The dust and smoke dissipated, Pidgeot had lost the combat capability, and collapsed on the battlefield full of Meteorite pits.

“Pidgeot lost the combat capability. Flygon won the game.” The referee raised the red flag in his hand and announced the result of the game.


Seeing Pidgeot on the battlefield who has lost the combat capability, the audience also applauded spontaneously.

“Although I lost, I was facing an Alliance Peak Level expert such as Drake Elite after all, and the opponent sent the main force of an echelon.”

“Indeed, this one Pidgeot can pull this game for nearly twenty minutes. Even if there is water in front of Drake Elite, this is quite remarkable.”

“I really don’t know how this Pidgeot was cultivated. Speed, even Drake Elite’s Flygon at first was kited out.”

“And you didn’t find out. Although this Pidgeot is large in size, its body is very flexible. Flygon attacked almost all throughout the game. Was dodged, even the last Unique Ability Draco Meteor, in the extreme situation where the flame Meteorite was about to fall overhead, was also attacked by Pidgeot dodge three times.”

“Don’t talk about Pokémon all the time. In my opinion, the most enchanting person is the trainer. What kind of talent is the talent that can cultivate Slowpoke and Pidgeot to develop such battle strength.”

“And you have not found out, the two games are called Mu The boys of Mu Liang Ren are fighting through incomprehensible silent commands”

“Is he a Psychic…”

Liang Ren lost again in the second game, but The audience at the venue and the audience on the webcast end did not have any frigid irony and scorching satire.

The performance of Pidgeot in this match was amazing enough, facing an expert like Elite Four, and the opponent also sent a team of main players to think about their own question about how Liang Ren could not be.

Recall the speed of Pidgeot swift as wind just now, that like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, antelope horn-like dodge skills, and finally the “Divine Bird” boom in the Pidgeot Double Team state kill.

The audience found bitterly that, not to mention the veteran Elite from the Alliance, Drake, the thirteen-year-old who just lost two games, they may not be able to play.

I have to say that this is very shocking, but because of this, watching the calm and calm expression of the young man on the huge display screen, the audience’s admiration is growing.

“Flygon, come back.” Seeing Liang Ren recovering Pidgeot who lost the combat capability, Drake also replaced Flygon.

This is a battle of disparity in strength. In addition to an exhibition match in public, Drake will naturally not make a move of one wear three.

Three Pokémons were sent to play in the three rounds, and they were the main Trump Card players in the first echelon, which gave Liang Ren a lot of face.

In addition to the intention to lengthen the schedule a little bit during the game, Liang Ren has enough opportunities to show off his strength. This is the water release strategy that Drake at first thought of. From the moment the audience is facing Liang Ren more and more The louder the sound of cheering, it is clear that Drake’s actions are effective.

“The third game, boy~ let me see you who are more passionate.” Drake took out a Poké Ball and held it in his hand, looking towards Liang Ren with piercing eyes.

“Yes, Cloyster, ready to fight.” Nodded to Drake solemnly. After Liang Ren took a deep breath, he raised his hand and threw Cloyster’s Poké Ball.


The Rapid Spin landed steadily, with a snow-white Cloyster, appeared on the pitted battlefield hit by Draco Meteor.

“Although I have seen it a lot during this competition, but now I see it again, this is just as beautiful as a Jade carved ice sculpture.”

“Not beautiful It’s not beautiful. Tu Longbei vs. Dragon Type Elite. This game is probably worth watching.”

“Indeed, the only flaw is that the difference in strength between the two sides is too large.”

“Although the difference in strength It’s very big, but the ice attribute of this Cloyster is also very strong. If you think about it, it can cause some trouble to the other party.”


Liang Ren has a unique and unique Pokémon. Unmatched, seeing him release Cloyster, the atmosphere of the venue suddenly became lively.

“My third Pokemon is this guy, come out——Old Partner.”


Different from the previous Altaria and Flygon, Drake’s third Pokémon appeared on the stage, and a violent dragon roar spread throughout the venue. The eardrums of the audience who plugged in the earphones and watched the live broadcast through the screen were also shocked by Bzz Bzz.

This is a huge monster with a height of nearly two meters and a body length of more than four meters. It has a deep blue body and two bloody blade-like wings on its back.

The terrifying Dragon’s Might, accompanied by waves of violent sound, the heartbeat of Cloyster and Liang Ren who were the first to bear the brunt of them suddenly slammed, and even their breathing became less smooth.

“hu hu ~”

The blood wings flap, and Salamence flying in the air brings the incomparable pressure to Liang Ren, which was not available in Altaria and Flygon before.


“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren……”

“…… “

The last match of the exhibition match tonight, and also the end of the Lilycove City Contest Conference. With the appearance of Salamence, the 100,000 spectators all around the venue also burst out with excitement. There are bursts of cheering.

————Larous City————

“Ah~the last battle, what should I do? I’m so nervous.”

” Really didn’t expect, Liang Ren hadn’t used all his strength in Battle Tower a few days ago.”


————Celadon City ———

“Alliance Elite didn’t expect so strong, the second child actually lost two games in a row.” On the sofa, Mu Mu Yiren looked at the live broadcast on the TV opposite the coffee table and said in a sigh.

“My son is the best, and he will definitely win this game.”


There is a community on the side of Saffron City. Casey, who returned to the rented house after the dance class, immediately turned on the TV after receiving Mu Mu Lei’s news and found Hoenn TV, which was broadcasting the Lilycove City game.

After losing two games in a row, Liang Ren’s expression not at all changed too much, but the people around him were all nervous from start to finish.

“Liang Ren, come on duck~”

“Suo Suo~” Oddish in the arms of Casey also shook the grass crown on his head, as if giving it to Liang Ren on TV Come on.

——Hoenn ·Dewford Town ·Fighting Gym ——

“Lili, your classmate is really amazing. The Pokémon on hand is breed very well, so you can even follow Drake Elite had a trick.”

The heroic girl with a golden yellow mushroom head sitting cross-legged next to Rei Ambe said in admiration.

“Of course.” Hearing the scent of cucumber, Rei Abe held her head proudly as if she was praised, causing the Fujiki and the others who watched the live broadcast next to them to laugh.


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