“The game begins.”

Amidst the cheering of the crowds outside the field, the referee raised the flag and gave the start signal.


Cloyster and Liang Ren didn’t get through the bond link, and there is currently no silent command, but Liang Ren’s instructions are not needed at this moment.

The referee gave an order, and the strong fighting intent exploded with the accumulated innate talent characteristics, and the sky was overwhelmed in an instant.

The snow cloud vortex spreads rapidly, making people have one’s hair stand on end, and the thunder and thunder spread in the dark clouds, like a light veil curtain, and the gorgeous aurora like colored silk ribbons, which are also horizontal at this time. On the sky.

Originally, I was going to come up with a starter, and use the dragon’s roar to frighten Cloyster’s Salamence. At this moment, looking at the changes in the Sky above his head, a humane surprise flashed in his eyes.


Salamence has not yet come back to his senses, and has covered the entire battlefield Sky with snow clouds. At this moment, Hail the size of marbles begins to hit Falling.

“Roar~” Salamence shook his head, Roar let out an uncomfortable cry.

Dragon Type Pokémon has no resistance to the cold, even if Cloyster is only Level 34, and Salamence’s Level is as high as 75, Salamence still shows an uncomfortable expression when hit by Hail at the moment.

But in the end, the main force of Drake’s Trump Card, Hail still can’t hurt Salamence at this point, it makes it a little uncomfortable at best.

“Say hello first, Cloyster-use “Aurora Fall”. “

Silent conduct for two consecutive games. Now Liang Ren is commanding Pokémon to play normally, but the audience hasn’t reacted to it for a while.


I have used it once in a previous performance. With the help of meteorological authority, the trick “Aurora Fall” triggered the attack by the natural forces of Heaven and Earth. Cloyster has also become more and more skilled.

Standing horizontally on the sky, the windless and automatic aurora suddenly surged like boiling water. Salamence on the sky has not yet reacted. The aurora laser cannon that hit the sky fiercely hit Salamence’s back. on.

“ao ——” Salamence let out another uncomfortable howl.

The scaly armor, which has excellent resistance to magic and physical resistance, seems to have no defensive effect in front of the biting cold at this moment.

Salamence, whose entire back was frozen in the blink of an eye, fluttered with icy crumbs, only feeling a icy force drilled continuously into her body, and the flapping wings of hu hu seemed to become stiff at this moment a bit.

“Salamence, Roar.” Drake responded quickly.

ice attribute Pokémon is very tricky. Drake, who had already put enough water in the first two games, saw that Salamence was so uncomfortable at this time, and he didn’t continue to give in. He planned to do it quickly.

“Houang~” comprehending Drake’s mind, Sky went up to Salamence and inhaled, stretched his neck and moved towards the lower part of Cloyster and let out a deafening roar.


“Go down and use Thunder Fang.” With the spiritual deterrence blessing of Dragon’s Might, the Ability “Roar” effect is outstanding, and Cloyster, who has experienced many battles, At this moment, she fell into awe and immediately closed the shell in fright.

“Shhh~” The golden Spark was wrapped around the sharp teeth in the mouth, and the blood wing slammed on the back. Salamence aggressively moved towards Cloyster and swooped down.


The audience who saw this scene suddenly became worried.

The reason why Slowpoke and Pidgeot were able to last for so long in the first two games was mainly relying on Teleport and the extremely fast flying speed.

The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too large. Basically, when Drake’s side is attacked, the Pokémon on Liang Ren’s side will lose the battle strength. Isn’t the Cloyster going to be killed in this game?

No one knows if the result is not out, but Liang Ren will not be obediently surrender like this.

“Cloyster, just use ultrasonic waves like this.” Salamence’s blood wings flapped and the squally wind blew Liang Ren’s eyes with his hands, but he immediately gave Cloyster instructions.


The dragon’s shadow descends, the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl with broken jade and golden fangs, biting on Cloyster, golden Spark All over Cloyster’s whole body in an instant.

“Cloyster, ultrasonic counterattack.” Seeing that Cloyster was bitten by Salamence, Liang Ren’s expression remained unchanged, but he repeated the command just now.

“Roar” itself has a spiritual shock. At this moment, coupled with the suppression of the terrifying Dragon’s Might aura of 7Level 5 Salamence, the Psyshock received by Cloyster is not small.

Liang Ren did not respond to the command for half a day. Fortunately, Cloyster’s defense is indeed high enough. The “S” level physical defense evaluation on the system panel also gives Liang Ren and the audience a defense against Cloyster. A clear understanding.

After Salamence dangling Cloyster in her mouth for a while, perhaps there was no pain, Cloyster finally got rid of her fear.


At this time——

A sharp ultrasonic wave came out from the inside of the double shell, holding the Salamence Rippon of Cloyster in its mouth. Stare, twitching like a seizure, hurriedly threw Cloyster out.

Following the dazzling offensive of Pidgeot’s “Divine Bird Bombing”, the audience experienced Cloyster’s “high-pitched tinnitus” at this moment, and the headphone party watching the live broadcast was killed instantly.

“Cloyster, the combo hits it.” Liang Ren, who covered his ears and frowned, didn’t give up this great opportunity to counterattack. The command was issued almost the moment Salamence threw away Cloyster.


‘Scream’ vented the remaining fearful emotions, “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin” combo skill use, at this moment Cloyster showed The audience marveled at the combat literacy.

