“Pidgeot, use Air Slash to keep flying the kite.”

Flygon’s painful whining sounded in Liang Ren’s ears. Although the strength gap between the two sides is huge, he will not Easy to admit defeat.


“peng peng ~”

“Flygon, catch up and use the dragon’s tail.”

Compared with Pidgeot’s body shape The same kind is big, but physical flexibility and speed are not affected at all.

Seeing that Flygon was hit by Pidgeot’s Air Slash which threw away again, Drake was frowned and had to take a serious response.


“Woo~” has been attacked so many times by the slippery bird Pokémon on the opposite side, Flygon’s sanity is almost overwhelmed by anger.

Seeing that I can finally fight back, this green Pokémon, who has the nickname of Ley wyvern in Hoenn, shook his head and opened his mouth to send out an angry roar, flapping his wings and rushing towards Pidgeot.

“dodge, use Wings of Steel.” The angle of view is quickly switched, and Liang Ren, who is united in mind, seems to have turned into Pidgeot.

The tail feathers were blown by the violent wind to hunt and hunt. Looking at the rushing Flygon, Liang Ren seemed to smell a smell of muddy sand.

At this time, he didn’t dare to lose his mind. Pidgeot, who had already entered a fighting state, was also immediately ready to dodge.

“pa ~”

Dark green’s Dragon Type power turned into scaly armor, and the slender whiptail threw the air into a blast.

Pidgeot is also boldness of execution stems from superb skill. Nearly half of the “juggling” inheritance has been turned on. Faced with this situation, Pidgeot almost conditioned his mind to emerge several evasion routes.

The terrifying Dragon’s Might makes Pidgeot feel trembling in fear, but Pidgeot is also trembling with excitement under this high pressure.

It did not choose to sideways or retreat. In the horrified eyes of the audience, Pidgeot took the initiative to greet it.


clearly understood everything is weak spot Keen Eye in the blind spot stared at Flygon without fear, a pair of wide wings like unsheathed bright steel knives.

The tail of the whip struck, Pidgeot made an almost impossible backward flat movement, and again dexterously avoided Flygon’s attack.


Pidgeot’s steel wings leave a long strip on the rough and hard scales cast by Flygon’s wind and sand White marks.

“Flygon, use Dragon Breath.” Seeing the attack was dodge slippery by Pidgeot, Drake couldn’t help being frowned, and his expression became serious again.

“dodge, then Double Team.” On the sidelines, Liang Ren followed Pidgeot with his eyes blankly. With continuous kite tactics, Liang Ren has found his own rhythm.


On the Flygon side, it is clear that the level of strength has an absolute advantage. It is confident that it can kill the opposite bird Pokémon with a single move, but it is even connected by Pidgeot. Fan harassment play.

Each attack was dodged by the opponent, Flygon’s sanity and patience were almost worn out, Drake’s command came, Flygon looked back and a dragon breath blasted towards Pidgeot.

However, when Long Yanzhu struck, Pidgeot appeared to have eyes behind his back, twisted like a swallow around a beam, and dodged Flygon’s attack again deftly.

Raising a safe distance, Pidgeot’s figure shook, and hundreds of identical’Pidgeot’ suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Pidgeot, use Divine Bird.” Liang Ren’s voice sounded in Pidgeot’s mind.

The audience has not recovered from the shock brought by Pidgeot’s multiple Shadow Clones. In an instant, they used Flying Type Big Unique Ability Divine Bird against the densely packed Pidgeot group on the battlefield.

The golden flames envelop the whole body, and all you can see is Pidgeot using Divine Bird.


Although I know that most of them are phantoms, only one of them is the real Pidgeot using Divine Bird, but in a flash, thousands of birds hum, visual and auditory The shock brought by the above is real.


Hundreds of golden flames Flygon in the Divine Bird Imperial court launched a charge, and the entire battlefield was shining brightly, even if it was a veteran Elite expert like Drake, Was dazzled for a while.

After the blessing of the wind farm + Agility, the Pidgeot, which was already very fast, has increased to a level at this moment, and the “Divine Bird” has its own acceleration effect.

At this moment, the speed of the “Pidgeot · Group” is already incredible. The overlapping phantoms are blasting towards Flygon. With such a fierce attack, Flygon who is submerged in it is probably desperate at this moment.

“Whether it is a trainer or a Pokémon, the talent is old fogey. I have only seen it in my life. If I enter the Elite level, I will probably return in low spirits after failing today. Unfortunately, the gap between our two is still too great. “Flygon, use sandstorms.” Drake shook the head, shook the head. After sighing, he gave instructions to Flygon.


In the face of hundreds of “Divine Birds”, Flygon was really desperate for a moment, but after being besieged for a long time, he only noticed that his stomach was hit. , And after not getting hurt, Flygon also settled down.

At this time, Drake’s instructions just came, Flygon’s wings slammed, and a huge tornado of sand and dust directly hit the sky from the ground below.

“pu pu pu pu…”

The Yellow Sand Dragon volume protects the Flygon in the middle, and the Pidgeot Double Team all around is wiped out in an instant under the tear of Twister.

“Since you can dodge with one attack, then try this ability.”

“Flygon, use Draco Meteor.” Seeing that this game has been dragged for nearly a dozen Minutes, Drake Tiger, who was no longer releasing the water, stared and signaled Flygon’s curtain call.

“Interrupt it, don’t let it use this ability.”

The dust tornado scattered, and it stood upright in the center of the field with the bright Yellow energy vortex revealed by Flygon’s abdomen. After seeing this scene, Liang Ren’s expression suddenly changed, and hurriedly asked Pidgeot to find a way to interrupt.

However, Flygon with all its strength is not something Pidgeot can contend at this stage.

Dragon’s Might, who is as deep as hell, was suppressed and prepared to use Pidgeot, who was about to use it. His body suddenly stiffened.

On the other side, the energy vortex that Flygon’s abdomen showed through, also completed the Stockpile at this time, and spit out from the sky along the elongated neck.


The blazing flame meteor rises into the sky at a high speed, rubbing against the air and making a harsh whine like an air defense alarm, making people have one’s hair stand on end.


The flame meteor rises to a limited height and then bursts with a boom. The densely packed Meteorite blocks are wrapped in flames, like bombs dropped by a bomber. All murderous intention.

“boom~ boom~ Bang… ”

To the off-site audience, Flygon use’s Draco Meteor looks like a firework like beautiful, but it’s connected with Pidgeot and shares perspective Liang Ren felt numb and cold all over his scalp.

Dragon Type moves come with the Dragon’s Might deterrent effect that makes the opponent fearful. At this moment, the flame grenades are dropped, and Liang Ren’s head reflexively gives birth to “Can’t escape, admit defeat”.


“Pidgeot, don’t be stunned, hurry up and dodge.”

Fortunately, Liang Ren’s mental quality is not bad. He used to be in Asia Faced with the angry ice god Articuno, he squeezed his thigh and hurriedly returned to command Pidgeot to dodge.

“Beep Eagle——”

Pidgeot, who was called back to God by Liang Ren, saw that the flame Meteorite had fallen to the top of his head, his pupils shrank suddenly, horrified Pidgeot inexplicably Reflexively use Spark to dodge.

However, this time it was not a one after another single attack, but a map bombing of a flame grenade. Under the crisis, Pidgeot’s speed increased a lot. After dodge three meteors, he was finally hit by a flame Meteorite. .


Amidst the dense sound of Meteorite landing, the dull sound of hitting the flesh was particularly obvious.

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