
“Come back, Slowpoke, thank you very much.” The baby ball retracted the Slowpoke that had lost the combat capability. At this time, Liang Ren was full of bitterness.

Drake is too strong, Altaria of 7Level 3 is too strong, Slowpoke’s Ability has been used all over the place, but even the opponent can’t handle a single move.

Auxiliary abilities such as the Deception Space can’t play the role of weakening and suppressing the opponent at all, but can only slightly improve one’s own ability.

Because the level of strength is too wide, such as Yawn, Petrochemical Gong, Hypnosis, Gravity, these control abilities that have been tried and tested in previous battles are completely ineffective for Altaria.

The attacking moves passed, and they were all parried, unable to fight even a little bit of damage.

Without being disturbed by Slowpoke’s Teleport, seeing Liang Ren’s side is finally out of luck, Drake commanded Altaria, a trick of hypnosis-Sing use.

The deception space built by Slowpoke now looks like shooting yourself in the foot. The enclosed space comes with Echoed Voice reverb effect.

The singing voice after being amplified by the enclosed space is inevitable, and Slowpoke was caught before it even had time to interrupt.

The hypnotized Slowpoke is like a chopping board and can be slaughtered by the opponent. Altaria’s Dragon Pulse spit up from the beak, hitting the Slowpoke directly produces a spike effect.

When Slowpoke finally fell, he looked towards his bitter eyes, as if to say: “Liang Ren, the opponent is too strong, and the shit hasn’t come out, but the kidney stone of Bendu is really broken. “


“I’m really curious about how you cultivated. Slowpoke, which moves slowly and has a long reflex arc, was trained to be so powerful by you. What Pokémon, let me see it.”

Taking Altaria back with the baby ball, Drake took out a new Poké Ball and held it in his hand, looking at Liang Ren with appreciation.

“Although I know that there is still an insurmountable chasm between Drake and Drake, there are trainers who are defeated on the battlefield, and there are no trainers who are afraid to admit defeat. The second game tonight Please enlighten me from Mr. Drake.”

Take a deep breath and calm down. Although he was a little depressed just after losing a game, Liang Ren not at all was frustrated because of this. He took out a baby ball from his pocket and held it in In the hands, the tone is still neither humble nor overbearing.

“A good sentence,’To trainers who have defeated on the battlefield, trainers who don’t concede defeat’, young man~ Your backbone has been recognized by me. Let us fight hard next. “

“The second Pokemon on my side is this guy, come out, Flygon.”

Drake was nodded admiringly, and immediately released the second Pokémon boldly. , A Flygon whose breath is not weaker than the previous Altaria.

“Pidgeot, prepare to fight.” With the approval of a powerhouse like Drake, Liang Ren’s mood also became enthusiastic.

He knows how many catties and how many taels Liang Ren knows. This time he played a 3v3 match with Drake and he never thought of winning.

Since the purpose of at first is to let Pidgeot fight heartily and heartily, then see the gap between themselves and the true powerhouse, and then use the pressure of the other party to urge forge ahead, then what good is he terrified and over- cautious.

“Beep Eagle——!!”

Evolving back from the Orange Islands, Pidgeot’s strength has maintained a medium to high-speed growth. Some time ago, when he came to Hoenn, he completed the transformation of power and the bond link. The subsequent “juggling” breakthroughs all made Pidgeot’s overall strength explosive growth.

It’s been a long time since I met an opponent who could fight, even if it was Pidgeot, I felt proud and swelling in my heart.

“Beep Eagle——”

At this moment, Pidgeot, with a wingspan of three meters, fluttered its wings and flew to the sky against the battlefield, circling and cruising, with a loud noise from its neck. Carving.

“Wow, this Pidgeot is so huge, I beg for Pidgeot’s breeding method.”

“The same request–“


First round competition Liang Ren lost to Drake. The audience was not surprised. After all, the difference between the strengths of the two sides is too great. If Liang Ren can really win by his own strength, then they are really alive these years. Went into Growlithe’s belly.

Although he lost, Liang Ren’s steady performance and silent command, as well as Slowpoke’s endless ability during the game, also left a very deep impression on the audience.

For Liang Ren’s second Pokémon, the audience is also full of expectations.

The result did not disappoint everyone. The appearance of Pidgeot, which is bigger than its kind, was amazed whether it was live or watching the live broadcast.

Liang Ren doesn’t have many Pokémon in his hands, but each one is unique and unmatched and extremely rare, and he is very proud of it.

After all, as a trainer, what can be more fulfilling than the Pokémon that breeds memorable.

“Good guy, you brat, this Pidgeot breed is really good.” Looking at the sky hovering Pidgeot, Drake really started.

“Pidgeot worked hard enough on his own.” Liang Ren laughed and responded modestly.

Drake’s Flygon in the second game is very strong, at least not weaker than Altaria in the previous game. Obviously, he is also the main force of the first echelon. I have to say that he can really be worthy of him.

Liang Ren, who has already lost a game, also sent the strongest Trump Card in his hand, Pidgeot, and he wants to let go of this game.

