“How about, have you figured out the distribution of personnel?” After opening the fetters, the radiation range of Slowpoke Mental Force suddenly widened.

“Yaduo—there are five people in the control room, two guards at the door of the cargo warehouse, two three-person teams patrolling the spaceship, and the others rest in the room.”


Slowpoke passed the Psychic perception picture in his mind, and Liang Ren knew what was happening in the spaceship.

“Ah duo—what do you do now? Use Confusion to squeeze the camera and destroy it directly in their base.” Slowpoke asked tentatively in his mind.

“We can’t beat the grass to scare the snake, let alone J’s Pokemon, we can’t beat it. The Pokémon Levels of other people are basically up to 30. It’s not that easy to clean up. “

“And we sneaked into the opponent’s base with a personal risk, not to meet with the opponent force with force——”

In the silent warehouse, two’dark’ The statue of Huang’ is communicating through consciousness, Slowpoke can hear a bit of playfulness from Liang Ren’s tone, thinking that he already has a plan in his heart.

“Dialy, pay attention to the movements of the five people in the control room. For a while, while the guy watching the monitoring is not paying attention, we will directly Teleport over after we get out. Make sure to immediately eliminate the five people in the control room.”


The rainforest between Lilycove City and Fortree City is very large, stretching more than 2.3 million km². You must search in such a vast rainforest It’s not that difficult for one person.

J They have all kinds of advanced equipment, but they searched for five days before they found Liang Ren. It can be said that they are exhausted enough. Even J, who is doing swift and decisive work, has to temporarily stop and rest. , It is obvious that there is no immediate contact with the customer for delivery.

However, there is not much time left for Liang Ren. Now in the morning, if the other party wakes up for lunch when the time comes, his time will be even more urgent.

This time going deep behind enemy lines, his most important purpose is to destroy the spaceship base, and then steal all the search equipment, food and medicine and other supplies assembled on it.

Without this’tortoise shell’ and equipment, in the dangerous rainforest hinterland, even if Liang Ren doesn’t do anything, this group of people will be in a dire situation, unable to move a single step.

Without food, medicine, clean drinking water, weapons, and the power of his Pokémon alone, Liang Ren wondered if these people could go out in the harsh rainforest environment.

Also, beware of Wild Pokémon’s attack and his “Avenger” who appears and disappear unpredictably.


Under the state of sight function, one person and one pet closely watched the movements of the five people in the spaceship control room, and he was quickly caught a chance.

The spaceship did not start. One person in the control room stood in front of the monitoring computer, while the other four were talking, ready to go to the restaurant to find something to eat.

The guy in front of the monitoring computer also turned his head and asked the four of them to help him with some points. However, in the middle of this talk, Slowpoke “Confusion” controlled the switch outside the cage to release the awakening gas.

Opening the glass cover, Liang Ren, who was out of trouble, made a wink and took Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Riolu directly back to the baby ball, and then hugged Slowpoke a “Teleport” and disappeared in place.

“Heh~ I’m sleepy, why can’t I rest after I finish the mission, and I still have to guard the monitoring computer.”

“A spaceship base with such strict security, is it still afraid of who It’s not possible to get in. This is in the rain forest no man’s land. Master J is too cautious.”

Seeing that the other four people in the control room have already left, the guardian of the monitoring computer dared to mumble. However, when he turned his head again, he glanced at the warehouse where the prey was stored on the monitoring computer.

“What’s the matter, why did the few prey caught in the morning disappeared.” The black-faced man looked at him for a moment, but at this moment.


Two hands stretched out from behind the black-faced man, the left hand strangling the neck, the right hand covering the mouth, long-term Fighting technique training, Liang Ren’s strength has been Exceed the standard of ordinary adults.

The black-faced man was suddenly strangled, his neck flushed, kicking his feet and making the sound of’wu wu’.

Liang Ren, who saw the cruel and cold-blooded faces of this group of criminals, was no longer soft-hearted this time, and directly let Slowpoke kill him: “Slowpoke, use Psychic to destroy his brain.”

“Ya Duo——”

With Liang Ren’s permission, Levitate Slowpoke in the air, two small meat claws gently stretched out, plum blossom-shaped meat pads are attached to the temples of the black-faced man , The surging Psychic burst out suddenly, destroying the man’s brain in an instant.

“Fix it.”

The black-faced man who has been brain-dead has his eyes full of pain. Although blood is flowing out of the eyes, nostrils, and mouth, it is compared with a chopper. The bloody cut of the carotid artery is undoubtedly much more acceptable to Liang Ren.


Turn off the surveillance cameras of the entire spaceship through the computer in the control room, and place the body of the black-faced man on the chair, looking like from the back a Nothing happened.

Liang Ren didn’t directly disrupt the control room. Now the monitoring has been turned off by him, and 9 people including J are resting in the room again.

Now what Liang Ren has to do is to get rid of the 6 people patrolling outside, 4 people looking for food in the restaurant, and 2 people guarding the warehouse before he dares to let go of his hands and feet to do the next thing. .



“If you are full, the three of you will go back to the control room first. Just after holding your urine, I will go to let the water go. “

“I’ll go too.”

Four full-filled people came out of the dining room. One of them greeted him, turned and walked towards the bathroom not far away. One person passed the bread and canned food in his hand to the other two, and also raised his pants and followed along excitedly.

“Damn, these two guys are getting fatter and fatter. They are usually secretly outside, but now they dare to do it in the base.”

“haha…don’t Excuse them, let’s go back to the control room and guard, otherwise Lord J will come over and see that we are not there. When the time comes, we will suffer.”

In Psychic’s perception, the two coming out of the restaurant face The control room walked, but what the two of them didn’t know was that behind the equipment warehouse in front, a pair of eyes were staring at them through the wall.

“The patrol squad went to the other side, we are ready to do it.”


The two returning to the control room passed the equipment warehouse At this moment, the guard of the prey warehouse had been dealt with, and the one person who had been crouching behind the door for a long time disappeared in an instant.



Kick the knees, strangle the neck, cover the mouth; Confusion grabs the neck with a big hand and lifts it directly.

Liang Ren Slowpoke dealt with one person separately, and by surprise, he directly subdued the two as soon as he appeared.

“Get rid of them.” Liang Ren said.

“Ya duo–” In front of Pokémon, the human body looked extremely weak.

Slowpoke repeated the old trick, and the violent Psychic gushed out of the hands, directly shattering the two brains.

“OK, let’s get two more people.” Drag the two people into the equipment compartment behind them, find Poké Ball and press the middle button three times, so that the Pokémon inside cannot come out.

One person, one pet, Teleport disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already in the bathroom not far from the restaurant.



“His-be quiet.”

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