Salamence, who turned into an ice thorn ball and smashed into the air, was hit by the’magic sound’. Although the strength gap did not fall into chaos, he also shook his head and looked a little uncomfortable.

The trainer’s battle is not a turn-based battle. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If you lose your mind and show a weak spot for a while, you may be attacked by the opponent, just like at this moment, Cloyster.

“Bang~” Salamence hadn’t recovered yet, the cheeks were hit by the high-speed ice spikes made by Cloyster, and the huge body was staggered at this moment.

“Dragon’s Claw slapped it flying.” Unable to kill with a single move, Drake showed an interesting look on his face, and he moved towards Salamence ordered loudly.

“Cloyster, just use Blizzard like this.”

“Bang~” As soon as Liang Ren finished speaking, Cloyster was shot flying out by a fierce Dragon Claw.

“hong long long ……”

Although the dragon’s claws are burned with dragon flames, they still belong to the physical attack moves. Cloyster was shot and flew out and still did not lose the combat capability. .

Cloyster, who was photographed cracked into a sinkhole, still looks like a top spinner. The next second, with Cloyster as the center, Blizzard was suddenly blown up on the battlefield.

The Hail that sky landed originally did no harm to Salamence. At this moment, driven by the Blizzard tornado, he hit Salamence with a chuckle.

“Roar~” Ultrasound failed because of the level disparity, but at this moment, under Blizzard’s attack, Salamence seemed to lose one’s head out of fear.

With Thunder Fang and dive to the ground, Liang Ren will no longer give the opponent another chance to fly high.

“Salamence, fly up and keep away.” Drake frowned loudly shouted.

He who specializes in Dragon Type Pokémon is also a veteran of the Ever Grande Alliance. Ice attribute Elite: Glacia has suffered a lot. Regarding ice attribute Pokémon, whether he is strong or weak, Drake almost instinctively feels tricky. .

A Cloyster, who is weaker than the previous two Pokémons from the perspective of breath, has withstood Salamence’s two full strokes of “Thunder Fang, Dragon Claw”. This is what Drake at first did not expect of.

“Don’t let it fly, use “Aurora Fall”” Blizzard concealed from the other side of the battlefield, Liang Ren’s clear and decisive command sound was heard.

“Ang~” The blood wings slammed, and Salamence, who broke free from the twisting of Blizzard, let out a high-pitched dragon roar. After shaking his head and making a contemptuous snout, he was ready to fight back.

However, at this time, sky was gorgeous with aurora. There is another surging.


“Aurora falls from the sky”, the brilliant colorful light beam made Salamence’s neck shrink, the biting chill spread throughout his body, and his wings stiff At that second, Salamence’s body was dragged down by Blizzard again.

“Ice attribute is really a headache attribute.” Drake’s eyebrows were frosted by the wind and snow. The furrows of Drake’s brows deepened a little bit, but he was standing in this world. Pinnacle’s expert, he doesn’t at all seem flustered.

“Salamence, let go of suppression and use the strongest Flamethrower.” Drake yelled.


A high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and in the white Blizzard whirlpool, bursts of bright flames suddenly appeared like solar flares.


To the cold air on the battlefield is fading fast, Liang Ren’s mouth just opened before he can give instructions, a high-temperature fire column, like an aurora cutter Split the Blizzard whirlpool instantly.


Salamence’s red eyes, violent and domineering aura is undoubtedly revealed. At the moment, he raised his head and buckled, and there was another pillar of high-temperature fire, holding Cloyster straight on the battlefield. A large black pit with a diameter of more than one meter was exploded.

“Cloyster, are you okay.” Liang Ren looked at Cloyster lying on the bottom of the pit worriedly, loudly shouted anxiously.


Sky’s Hail has become much smaller, and the Aurora has become a little bleak at the moment, but the ice marbles hit Cloyster, and there are still circles The ripples of the green circle appear.

In the roar of sky Salamence show off one’s military strength, Cloyster at the bottom of the scorched pit moved a bit, and the off-site photographer immediately gave a close-up shot.


In Salamence’s astonishment, Drake’s surprise, Liang Ren’s joy, and the audience’s cheers, Cloyster opened the shell. It did not at all lose the combat capability.

“Cloyster, do you want to continue fighting?” Liang Ren asked aloud.

The purpose of letting the three pets see clearly that the gap between themselves and the real expert has been achieved, and Cloyster has also tried his best. If this game continues, it will only be in vain.

“Ticket~” However, Liang Ren obviously underestimated the backbone of Cloyster and didn’t say much. Cloyster responded with action.

Stamina recovered a little bit, Cloyster turned his body at high speed in the scorch pit, and once again turned into a thorn Ice Ball moved towards Salamence and hit it.

“Very spine opponent, Salamence, use Dragon Rush.” ​​Drake on the other side of the battlefield is full of appreciation. In order to show respect, he chooses to use the strongest move here.


With a flutter of blood, the Salamence flying high in the sky, as if turned into the “Susa no Man” in the story of Ninja in the ancient Warring States period, full of The baleful aura was wrapped in blue and purple light, and a dive head-on met Cloyster’s collision.


The splendid chaotic flames flashed, and then the deafening explosion sounded throughout the venue. The exhaust waves blew Liang Ren’s knees and lunges. Frozen.

“Did you lose?” After the air wave passed, the audience looked expectantly at the battlefield below.

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