deep impression on the audience.

At this moment, we are facing the veteran Elite level expert of Alliance, whether it is a live audience or a TV or Internet live broadcast audience.

Looking at the projection on the big screen, the teenager who is only thirteen-fourteen years old and just meets the enrollment requirements of the intermediate rank school, watching his calm and calm expression, everyone can’t help but give birth to a feeling of admiration. Emotions.

“Teleport + Shadow Ball.”

However, in the face of Altaria’s attack, Liang Ren did not fail to respond. The action order was actually issued immediately.


The quiet Green Dragon flame column with a pungent sulfur breath blasted on Slowpoke’s body, and the spectators outside the field suddenly shrank their pupils.

“This…why didn’t the trainer give an order, is this courting death?” the audience thought.

But then they discovered that Slowpoke’s body seemed to be a phantom, and Altaria’s attack penetrated and blasted below on the battlefield, not at all causing any damage.

“What did I see? Altaria’s breath of dragon clearly hit Slowpoke, but Slowpoke didn’t seem to be hurt.” Vivian, who was holding the microphone, said with a face full of surprise.

Indeed, what Altaria hit was only an afterimage, and the body of’Slowpoke’ disappeared, but the dust from the explosion below came up, and the audience could not see this scene.

When I discovered it again, Slowpoke had already appeared behind Altaria, and the big purple Black shadow ball was formed in the palm of Slowpoke.


Although he has noticed the twisting of the air behind it, Altaria did not expect that the opponent, who is so weak, dared to rush into it and attack it. .

Altaria did not react, Drake did not react, and the audience did not react.

Teleport appeared behind Altaria, the kind-hearted Slowpoke was not the least polite, pushing the palm to hold the shadow ball fiercely and patted Altaria’s back.


The highly concentrated Shadow Ball sticker exploded on the back, and a violent attack struck Altaria, who was caught off guard, screamed and lost her body for a moment. Up balance.

“Be careful to counterattack, use a continuous shadow ball at a distance.” With a thought, a new order has been given to Slowpoke.

“Ya Duo——┗(^0^)┓”

Slowpoke in the air flicks its tail, the pink flame burns the air to twist and shake like water waves, it has been used Major Perfection Teleport, took Slowpoke immediately and moved away from Altaria.

“Altaria, Protect.”

Seeing Slowpoke appearing diagonally above Altaria, holding two shadow balls in his hands, Drake, who is willing to let go, chooses to passively defend temporarily.

Liang Ren and Slowpoke are also welcome.

“boom~ boom~ Bang…”

Shoot one shot and change one place, the purple black energy ball one after the other dropped, and then Teleport opened the distance, Slowpoke, who changed place, held two shadow balls in his palm and quickly dropped it.

There was a scene that shocked the audience. The slow Altaria was actually kite-flyed by a Slowpoke. The shadow ball was thrown out for nothing, and the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned. .


“Fuck, brother Liupi——”

“Science: “Slowpoke”, a kind of agile action, blue volume Strong Flying Type Pokémon.”

“Tell me, who can’t fly yet–“

“My God, is this still Slowpoke in my perception?”< /p>

“The upstairs said that he likes to lie down on the rocks on the seashore in the sun, and occasionally use his tail to catch the big and cruel pink big-mouthed monsters?”

“Don’t ask me, one I don’t know if I ask.”

“The people from Johto Azalea Town came to report that the big-mouthed silly critics, we have a lot of fried chicken in Dongtou well in our village.”

“There is one thing to say, I think this Slowpoke can be a god.”

“Don’t have a base, sit all~”

——*Is it the only one who thinks , Is this Slowpoke changed by Mew? “

——*Listen to you…hiss~”

“Ash is a big fool——”


< p>“+1”

“Oak’s grandson peeed his pants at the age of six——”



“Na Luduo (Overdrive)——(ノ・ω・)ノ゙”

“Has to (Hoarse)——ヾ(´ε`ヾ)”

” mother told me not to kneel and watch the live broadcast anymore. Tomorrow I will go to Sakuragi Professor Laboratory to receive the initial Pokémon.”

“Is Old Brother from Vermilion City? I will also go to Sakuragi tomorrow. Where does Professor get Starter Pokemon instead of going?”

“Go and go together…”

“Which one are you going to get tomorrow? Garlic King Ba, Charmander or Turtle~ “

“After watching Liang Ren’s live broadcast, I have decided that I want Slowpoke for the initial Pokémon.”

“Me too—”


Looking at the sky constantly flashing and flashing Ability’s Slowpoke, the audience and players in the venue were already messed up, whether it was against Liang Ren who was silent on the battlefield or Slowpoke completely subverted Their perception.

However, as a party concerned, Liang Ren is very depressed at the moment.

Although he knows that there is a big gap between his strength and Drake, in the face of a strong offense like Slowpoke, Altaria is unmoved and not injured at all. This result is somewhat frustrating.

“Boy~ You and your Slowpoke really surprised my old fogey, what other tricks are you to use as soon as possible, otherwise you will have no chance.”

Through the smoke and dust of the explosion, Drake’s voice came from the opposite side of the battlefield.

There shouldn’t be any suspense in this disparity in strength, but both Liang Ren’s silent command and Slowpoke’s performance have really brought Drake a surprise.

For the teenager who is only thirteen years old in this information, the appreciation in Drake’s eyes is unconsciously intense.

“Since Mr. Drake has said so, please forgive me for offending.” Since his debut, he has finally spoken to Liang Ren who has not said a word at one end of the battlefield.

“Slowpoke, ready to open…”

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