“ka ka…”

Holding Slowpoke Levitate in midair, the whole body is protected by a sphere-shaped “halved reflection” light shield.

The biting cold air emerged from Cloyster. At this moment, the entire control room was filled with frost and fog, and the freezing sound of ka ka was endless, even overwhelming the sound of the alarm in the aircraft cabin.

ten thousand zhang high The building rises on the ground. Only when the foundation is firmly laid, the high-rise buildings built in the future will not be afraid of wind and rain.

Liang Ren, who understands this principle, has very strict requirements on the breed of the few Pokémons on hand, and strives to be steady and steady at every step, especially when facing bottleneck breakthrough.

Cloyster power within the body has long reached the point where it can be transformed. Liang Ren was not at all eager to break through before. What he pursues is where water flows, a canal is formed.

But even so, after returning from the Orange Islands, after such a long period of accumulation, the flocculent power of Cloyster within the body has now become a mist saturated with water.

Now we are going through the breakthrough again. The dense fog gathers into a ball, and when it is collected and released like a beating heart, only part of the force that escapes has frozen the entire control room into an ice cave.




The alarm in the cabin keeps sounding , The control panel’chi chi’, which was cracked by freezing, flashed with electric Ember.

Jand the others, who was awakened by the forced alarm, are now rushing towards the control room.

I went in and took a look when I passed the prey warehouse. Except for the two dead bodies lying on the ground, the prey captured in the morning was gone.

“Damn it, where did the two patrol teams go. I didn’t find such a big thing as the prey escaped.”

“Go to the control room.”

“Step on…”

Hearing the sound of rapid footsteps from outside the warehouse, Liang Ren holding the Slowpoke remain unmoved, quietly guarding the breakthrough below until the critical moment Cloyster.

The water mist group began to compress by the external force, the first drop of water was formed, and the subsequent decay changes were smooth wind and water without any bottleneck obstacle.

In just a few minutes, 90% of the ice energy of Cloyster within the body has completed the liquefaction and transformation.

In the whole process of power qualitative change, Cloyster’s body continuously released cold air, and the ice in the control room continued to thicken.

The control cabin of this General with nearly 12 square meters, filled with the rapidly thickening ice armor, only a small space of less than 7 square meters is left.

Moreover, the cabin space is still shrinking. If Cloyster keeps releasing its power, the entire cabin will turn into a pile of solid ice within a few minutes.

“Use Fire Element Ability to attack–“

The closed control room engine room door can’t prevent the spread of cold air. The passage outside the warehouse has been completely frozen .

“Hunter J” rushed over with 8 subordinates and was speechless astonished when he saw the scene in front of him. At this time, you don’t need to use your brain to know that someone in the control room is doing sabotage.

J’s eyes were quick, and her cold pretty face was flushed with anger. This invisible spaceship is her mobile base and all her wealth.

She was able to shuttle through various regions and survive under the joint siege of the Alliance search team and the Interpol, relying on this invisible battleship that condenses the most cutting-edge technology of the Pokémon world.

Now someone sneaks into her base and destroys it, even J, a lonely and arrogant woman, can’t sit still at this moment.

“Salamence, Flamethrower.”

“Houndoom, Flamethrower.”

“Houndour, use Flamethrower.”

“Mightyena, Use Flamethrower.”


In the narrow and crowded aisle of the cabin, a crowd of people stepped back and released Pokémon to begin to break through the control room.

The crimson hot pillars of fire spit Up together, and the billowing heat waves are mixed with steam gushing out, and Jand the others who are standing behind quickly stepped back for a while.

However, the steam dissipated, and there was a trace of “Never-Melt Ice” characteristic ice on the control room door. Not at all melted and disappeared completely, which surprised J’s heart.

Originally thought that the one who sneaked into the cabin was a’little thief’, she could easily capture the opponent once she got out of the horse, but now it seems that the opponent is not a nameless person.

As for the sabotage in the cabin, the kid caught in the morning was completely impossible in the eyes of this arrogant woman. The so-called’young genius trainer’ seemed to her to be a joke.

“It is estimated that this mission was noticed by the Alliance or the International Criminal Police, and then a high-level battle strength was dispatched. After being rescued, the kid might have escaped long ago.”

Breaking through, J, who was so angry with his silver teeth and bulging veins, secretly guessed.


“This breakthrough has a lot of loss, you can recover it first.” The roar of Jflustered and exasperated outside came into the ears, in the control room, Liang Ren Still remain unmoved.

Looking at the control room that was almost filled with ice, Liang Ren felt that the whole person had become happy. Since J dared to attack him, he must be psychologically prepared to be Revenge .


Drink a bottle of “Max Potion” and “PP Restorative”. The strength is released too much, and the weakened Cloyster closes his thorns and starts , Go back to the baby ball to rest.

“Next, enjoy the fear of being my Revenge.” Seeing that the ice shell on the hatch had melted, and people outside were about to break in, Liang Ren couldn’t help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.


The cabin door was blasted open by Salamence, and Jand the others filed in behind him, but when he opened his eyes, he didn’t even see the silhouette of a saboteur.

Before guarding next to the surveillance computer, Liang Ren was the first black-faced man killed after he got out of trap. At this moment, he was frozen into an ice sculpture and placed at the gate.

The brain was destroyed, and the black face old man bleeds from his seven orifices, his bloodshot eyes burst open, his expression looks particularly hideous and terrifying, as if he had seen something terrifying before he died.


In the control room frozen into an ice cave, there is a frozen corpse placed three meters away from the entrance, all around there is no trace of saboteurs , Jand the others stopped suddenly, and the whole hair was erected.

“No, it’s definitely not the Alliance search team and the Interpol. Although these guys are hypocritical, they will never act so brutal and terrifying.”

Because of Alliance’s loose sentencing, “Hunter “J” dared to act so rampantly. Now, when he encounters an opponent who ignores Alliance laws and acts more brutal and bloody than her, J felt fear for the first time in his heart.

“If it weren’t for Alliance and Interpol, then who would have trouble with me–” J thought to himself with a confused mind.

The unknown is the most frightening. A person who acts unscrupulously and ignores the law, and also comes and goes like a Ghost, which makes J feel even more frightened.

Quietly exiting the control room, J led his men around the spaceship.

13 corpses hidden in each compartment without a single wound on their bodies, and their deaths are exactly the same.

Food, medicine, weapons and equipment that have disappeared thoroughly.

Strictly secured collection library, the gate has no trace of damage, but the treasures inside are all disappeared.


Who is opponent?

Male or female?

How many people are there in opponent?

An unnamed panic began to brew in the hearts of the rest of the team. This group of Pokemon hunters, who are normally Regardless of the law and of natural morality and murderous, felt fear for the first time.

The fear of death, the fear of the opponent who might be hiding in the dark of the base and watching them.

J panicked———

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