“Petrochemical Laser”, as a unique method of Hunter J group, was formed by studying “Thunder Wave, Petrochemical Technique” and then integrating human technology.

Dark Yellow’s petrochemical laser was shot from the machine mounted on J’s arm. Liang Ren and Slowpoke, who were trapped by Sticky Web, also immediately petrified into two dark Yellow statues.

“Move the prey back to the spaceship.”

After Jexpressionless commanded, Ariados and Drapion, who had made great achievements, took back the baby ball and jumped onto Salamence’s back without head. Left back to the ground.

The subordinates who stayed in place moved the five petrified statues of Liang Ren, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Riolu to the small flying machine, and then chased J back toward the spaceship.

The prey in front of them took a lot of effort for them, but now that they were caught, everyone did not appear to be very happy. After all, the prey they were looking at had never failed to catch.


Close to the rainforest exit in the direction of Fortree City, the hunter team crouched for five days. At this moment, J’s order to accept the team was received, and the black clothed players boarded Flying device, also moved towards the flying ship returning.

In the 8-person team, the black clothed member hanging at the end, heard the news of the successful capture of the prey, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Although this woman J is vicious and merciless, she also understands the unwiseness of “killing chickens to get eggs and fishing out of the water”. During the capture process, as long as the trainer does not resist too fiercely and does not completely anger her, JNormal will not hurt her. The life of the trainer.

However, his Pokémon companion was taken away, and no trainer in the world would resist resisting. Therefore, in the past hunting process, J group of people had a lot of blood on their hands.

Hansang knew very well about this hunting mission. The target was a talented trainer in Kanto Region. He recently came to Hoenn and fought Drake afterwards. It was a hit.

But it was because it was too dazzling that it attracted the attention of interested people, and finally attracted the coveting of Hunter J.

After entering the rainforest for five days, even if the trainer Lash Out was not killed, the Pokémon on hand was snatched. In this extremely dangerous rain forest, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will become one of Wild Pokémon. Tuo feces.

“This group of damn hunters, must eradicate you completely.” Hansang followed the team back home calmly, his eyes full of suppressed anger.

J this group is too cunning. The Alliance search team and the Interpol have sent out several times to encircle and suppress, but they all escaped. This time he must not beat the grass to scare the snake.

As for the talented trainer who is bode ill rather than well, Hansang is full of guilt and powerlessness, and can only comfort himself that the other party sacrificed for justice.



The two hunting teams returned to the spaceship base and were turned into statues by the “Petrochemical Laser” One person and four pets are now placed in a special prey storage room, with glass cages buckled upside down on a round table.

It looks like a Snowball lamp placed in the window of a gift shop at Christmas. Although the one in front of you is bigger, both are commodities.

“Master J, what do you do with this kid?” The black clothed man who was interrogated by Liang Ren’s knife holder’s neck just now wiped the blood on his neck with a gloomy expression and respectfully asked the silver-haired woman for instructions Tao.

“After chasing this kid for five days, let’s take a rest on the spot, and throw him out when I leave in the afternoon.”

Although the trainer was arrested, But the products are only four Pokémons, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Riolu.

The genius trainer who is regarded as a treasure by Alliance, in the eyes of this woman is nothing. For this kind of worthless commodity, J turned around and left, even taking it from beginning to end. I saw it straight.

“It’s a cheap brat.” The black clothed man who asked for instructions was whispered with an unhappy expression.

I remembered that I was threatened by this kid’s knife holder just now. This black clothed man with a character seeking revenge for the slightest grievance wanted to poke two holes in his stomach, and then hang him upside down in the rain forest. on.

Let the smell of blood attract a large group of Wild Pokémon to fight for food. Zangoose opened his stomach and took out his liver with his claws, Murkrow pecked his eyeballs, Ariados pierced his fangs into the body, and the remaining skeleton was also The Insect in the rain forest gnawed away.

Only by letting this kid die in agony in fear and sorrow, can he wash away the humiliation and the full of Spite.

But he didn’t dare to disobey J’s order, so all the grudge in his heart could only be scattered on Liang Ren.

At this moment, if Liang Ren knew the thoughts of the black clothed man in front of him, he would definitely regret that he was indecisive and soft-hearted.

“You two are watching carefully.” As the “moving” hunter left, the warehouse door closed automatically with a bang.

The sound of footsteps is drifting away, but there are two guards at the door of the warehouse. It can be seen that the group of J is very cautious, and there is also monitoring inside the warehouse, almost nothing Give a little bit of loopholes.

“Deserving of the notorious “Hunter J”, he really dared to hurt people and didn’t keep alive. “

A group of people left one after another, the door was closed, and the warehouse was quiet enough to be heard. However, Liang Ren’s mind was echoed by J just now.

All Region Alliances There is no death penalty in the law. Whether it’s attacking the Alliance headquarters or destroying the world, the heaviest Punishment is life imprisonment.

Liang Ren thinks the opponent’s Snatch Pokémon is already at the limit, and It shouldn’t be blatantly hurt The trainer’s life, but from J’s indifferent tone and the black clothed man’s shadowy Spite gaze, I’m afraid this group of people have not had blood on their hands.

Although they know this seemingly clean world, there are also behind them. On the dark side.

Like Team Aqua, Team Magma, Galaxy Team, Flash Team…, these evil organizations regard the world as dirty, and all people except themselves have no value. Useless rubbish, all need to be destroyed.

But destroying the world is too vague, for an ordinary person like him, on the contrary, there is not much impact, until I heard J said in a casual tone of killing him, Liang Ren I really felt the dark and bloody side behind this World.

Shocked, unbelievable, disgusted with Dark fear… Liang Ren thought he would be overwhelmed in his heart, and his reaction was very intense, but after a long time , He found that he was just angering in his heart.

“Is it used to hearing and seeing, or am I not a good person? “Liang Ren laughed to himself.

However, he saw everything clearly. If time goes back to the previous moment, Liang Ren will never be soft-hearted.

” Ah duo——Liang Ren, the spaceship did not start to fly away, the group of people was taking a break. “In the silent cargo warehouse, Slowpoke communicated with Liang Ren through the bond link.

“After searching for us for five days in the rain forest, it is estimated that we are exhausted enough to look at the crew on the spaceship. Distribution, since we have entered the opponent’s base with a personal risk, then we will do a big vote. “There was a murderous intention in Liang Ren’s heart.

“Yah Duo——I understand, since I dare to reach out to us and not let this group of people pay the price of blood, I really think that honest people are good. Bullied. “

Slowpoke’s tone has also become fierce and cold and severe. After all, the hunt for Liang Ren was incidental, and Slowpoke, Cloyster…they were caught and sold.

Pets of ladies, beasts watched by high-class people, experimental materials of evil scientists…? Prey that can be captured at will, merchandise sold wantonly.

Thinking of my next destiny designed by the other party, I have always Lazily Slowpoke, who is indisputable in the world, is also born with murderous intentions at this moment.

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