“After the juggling Ability breakthrough, physical flexibility has been greatly improved, and Pidgeot is proud of the speed, I don’t know if I can kite the opponent.” Liang Ren thought to himself.

Judging from the last game, Drake breed Pokémon’s style of fighting with the commander is biased towards direct attack. There is not much eye-catching performance in terms of speed, but he did not slack off either.

“The game begins.” Pidgeot of the newborn calves do not fear tigers, in an imposing manner and Flygon giving tit for tat, the referee also decisively issued a start signal.

“Keep a safe distance after tailwind + Agility.”

The spirits are connected with each other under the fetters. Liang Ren did not be polite with Drake, but thoughts move directly gave Pidgeot the action instructions.

“Beep Eagle–“

Pidgeot, who received the instruction, screamed his neck, like a waterfall’s wings, and slammed into the clubhouse where the air was flowing smoothly, suddenly a strong wind blew .


“Why is Gust all of a sudden.”

“I rely on it, it’s a big wind.”

“Yeah~My wig.”

The audience shouted in disorderly exclamations, but Pidgeot’s Psychic Type move Agility continued to use.

The shining blue flames that Mental Force burned into spread all over the body along the tendons. From the outside, Pidgeot’s body seemed to be coated with a water blue energy light film.

The film Golden Feather is as brilliant as a sharp sword, and Pidgeot, who has achieved perfect control over his body, immediately feels extremely light and light.

However, with a flick of the wings forward, the violent wind dashed through the gap of the sword-like feathers, but there were bursts of harsh screams. Obviously, the light and graceful figure is only Pidgeot’s subjective feelings. Actually, a pair of wings carry Great power.

Drake was determined to let go of the water and gave the right to the first hand to Liang Ren’s side. The majestic white eyebrow stared at Pidgeot with piercing eyes, and he let it do.

“Beep Eagle——”

“Shunfeng + Agility” is a long-term unchanging opening move in the Pidgeot battle. The proficiency is naturally not to be said. Shunfengchang and Agility are almost instantaneous use, followed by a flutter of wings and a lightning distance.

“Scythe weasel.” The bond link was opened, and the sensory perspective was completely synchronized with Pidgeot. The Flygon below Liang Ren Lock On, who had nothing outside of his heart, launched an attack without the slightest hesitation.

He wanted to test the speed of Flygon.

“Block it.”

Drake didn’t respond much. He put his hands in the pockets of his black blue navy coat, his eyes were still looking at the battlefield without a trace of emotion. Simple An instruction was given underground.

Apparently Drake also wants to see Pidgeot’s attack power.

“xiū xiū xiū 咻~”

At the beginning, it was only used as a substitute for Air Slash, and it valued the large number of sickle weasel that can hit a range of damage. Nowadays, Pidgeot’s strength continues to increase , Has also been greatly enhanced.

It used to be the Moon White Wind Blade with the size of a palm, but now it has the size of a basin.

Four huge wind blades suddenly landed in the shape of a product, like a cold moon arc falling off the night sky, attracting the attention of the audience outside the venue.


The beautiful and desolate Sickle Itachi looks very good, but it’s obviously not enough in front of Flygon.

With a flick of the slender tail, without any Contest’s moves, the four basin-sized moon white wind blades were directly shattered.

Obviously the imposing manner is very restrained, but at this moment Liang Ren and Pidgeot feel that there is a majestic mountain that is difficult to climb.

Looking at the unmoving silhouette of in midair Flygon, Liang Ren remembered the invincible Altaria on the field.

He said that he would not be timid because the enemy was too strong, but seeing Flygon so easily accepted Pidgeot’s attack, Liang Ren still felt a sense of powerlessness for no reason.

Why continue to fight if you know you can’t fight?

For Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster prepared for the heart-strengthening test, now Liang Ren, the trainer, is the first to shake his will.

“Calm down, I can’t just give up like this. Pidgeot hasn’t given up yet. How can I as a trainer be timid.”

“Pidgeot, use Air Slash.” Liang Ren He gritted his teeth, almost shouting to Pidgeot ordered.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot, who fluttered his crown, hovering erraticly against the battlefield Sky, was ordered to spread his wings and wave his wings, a long blue wind blade , With an imposing manner that splits the space, fiercely cut towards the Flygon below.

“Block it.” Drake continued to repeat the instructions.

“ka ka-bang”

However, this time, Flygon was not able to take it as easily as before.

To wipe away the dust and the heart is bright as a mirror, Pidgeot’s full Air Slash is pinned on Liang Ren’s unyielding fighting spirit.

The slender whip tail that burst into air was connected to the Air Slash, and several cracks spread from the hit, but the blue wind blade not at all immediately shattered.

The Air Slash covered with ice cracks continued to cut and rotate, and forcibly bounced the Flygon’s tail away. After cutting out a white mark, it shattered unbearably.


Although the defense was not broken, but the strongest move that was eaten hit the front, Flygon still let out a painful whine.

On this point alone, Pidgeot is better than Slowpoke in the last round of bombardment without causing any damage to Altaria.

“For Pidgeot at this level, such an attack is already considered sharp.” Seeing Flygon being beaten up, Drake was secretly nodded.

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